Friday, 31 January 2014

There is no God

There is no God, but that does not mean that I'm an atheist. Certainly I am not a theist - I am saying there is no God - but that does not mean that you jump to the opposite, the atheist.

The atheist says there is no God also, but when I say there is no God, and the atheists like Charvaka, Karl Marx, Lenin, Epicurus.... When these people say there is no God, there is a tremendous difference between my statement and their statement - the statements are absolutely similar - because I say at the same moment that there is godliness.

Charvaka will not agree on that point; Epicurus, Marx, other atheists will not agree on that point.

To them, denying God means denying consciousness. To them, denying God means the world is simply matter and nothing more, and whatever you see as consciousness is only a by-product of certain matter put together, just a by-product. Take those things apart and the by-product disappears.

It is just like a bullock cart: you take the wheels away, you take other parts away, and each time you can ask, "Is this the bullock cart?" When you take the wheels away, certainly the answer will be, "It is not." No part is the whole. You can take, by and by, each part and remove the whole, and no single part was the bullock cart. And in the end you can be asked, "Now where is the bullock cart?

- because we have not removed it; you have never said at any point that the bullock cart has been removed."

'Bullock cart' was only a combination. It had no existence of its own, it was a by-product. That's what Marx means when he says consciousness is an epiphenomenon: remove the body, remove the brain, remove all that constitutes a man's being - you will not find anything like consciousness.

And when you have removed everything, it is not that consciousness will be left behind; it was only a combination. You have taken the combination apart.

So when I say there is no God, I am not agreeing with Marx or Epicurus. I am certainly not agreeing when they say there is God, because they use God as a person.

Now, to think of God as a person is just your imagination. The God of the Chinese has a Chinese face, and the God of the Negroes has a Negro face, and certainly the God of the Jews must have a Jewish nose; it can't be otherwise. And if horses think about God, their God will be a horse. So this is just projection. Giving personality to God is your projection.

When I say there is no God, I am denying personality to God. I am saying God is not, but there is tremendous godliness. That is an impersonal energy, pure energy. To impose any form on it is ugly.

You are imposing yourself on it.

Now, Jesus is calling God 'father'; Jesus must have a certain idea of what 'father' means. He is imposing on God the same idea. Now, there are in India religions which believe not in a father god but in a mother goddess. The statue of their God is of a woman, the most beautiful woman that they can conceive - but it is a Hindu woman. Centuries have been going on, passing; religions have been born, died, disappeared. Their gods have disappeared, naturally.

There is a place in India, Mohenjo Daro... it has been found to be the ancientmost city in the world.

There are seven layers in Mohenjo Daro. It seems that civilization had to face some calamity seven times. When the first layer was found, it was thought that this is all: we have found Mohenjo Daro.

That was determined to be seven thousand years old. But a little more digging and another city was found underneath the first city which must have been ten thousand years old. Then the work continued. The people who were working on the excavation went on digging and city after city....

Seven cities have been found in Mohenjo Daro. The seventh seems to be at least twenty thousand years old. They have temples, they have statues of God. Those civilizations have disappeared; those people have disappeared, their religions have disappeared, their gods have disappeared.

The Christian god will disappear the moment Christianity disappears, the Hindu gods will disappear the moment Hinduism disappears. Do you see what I mean to say? It is your projection. If you go on projecting it, it is there. If you are not there to project it, if the projector is not there, the god disappears.

I am not in favour of such gods, which have been projected by the tiny mind of man. And of course the tiny mind of man is bound to give qualities to God which are its qualities.
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
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jagadeesh krishnan

I have heard:

A famous psychiatrist conducting a university course in psychopathology was asked by a student, "Doctor, you have told us about the abnormal person and his behavior, but what about the normal person?"
The doctor was a little puzzled, and then he said, "In my whole life I have never come across a normal person. But if we ever find him, we will cure him!"

Kabir is really that normal person that you never come across in life, with no desire to be special. When he became enlightened, then too he remained in his ordinary life. He was a weaver; he continued to weave.
His disciples started growing in numbers -- hundreds, and then thousands, and then many more thousands were coming to him. And they will always ask him to stop weaving clothes -- "There is no need. We will take care of you." But he will laugh and he will say, "It is better to continue as God has willed me. I have no desire to be anything else. Let me be whatsoever I am, whatsoever God wants me to be. If he wants me to be a weaver, that's why I am a weaver. I was born a weaver, and I will die as a weaver."
He continued in his ordinary way. He will go to the marketplace to sell his goods. He will carry water from the well. He lived very, very ordinarily. That is one of the most significant things to be understood. He never claimed that he is a man of knowledge -- because no man of knowledge ever claims it. To know is to know that to know is not to know and that not to know is to know. A real man of understanding knows that he does not know at all. His ignorance is profound. And out of this ignorance arises innocence. When you know, you become cunning. When you know, you become clever. When you know, you lose that innocence of childhood.
Kabir says he is ignorant, he does not know anything. And this has to be understood, because this will make the background in your mind for his poetry. From where is this poetry coming? It is coming out of his innocence, flowering out of his innocence. He says he does not know.
Have you ever observed the fact that in life we go on claiming that we know, but we don't know? What do you know? Have you known anything, ever? If I ask why the trees are green, will you be able to answer it? Yes, the best answer that I have heard is from D.H. Lawrence. A small child was walking with him in a garden and the child asked -- as children are prone to ask -- "Why are the trees green?" D.H. Lawrence looked at the trees, looked into the eyes of the child, and said, "They are green because they are green." That's the truest answer ever given. What else can you say? Whatsoever else you say will be foolish; it will not make any sense. You can say trees are green because of chlorophyll, but why is chlorophyll green? The question remains the same. I ask you one question, you give me an answer, but the question is not really answered.
You have lived with a woman for thirty years, and you call her your wife, or with a man, for fifty years; do you know the man or the woman? A child is born to you; do you know him? Have you looked into his eyes? Can you claim that you know him? What do you know? Do you know a piece of rock? Yes, scientists will give many explanations, but they don't become knowledge. They will say electrons and protons and neutrons. But what is an electron? And they shrug their shoulders; they say, "We don't know." They say, "We don't know YET," in the hope that someday they will be able to know. No, they will never be able to know, because first they said, "The rock is made of atoms," and when it was asked what is an atom, they said, "We don't know yet." Then they said, "The atom consists of electrons." Now we ask what is an electron; they say, "We don't know yet." Someday they will say the electron consists of this and that, X, Y, Z; but that doesn't make any difference. The ultimate remains irreducible to knowledge. The ultimate remains a mystery.
If the ultimate is a mystery, then life becomes a life of wonder. If the ultimate is not known, then poetry arises. If the ultimate is known -- or you THINK that it is known -- then philosophy arises. That is the difference between philosophy and poetry.
And Kabir's approach is that of a poet, of a lover, of one who is absolutely wondering what it is all about. Not knowing it, he sings a song. Not knowing it, he becomes prayerful. Not knowing it, he bows down. The poet's approach is not that of explanation. It is that of exclamation. He says, "Aha, Aha! So here is the mystery."
And wherever you find mystery there is God. The more you know, the less you will be aware of God; the less you know, the closer God will be to you. If you don't know anything, if you can say with absolute confidence, "I don't know," if this "I don't know" comes from the deepest core of your being, then God will be in your very core, in the very beat of your heart. And then poetry arises... then one falls in love with this tremendous mystery that surrounds you.
That love is religion. Religion is not after any explanations. Religion is not a quest for the explanation. Rather, it is an exploration of love, a nonending journey into love.
I invite you to come with me into the innermost realm of this madman Kabir. Yes, he was a madman -- all religious people are. Mad, because they don't trust reason. Mad, because they love life. Mad, because they can dance and they can sing. Mad, because to them life is not a question, not a problem to be solved but a mystery into which one has to dissolve oneself.
One thing more about Kabir's approach. He is life-affirmative. That too is an indication of a real man of understanding. There are two types of people in the world: the people who indulge and the people who renounce. They Look opposite to each other but they are not. They are two aspects of the same coin. The people who indulge are continuously frustrated because no indulgence brings you to joy. You can indulge -- you can waste your life, you can waste your opportunity, your energy -- but no enjoyment ever comes out of indulgence. If indulgence could have given joy, then nobody would ever have renounced. People renounce because indulgence fails -- but then they are moving to the other extreme. Thinking that indulgence has not helped, they move to the opposite. They become against life, they become antilife, they become life-negative. They start destroying their being; they become suicidal. These are the two types of people you will find. In the market you will find the people who indulge, and in the monasteries you will find the people who renounce.
Kabir belongs to neither. A real man of understanding is a great synthesis. He knows that it is not a question of indulgence or renunciation; it is a question of awareness. Be in the world, but be with awareness. Don't go anywhere, don't have antagonistic attitudes towards life. Kabir is tremendously life-affirmative. He loved, he had a wife, he had two children, and he lived the life of a householder... and yet was one of the greatest seers of the world. He lived in the world and remained untouched. That's his beauty. He is a lotus flower.
If you go to your so-called mahatmas, they create antagonism towards life; they make you life-negative. They teach you that life is the enemy, it is evil. They make you feel as if God and life are contraries, you can't have both. Kabir says you can have both, because life and God are not enemies. Life is God manifest; God is life unmanifest. God and life are one force, one energy, one movement. When God is not visible he is God;when he becomes visible he is Life. And this goes on continuously -- he becomes visible, he becomes invisible. It is like breathing: you breathe out, you breathe in.
The old Indian scriptures say that existence is when God breathes out, and when God breathes in there is nonexistence. The whole of existence disappears when he breathes in; when he breathes out, the whole of existence appears. It is one breath going in and out. When God breathes out, you are born; when he breathes in, you disappear in death.
But you never leave God. The outgoing breath is as much his as the ingoing breath. And one has to understand this dynamism, this dialectics. Kabir is neither for the world nor for renunciation.
And his assertions are very simple, down to earth. He is not dramatic. He is not a preacher. And he is not worried whether you are impressed by him or not. He simply relates whatsoever he has experienced. He never exaggerates. He never proves his assertions through any logic. He simply asserts; they are pure statements.

Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
my books

Thursday, 30 January 2014

how to deal with fear

How to Deal with Fear -
How best to deal with fear? It affects me variously... From a vague uneasiness or knotted stomach to a dizzying panic, as if the world is ending. Where does it come from? Where does it go?

Osho - It is the same question that I was just answering. All your fears are by-products of identification. You love a woman and with the love, in the same parcel comes fear: she may leave you -- she has already left somebody and come with you. There is a precedent; perhaps she will do the same to you. There is fear, you feel knots in the stomach. You are too much attached.
You cannot get a simple fact: you have come alone in the world; you have been here yesterday also, without this woman, perfectly well, without any knots in the stomach. And tomorrow if this woman goes... what is the need of the knots? You know how to be without her, and you will be able to be without her.
The fear that things may change tomorrow... Somebody may die, you may go bankrupt, your job may be taken away. There are a thousand and one things which may change. You are burdened with fears and fears, and none of them are valid -- because yesterday also you were full of all these fears, unnecessarily. Things may have changed, but you are still alive. And man has an immense capacity to adjust himself in any situation.
They say that only man and cockroaches have this immense capacity of adjustment. That's why wherever you find man you will find cockroaches, and wherever you find cockroaches you will find man. They go together, they have a similarity. Even in faraway places like the North Pole or the South Pole... When man traveled to those places he suddenly found that he had brought cockroaches with him, and they were perfectly healthy and living and reproducing.
If you just look around the earth you can see -- man lives in thousands of different climates, geographical situations, political situations, sociological situations, religious situations, but he manages to live. And he has lived for centuries... things go on changing, he goes on adjusting himself.
There is nothing to fear. Even if the world ends, so what? You will be ending with it. Do you think you will be standing on an island and the whole world will end, leaving you alone? Don't be worried. At least you will have a few cockroaches with you!
What is the problem if the world ends? It has been asked to me many times. But what is the problem? -- if it ends, it ends. It does not create any problem because we will not be here; we will be ending with it, and there will be no one to worry about. It will be really the greatest freedom from fear.
The world ending means every problem ending, every disturbance ending, every knot in your stomach ending. I don't see the problem. But I know that everybody is full of fear.
But the question is the same: the fear is part of the mind. The mind is a coward, and has to be a coward because it doesn't have any substance -- it is empty and hollow, and it is afraid of everything. And basically it is afraid that one day you may become aware. That will be really the end of the world!
Not the end of the world but your becoming aware, your coming to a state of meditation where mind has to disappear -- that is its basic fear. Because of that fear it keeps people away from meditation, makes them enemies of people like me who are trying to spread something of meditation, some way of awareness and witnessing. They become antagonistic to me -- not without any reason; their fear is well-founded.
They may not be aware of it, but their mind is really afraid to come close to anything that can create more awareness. That will be the beginning of the end of the mind. That will be the death of the mind.
But for you there is no fear. The death of the mind will be your rebirth, your beginning to really live. You should be happy, you should rejoice in the death of the mind, because nothing can be a greater freedom. Nothing else can give you wings to fly into the sky; nothing else can make the whole sky yours.
Mind is a prison. Awareness is getting out of the prison -- or realizing it has never been in the prison; it was just thinking that it was in the prison. All fears disappear.
I am also living in the same world, but I have never felt for a single moment any fear because nothing can be taken away from me. I can be killed -- but I will be seeing it happening, so what is being killed is not me, is not my awareness.
The greatest discovery in life, the most precious treasure, is of awareness. Without it you are bound to be in darkness, full of fears. And you will go on creating new fears -- there is no end to it. You will live in fear, you will die in fear, and you will never be able to taste something of freedom. And it was all the time your potential; any moment you could have claimed it, but you never claimed it. It is your responsibility.
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
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Bhadrakali the most commonly worshipped goddess in kerala– Darikajith & Rurujith

According to Markandeya purana ,Bhadrakali emerged from the forehead of Lord Shiva.There are different Sankalpas for Bhadrakali. According to one Sankalpa of idiol the goddess has the head of Daarika and Sword on left hand and Varada and Abhaya on right hand –representing the union of evil and virtue aspect of Universe. The Bhadrakali concept is of two ways –Daarikajith vidhanam and Rurujith Vidhanam. Under Daarikajith the Bhadrakali is installed with the Sankalpa either before killing Daarika or after it. In such temple the moola mantra includes Bala thrayakshari of Sreevidya paddhathi. The principles of Rurujith vidhanam are described in detail in sheshasamuchaya 7,8and 9 patalas. The temples under Rurujith vidhana are very rare and as per the Sankalpa goddess is the fiercest form of Bhadrakali. The silent features of Rurujith vidhana are that it is a combination and embodiment of famous concept adopted as Goddess Kalasankarshani and Mahaartha etc of Kashmir Shaiva marga and also sankalpa of Thripurasundari of Sreevidya paddathi of thantric marga.In such temples moola mantra include Bala navakshari.Tripurasundari mantra and chandakapalini/ChandaYogeswari mantras are also used.

Amba Sahayam

Kali The Terrifying Mother

Kali went on blind destructive rampage.killing everthing and everyone in sight ,regardless of who they are .The god and the people became extremely worried and appealed to Shiva for help. Mahakala (Shiva)agreed and lay himself down, on the path on which furious black naked Kali was coming.In her blinded anger she did not see him and stepped on his chest. At the moment Shivalinga entered Kali . At that instant kali recognized her husband and pulled out her tongue in ecstasy and her anger disappears.

Amba Sahayam
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
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jagadeesh krishnan

Yoni is a Sanskrit word for the womb and not just the vagina and is considered as the Sacred Temple; In Tantra the yoni is also seen as a Yantra, dwelling place of the universal creative energy or Shakti energy

Yoni puja is worship par excellence and by omitting it every other puja is rendered useless. For this present Yuga the part of Sakthi's body worshiped is the Yoni. Thus, Devi is worshiped only with regards to her Yoni.

Artwork by Umadevi Melb. AustraliaIn Tantra, the Yoni is seen from a perspective of love and respect, and that, which will empower all men. To receive her powers, men must learn to worship her with love and reverence

The worshipper has to engage in one-pointed meditation on, or visualization of the adored representation of the Goddess. A religious practice that is still very much alive in present-day India, a Yoni Puja is non-intrusive yet intimate manner of religious worship; a ritual that goes back thousands of years, yet one that is still practiced today.

There are Inner and Outer Pujas, and each of these can occur in either an ordinary or a secret form. Inner, in this context, refers to the fact that the practice is being done by way of visualization. Outer, is visible ritual of one or more persons before an object or by worshipping the yoni in her living form - with the help of a woman. The latter type of Yoni Puja is often performed in mixed groups, although sometimes only women or only men may be attending.

By worshipping the yoni one certainly worships The Mahavidya and Sakthi Maa. Devi is at the base of the yoni and Naganandini is in the yoni. Kali and Tara are in the yoni chakra and Chinnamasta in the hair. Bagalamukhi and Matangi are on the rim of the yoni. Mahalaksmi, Shodashi and Bhuvanesvari are within the yoni.

The five element are present in every substance in different proportions and in gross terms Prithvi (Earth), Apa (water), Agni (fire), Vayu (air) and Akasha (ether). All the factors of diseases, the method of treatment of the diseases can be effectively found from. During Yoni Puja this elements are brought to balance.

During all our certification programs we share the secret of Yoni Yorship
 By k.jagadeesh
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
my books

jagadeesh krishnan

படையை வைத்து ஒடுக்கிவிட்டு ..

2009 ஜனவரி இறுதியில் சிங்கள இராணுவத்திடம் முல்லைத்தீவு வீழ்ந்தது என்ற செய்தி வந்தவுடன் எங்கே தமிழக சட்டமன்றத்தில் அமளி ஏற்படுமோ என்று அஞ்சி முதுகு வலி என்று காரணம் கூறி போரூர் மருத்துவமனைக்கு சென்று படுத்துக்கொண்டார் அன்றைய தமிழக முதல்வர் திமுக தலைவர் கருணாநிதி.

பரிசோதித்த மருத்துவர்கள் சொல்லிகொடுத்தது போலவே 'நாங்கள் பல நாட்களாக முதலமைச்சரை ஓய்வெடுக்க அறிவுறுத்தினோம் ஆனால் அவர் ஓயாமல் உழைத்ததால் அவருக்கு முதுகு வலி வந்துவிட்டது. ஆனால் பயப்பட ஒன்றும் இல்லை, நான்கைந்து நாட்கள் ஓய்வெடுத்துவிட்டு வீடு திரும்பலாம்' என பத்திரிகையாளரிடம் கூறினர்.

இந்த சமயத்தில் வந்ததுதான் முத்துகுமார் வடித்த நான்கு பக்க கடிதம். தமிழனின் எதிர்கால உலக அரசியல் முதல் புறங்கை நக்கியவரின் கடந்தகால உள்ளூர் அரசியல் வரை வரிக்கு வரி வார்த்தைக்கு வார்த்தை தன் அரசியல் அறிவைக்கொண்டு வடித்திருந்தான்.

தமிழகத்தில் அப்துல் ரவூப் முதல் 'நாம் தமிழர்' மணி வரை தொடரும் ஈகையர்களின் பட்டியல் நீண்டுக்கொண்டிருக்க காரணம் தமிழர்களுக்கு எதிராக நிலவும் அரசியல் சூழலை எதிர்க்க நம்பிக்கை கொடுக்கத் தவறிய அரசியல் தலைவர்களின் இயலாமை. ஆனால் முத்துகுமார் இந்த ஈகையர்களின் பட்டியலில் மாறுபட்டவன். போராட்டக்காரர்களுக்கு பாதை காட்டிய ஒளி.

70 வருட அரசியல் தந்திரத்தைக் கொண்டு முத்துக்குமாரை அவசரவசரமாக எரியூட்டினார் முதலமைச்சர் கருணாநிதி. கொதித்தெழுந்த மாணவர்களைக் கண்டு கல்லூரிகளுக்கு காலவரையற்ற விடுமுறை விட்டார். 'புறங்கையை நக்கியவனே' என்ற முத்துகுமாரின் பேனா மையின் வெப்பத்தை தாளாமல் '5 நாட்களில் வீடு திரும்புவார்' என்ற அறிவிப்புடன் போரூர் மருத்துவமனையில் அனுமதிக்கப்பட்ட கருணாநிதி 300 சதுரஅடி அறைக்குள் ஏறக்குறைய 35 நாட்கள் பதுங்கியிருந்தார்.

'ஐயோ ஈழத்தில் உயிர்கள் ஆயிரக்கணக்கில் போகுதே காப்பாற்றுங்கள்' என வீதிக்கு வந்து போராடியவர்களை தன்னுடைய காவல் படையை வைத்து ஒடுக்கிவிட்டு இன்று சுபவீ மற்றும் வீரமணிக்கு பின்னால் ஒளிந்துகொண்டு 'டெசோ' மாநாட்டை டெல்லியில் நடத்துகிறார். அண்மைச் செய்தி - காங்கிரசும் டெசோவில் கலந்து கொள்கிறது. டெசோ மாநாட்டில் ராஜபக்சே கலந்துகொள்வார் என்ற செய்தி வந்தாலும் ஆச்சர்யம் ஏதும் இல்லை. துரோகம் !





[She asks: How can I go to school in physics and work on my heart?]

You can — there’s no problem, not at all. You can be a scientist; there’s no problem in it. It becomes destructive only when you are only a scientist and you don’t have any dimension of meditation in you. Then it is destructive. Otherwise it can be very creative because it gives power.

Knowledge is power, but that power becomes creative in the hands of those who are at ease with themselves, who are no more neurotic, but calm and quiet and blissful — then it becomes creative. If you are neurotic, then any power that falls into your hands is going to be destructive. A mad person is good when he is powerless.

So it depends… it depends on you. It does not depend on science.

Physics can be tremendously beneficial to the world, but the physicist has to be a totally different type of man.

If you want to be a physicist, become a physicist, but go on growing in your inner being. Then nothing is harmful and everything can be used for something good. Become good, and whatsoever you do will be good. It is not a question of doing good — it is a question of being good.

But be here for a few weeks. Meditate, and then we will see. If you Still have the idea to continue, good.

If the idea has disappeared, then there is no need to bother about it. Just be open. Whatsoever happens — and if you feel good about it — do it.

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