Monday, 28 July 2014


I have much to say about darkness, because nobody has taken notice of the mystery that darkness is.
Much has been said about light, almost nothing about darkness. But darkness is a much deeper phenomenon than light is. Light comes and goes -- darkness remains; it never comes, it never goes. Light is not eternal, because it needs fuel, some kind of fuel, and the fuel will be exhausted sooner or later. Darkness needs no fuel, no cause; hence darkness is not an effect and can remain eternally there.
In the morning, you see the sun arises and there is light; in the evening the sun sets, the light disappears, and suddenly all over there is darkness. It does not mean that when the sun disappears, darkness comes in. It has been there all the time; just because of the light you could not see it. How can one see darkness while light is there? The light prevented your vision.
So anytime just close your eyes and darkness is there. Anytime just blow out the candle and
darkness is there.
Gautam Buddha is perhaps the only man who, for the ultimate state of consciousness, has chosen a word which can be interpreted as darkness; otherwise all the religions have talked about light, forgetting completely that light is not eternal, and if you are light, you are also not eternal. Light is dependent on something, it is caused by something.
Gautam Buddha has called his ultimate state of being, nirvana. Even Buddhists have not thought of it as darkness, because the very word produces bad associations in us. But nirvana means exactly "darkness"; literally it means blowing out the candle. So for twenty-five centuries Buddhists have been using the literal meaning "blowing out the candle." But what does it mean? Blowing out the candle, what remains then? Eternal, deathless, abysmal darkness.
Feeling yourself full of light may be again an ego trip. Feeling yourself identified with light, you may be simply changing your identity -- but the ego remains. But blowing out the candle is blowing away the ego; and the vast darkness is bound to create in you a similar vastness of humility, humbleness, egolessness. So I love the word.
I always see light as a disturbance, and darkness as silence. But centuries of continuously fearing darkness... because it became associated with the time when man was living in jungles. The night was the most dangerous time. In the day somehow he managed to protect himself from the wild animals; he managed to kill them for his own food. But in the night he was absolutely helpless. Darkness all around, he was a victim. Any animal was capable of destroying him. In the day he could have managed to escape, to climb a tree or do something, but in darkness he was simply in the hands of wild death. So it was very easy to get a deep association between darkness and death.
All the religions depict death as darkness and life as light. It is simply the experience of man in the past when he lived in the jungles. That experience has molded his language, given it meanings. And he has not yet been able to clean those words again -- because now he is not living in jungles, but still there is a certain reason why he continues to be afraid of darkness.
When there is light you are not alone, you can see everybody else. If suddenly the light goes off, the others may be there still, may not be; one thing is certain, you feel lonely. You are no more associated with the crowd. The crowd gives you a certain security, safety, a certain warmth, and you feel that you are not alone. Any danger -- so many people are with you. But in darkness suddenly you are lonely, nobody is with you.
And man has not learned yet to know the beauties of his loneliness. He is always hankering for some relationship, to be with someone -- with a friend, with a father, with a wife, with a husband, with a child... with someone.
He has created societies, he has created clubs -- the Lion's Club, the Rotary Club. He has created parties -- political, ideological. He has created religions, churches. But the basic need of all is to forget somehow that you are alone. Being associated with so many crowds, you are trying to forget something which in darkness suddenly is remembered -- that you were born alone, that you will die alone, that whatever you do, you live alone. Aloneness is something so essential to your being, there is no way to avoid it.
You can befool yourself and deceive yourself; you can pretend that you are not alone -- you have a wife, you have children, you have friends -- but it is all pretension. You know and everybody knows that the wife is alone as much as you are alone, and two alonenesses joined together do not change the situation; instead they make it worse.
As I see it, why lovers are continuously fighting -- there may be thousand other reasons, but those reasons are superficial. The basic reason is that they had chosen the other as a beloved, as a lover, to destroy their loneliness -- and it has not happened. On the contrary, the presence of the other makes them more aware of their loneliness.
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
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APRIL 3, 2014

Thursday, 17 July 2014

7 Undeniable Reasons to Focus on Making Yourself Happy

7 Undeniable Reasons to Focus on Making Yourself Happy

Undeniable Reasons to Focus on Making Yourself Happy
Every person makes this world wonderful and happy. It is important to struggle for happiness, but you should start with yourself. You should change your negative vision of the world and control your emotions and feelings. It turns out that happiness doesn’t depend on external factors, but it has a direct connection with your inner feeling of contentment. Remember that it is possible and quite easy to be happy being yourself. However, if you don’t learn to accept who you are, you will never grow as a person. Read on these reasons and I hope your life will be colored by new and pleasant changes.

1. No one knows what you feel inside

No one can penetrate your mind and understand how you feel and how you are doing. People around can just suppose these things. If you know yourself, then why not make yourself happy by meeting your own needs? If everyone finds happiness in themselves, this world will be full of happy people.

2. You are responsible for your happiness

Let me ask you a question, “Who is responsible for your happiness?” The answer is YOU. Only you have total control over your happiness. Nowadays it’s easy to believe you are trapped without choices and you are somehow at the mercy of everyone and everything around you. The truth is that we always have a choice to change our life and circumstances for better. If something in your life makes you feel despondent, then you should change it, because everything is up to you in your life.

3. You know what happiness is to you

Surely, everyone has the picture of happiness in mind. Someone sees happiness in money; others can be happy enjoying the beauty of nature or playing with a funny kitten. Maybe it makes you happy to sit on the beach and watch the sunset. If you have the aim and make appropriate efforts, you will certainly succeed and feel yourself happy.

4. You care only about yourself

In fact, all people care about themselves more than about others. They often find tiring to care for someone more than they care about themselves. Every person tries to be more in touch with their needs. That’s why you should try to improve yourself, if you really want to be happy. You are responsible for your happiness and you shouldn’t wait until someone will make your life a miracle.

5. Finding your own joy is wondrous

Once I asked an old man how to become happy and he shared a small secret of life with me. The power to decide to be happy is one of the most important things in your life. Those who have made such a discovery in their life are happy. It’s important to find your own joy and let yourself be free of bad thoughts and feelings. Many people spend the whole life understanding and realizing this truth.

6. You have one life

Mae West once said an interesting thing, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” You have all chances to feel happy. You have a choice to live the only life the way you like. There’s no time for negative emotions and misery. There are so many marvelous places to visit and so many positive emotions to experience. You should realize that it’s necessary to risk and face difficult situations, because it’s very difficult to struggle for happiness. It usually requires strong will to survive and move on in spite of everything. You should always remember that life is beautiful.
7. You’ll become a nice person
I think it is easy to notice a happy person in the crowd, because happiness usually changes people in many aspects. Happy people often smile, have bright eyes and think positively. Moreover, it’s a great pleasure to communicate with such people. When you try to make yourself happy, you make people around you feel better at the same time.
There are many reasons for you to become happy. The main thing is your sincere desire to feel this state. I hope this article will inspire you to improve yourself and change your life for better. Do you find yourself happy? What is happiness for you and how to reach it?
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
Web: /s/ref=nb_sb_noss/378-4986394-6216105?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&url=search- alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jagadeesh+krishnan
my books
11:18AM | URL:
APRIL 3, 2014