Saturday 22 November 2014

7 Things to Remember When You Start a New Relationship

7 Things to Remember When You Start a New Relationship

Things to Remember When You Start a New Relationship
It feels so exciting when you fall in love and start a new relationship! New relationships are about hope, some expectations and fresh feelings. But sometimes a new relationship collapses when they hardly starts. I’ve been thinking about all my relationships, both successful and not so successful, and I’ve come to the conclusion that a good start determines the further outcome of your relationship. When you just start dating someone it’s very easy to make mistakes and scary the person away. Sure, every relationship is highly individual and unique, but here some universal tips to remember when you start a new relationship.

1. Don’t pursue your boyfriend

I always found it difficult. When I fall in love with someone I want to spend every second with this person to get to know him better. I become literally obsessed with the guy and it’s often the main cause of all my unsuccessful relationships. Such an excessive attention is the sure way to frighten the person off. Try to avoid calling him every hour or typing romantic messages if you’ve just started dating. Guys love when a girl can take the first step, but they cannot stand when the girl is persistent or even annoying. On the other hand, try not to hold him back. Avoid these two extremes and find the golden mean in your communication.

2. Don’t pretend to be someone else

When you like someone it’s natural that you want reciprocity. You want to gain the person’s approval and try hard to correspond to his expectations and preferences. However, you cannot make a different version of yourself. Sooner or later you’ll get tired to play this game and when he gets to know your true self, it’ll break your partner’s heart. When you pretend to be someone else, your guy cannot appreciate your real personality. If you know that your guy loves blue-eyed blondes, but you have beautiful brown tresses, you shouldn’t even think to dye your hair color! Try to be honest and open from the very beginning.

3. Your new boyfriend isn’t your previous one

Never ever try to compare your current boyfriend with your previous ones. Moreover, you should never discuss your previous relationships with your guy. It’s the easiest way to make him suspicious and jealous about all your male friends, which will surely lead to a breakdown. This rule works both ways. While you should keep silent about your previous guys, try not to ask him about his girlfriends as well. You don’t really need to know the person’s past to get to know him better. While dating him you’ll have plenty of opportunities to see everything with your own eyes.

4. Avoid being too fast

You’ve just started dating, but you’re already imagining your wedding and a happy family with 3 kids and a dog. Wait for a second, aren’t you too fast? Don’t cherish illusions as for your common future; everything is very uncertain at the beginning of your relationship and you still need a lot of time to explore each other. If you hint that you have some plans as for your future, be sure your relationship won’t go too far. I’ve noticed that most of my successful relationships occurred when I thought I had no chances with the guy. Remember that your relationship should develop its natural way. Your boyfriend shouldn’t tell you ‘I love you’ on the third date.

5. Don’t be the center of attention

When you want to impress your new boyfriend, you can go too far boasting about your personality, interests, hobbies or whatever else. However, you can get too tiresome and boring. Instead, try to talk about his personality. Take an interest in his work, hobbies, family and past. When he’s talking about something, be a careful and active listener. Guys will never tell you that, but they like to be complimented! Compliments will raise his self-esteem and dignity. Say some kind words about his achievements or personal qualities.

6. Don’t gather information

If you have common friends, don’t try to question them about your boyfriend. This is of crucial importance when it comes to his previous girls and relationships. If your guy finds out that (be sure he’ll find out), you will have a great difficulty trying to explain the situation to him. You shouldn’t rely on his social accounts either. What the person pretends to be online and what the person actually is are two totally different things. The best way to understand your partner is communication and spending time together.

7. Don’t be a perfectionist

Many relationships fail simply because you expect too much from the person. Several years ago I composed the list of features I expected from my potential boyfriend. There were nearly fifteen traits of character, if I’m not mistaken. No wonder all my relationships collapsed very soon since I was too high-maintenance and any man could hardly satisfy my needs. However, I’ve realized that I’m not ideal either, so it’s rather dishonest to expect perfection from someone else. Both of you are human beings and it’s natural that you have some shortcomings and imperfections.
A new relationship always gives you a chance to start everything anew. Even though the outcome of your relationship depends on many factors, you can still do a lot to make a good start. Follow the aforementioned tips if you want to start a successful relationship and get married. What are some lessons you’ve learned from your past relationships?
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
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10 Reasons You Deserve to Be Happy This New Year

10 Reasons You Deserve to Be Happy This New Year

Reasons You Deserve to Be Happy This New Year
With the New Year coming up fast, it’s time for you to start thinking about your goals and dreams for 2015. Focusing on things that make you happy should be a high priority. Unfortunately, some people don’t feel that they deserve to have a good life. Nothing could be further from the truth. You do deserve to be happy. Remember, happy people always choose happiness, so why not become one of them? Here are ten reasons why you deserve to be happy this new year.

1. You’ve dealt with a lot in life

You've dealt with a lot in life
Everyone has their own struggle and if you’re wondering if you should be happy, chances are yours is one of the tougher ones. While everyone should have a chance at happiness, those who have been through a rough time may not feel like they should. Maybe the current year is not successful, but the new year gives you a great chance to become happier and improve your life. Don’t miss this chance!

2. You are busy working

You are busy working
Life is anything but simple. Trying to balance work, school, family and more can be tough and frustrating. You deserve to find some happiness in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In the coming year, break the habit of spending your evenings at work. Money should never be your priority. I believe that people don’t need to earn lots of money to be happy. Your health, your family and your inner peace are those things that matter most.

3. It’s hard to keep going if you don’t motivate yourself

It's hard to keep going if you don't motivate yourself
Working and pushing yourself constantly is usually motivated by a specific goal. In most cases, that goal is something that will make you happy. Whether you are aiming to run a marathon or get a raise, the hard work you put in will be worth it. Just make sure you set achievable goals and believe in yourself. Confidence is very important here.

4. You do things to make other people happy

You do things to make other people happy
We live in a cruel world full of rude and unhappy people. Don’t become one of them. Keep a positive attitude and be kind to everyone, even your enemies. Also, consider volunteering all year round. When you smile at a waiter, give change to the homeless or just help a friend move, you’re making other people’s lives better. It may be a small thing, but it makes a big difference. Why shouldn’t you have the same?

5. When you appreciate life, good things will come your way

When you appreciate life, good things will come your way
Call it the Law of Attraction or just positive thinking, but appreciation goes a long way. When you live your life to the fullest, you will reap the benefits. The cycle continues, with positive reinforcement. If you will keep telling that you are the most miserable person in the world, you will never become happy. Nourish your positive attitude each day and stay grateful for all things you have in your life.

6. You need a boost

You need a boost
Life has its ups and downs and if you are coming out of a down, it’s high time you had a positive boost. This new year, you can be happy again. It may not be the easiest thing in the world, but happiness will take you a long ways. Keep a gratitude journal or read some inspirational quotes each day. This will help keep your spirits high and achieve more life-changing goals.

7. You’ll be more productive and successful

You'll be more productive and successful
Studies have shown that happy people tend to do better in life and work. That makes sense if you consider that your attitude affects how people perceive you. The people who are watching could be the ones who are in a position to offer you a job or a raise. So if you want to get a promotion, you should definitely stay positive and happy no matter what.

8. You’ll live longer

You'll live longer
Did you know that happiness is a factor in life expectancy? It may not be the only factor, but even if you die young, you will enjoy your life to the fullest until then. Make every day count and you’ll love your life, whether you live another eighty years or not. Don’t forget about healthy diet and regular workouts. They play a crucial role in your life expectancy too.

9. It will help your relationship

It will help your relationship
Whether you have a partner or not, you should be happy. No one really wants to be in a relationship with someone who is always down. When you’re happy, you’ll find that your relationships improve. If you have someone who has stuck by you through thick and thin, you both deserve to be happy. Spend more time together and enjoy every single day of your lives.

10. You are alive

You are alive
It may not be the perfect life, but you have something that many people have been denied. For this reason alone, you should be happy. Life is a reason to be thankful. Be grateful for how lucky you are to enjoy this beautiful world. Enjoy every thing and opportunity that life offers you and be thankful for that.
Now that you know you deserve to be happy, what can you do to ensure that you really are? Start by smiling more and writing down the things you are grateful for each day
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
Web: /s/ref=nb_sb_noss/378-4986394-6216105?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&url=search- alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jagadeesh+krishnan
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Friday 21 November 2014

jagadeesh krishnan psychologist and international author

"Buddha himself and his all teaching were always meant for everyone and all beings…and not to own self only"

As you must be aware that we are in with Buddhist Tales for Young and Old… by Most Venerable Kurunegoda Piyatissa.

And today we are with Prince Five-Weapons and Sticky-Hair (The Diamond Weapon) 

Once upon a time, the Enlightenment Being was born as the son of the King and Queen of Benares. On the day of his naming, 800 fortune tellers were invited to the palace. As presents, they were given whatever they desired to make them happy for the moment. Then they were asked to tell the fortune of the newborn prince. This was so they could find a good name for him. 

One of the fortune tellers was an expert in reading the marks on the body. He said, "My lord, this is a being of great merit. He will be king after you."
The fortune tellers were very clever. They told the king and queen whatever they wanted to hear. They said, "Your son will be skilled in five weapons. He will become famous as the greatest master of all five weapons throughout India." Based on this, the king and queen named their son 'Prince Five-Weapons'.
When the prince turned 16, the king decided to send him to college. He said, "Go, my son, to the city of Takkasila. There you will find a world famous teacher. Learn all you can from him. Give him this money as payment." He gave him a thousand gold coins and sent him on his way.

The prince went to the world famous teacher of Takkasila. He studied very hard and became his best pupil. When the teacher had taught him all he knew, he gave the prince a special graduation award. He gave him five weapons. Then he sent him back to Benares.

On his way home he came to a forest which was haunted by a monster. The local people warned Prince Five-Weapons, "Young man, don't go through the forest. There is a monstrous demon called Sticky-Hair living there. He kills everyone he sees!"

But the prince was self-confident and fearless like a young lion. So he pushed on into the forest, until he came to the dreadful monster. He was as tall as a tree, with a head as big as the roof of a house and eyes as big as dishes. He had two big yellow tusks sticking out of his gaping white mouth filled with ugly brown teeth. He had a huge belly covered with white spots, and his hands and feet were blue.

The monster roared and growled at the prince, "Where are you going in my forest, little man? You look like a tasty morsel to me. I'm going to gobble you up!"
The prince had just graduated from college and had won the highest award from his teacher. So he thought he knew just about everything, and that he could do just about anything. He replied, "Oh fierce demon, I am Prince Five-Weapons, and I have come on purpose to find you. I dare you to attack me! I will kill you easily with my first two weapons - my bow and poison-tipped arrows."

Then he put a poison arrow in his bow and shot it straight at the monster. But the arrow just stuck fast to his hair, like glue, without hurting him at all. Then the prince shot, one after another, all the rest of his 50 poison-tipped arrows. But they also stuck fast to the hair of the one called Sticky-Hair.

Then the beast shook his body, from ugly rooftop-sized head to blue coloured feet. And all the arrows fell harmlessly to the ground.

Prince Five-Weapons drew his third weapon, a 33-inch-long sword. He plunged it into his enemy. But it just stuck fast in the thick coat of sticky hair. He threw his fourth weapon, his spear, at the monster. But this too just stuck to his hair.

Next he attacked with the last of his five weapons, his club. This also stuck fast onto Sticky-Hair.

Then the prince yelled at him, "Hey you, monster - haven't you ever heard of me, Prince Five-Weapons? I have more than just my five weapons. I have the strength of my young man's body. I will break you in pieces!"

He hit Sticky-Hair with his right fist, just like a boxer. But his hand just stuck to the hairy coat, and he couldn't remove it. He hit him with his left fist, but this too just stuck fast to the gooey mess of hair. He kicked him with his right foot and then his left, just like a martial arts master. But they both stuck onto him like his fists. Finally he butted him as hard as he could with his head, just like a wrestler. But, lo and behold, his head got stuck as well.

Even while sticking to the hairy monster in five places, hanging down from his coat, the prince had no fear.

Sticky-Hair thought, "This is very strange indeed. He is more like a lion than a man. Even while in the grasp of a ferocious monster like me, he does not tremble with fear. In all the time I've been killing people in this forest, I've never met anyone as great as this prince. Why isn't he afraid of me?"
Since Prince Five-Weapons was not like ordinary men, Sticky-Hair was afraid to eat him right away. Instead he asked him, "Young man, why aren't you afraid of death?"

The prince replied, "Why should I be afraid of death? There is no doubt that anyone who is born will definitely die!"

Then the Enlightenment Being thought, "The five weapons given to me by the world famous teacher have been useless. Even the lion-like strength of my young man's body has been useless. I must go beyond my teacher, beyond my body, to the weapon inside my mind - the only weapon I need."

The prince continued speaking to Sticky-Hair, "There's one small detail, oh monstrous one, I haven't told you about yet. In my belly is my secret weapon, a diamond weapon you cannot digest. It will cut your intestines into pieces if you are foolish enough to swallow me. So if I die - you die! That's why I'm not afraid of you."

In this way the prince used his greatest inner strength in a way Sticky-Hair could easily understand. He knew this greatest of all weapons, the one inside his mind, was the precious diamond gem of his own intelligence.

Sticky-Hair thought, "No doubt this fearless man is telling the truth. Even if I eat as much as a pea-sized tidbit of such a hero, I won't be able to digest it. So I will let him go." Fearing his own death, he set Prince Five-Weapons free.
He said, "You are a great man. I will not eat your flesh. I let you go free, just like the moon that reappears after an eclipse, so you may shine pleasantly on all your friends and relatives."

The Enlightenment Being had learned from his battle with the monster Sticky-Hair. He had learned the only worthwhile weapon is the intelligence inside, not the weapons of the world outside. And with this diamond weapon he also knew that destroying life brings only suffering to the killer.

In gratitude, he taught the unfortunate demon. He said, "Oh Sticky-Hair, you have been born as a murderous blood sucking flesh eating demon because of unwholesome deeds in your past. If you continue killing in this way, it will lead only to suffering for you - both in this life and beyond. You can only go from darkness to darkness.

"Now that you have spared me, you won't be able to kill so easily. Hear this - destroying life leads to misery in this world, and then rebirth in a hell world, or as an animal or a hungry ghost. Even if you were lucky enough to be reborn as a human being, you would have only a short life!"

Prince Five-Weapons continued to teach Sticky-Hair. Eventually the monster agreed to follow the Five Training Steps. In his way he transformed him from a monster into a friendly forest fairy. And when he left the forest, the prince told the local people about the change in the one-time demon. From then on they fed him regularly and lived in peace.

Prince Five-Weapons returned to Benares. Later he became king. Finally he died and was reborn as he deserved.

The moral is: The only weapon you need is hidden inside you
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
Web: /s/ref=nb_sb_noss/378-4986394-6216105?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&url=search- alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jagadeesh+krishnan
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Monday 3 November 2014

JagadeeshKrishnan: Essential Tips for Looking Great Without Makeup

JagadeeshKrishnan: Essential Tips for Looking Great Without Makeup: 7 Essential Tips for Looking Great Without Makeup Many women think that makeup is the only way to look gor...

Essential Tips for Looking Great Without Makeup

7 Essential Tips for Looking Great Without Makeup

Many women think that makeup is the only way to look gorgeous each day. While makeup is great and fun, you don’t have to wear it daily in order to look more beautiful. Each day we spend so much time and energy in front of the mirror applying makeup, without realizing how beautiful we are without all the eyeshadows, mascaras and foundations we applied. Going makeup free will save you a lot of time and money, and will improve your skin tone and make it look more radiant. Here are seven essential tips for looking great without makeup every single day.

1. Wash your face every morning and every night
If you want to look great without makeup, you should always wash your face every morning and every night. Maybe it sounds obvious, but believe it or not, many women don’t wash their faces in the morning and that’s a huge mistake. Washing your face morning and night will help ward off acne and will make your skin look more radiant.

2. Use a gentle cleanser
A harsh cleanser strips the skin cells and can make your skin look ruddy and dry, so it’s important to wash your face with a more gentle cleanser. Try to find a cleanser which is hypo-allergenic, non-comedogenic, and make sure it works with your skin type. It’s one of the surefire ways to look great without makeup.

3. Use the right facial moisturizer
You need to use a facial moisturizer right after washing to keep your skin looking healthy and young. Unfortunately, lots of moisturizers can cause your skin to become more oily and shiny, and can even break it out. It can be hard to choose the right moisturizer, but a good facial moisturizer is the key to a beautiful, radiant skin. Look for a facial moisturizer with SPF of 30 to protect your skin from harsh sun’s rays.

4. Use Vaseline instead of mascara
I know it sounds weird, but using Vaseline instead of mascara is a tried and tested way to look more beautiful without any makeup. Simply apply a little bit of Vaseline to your lashes to make them glow without applying mascara. If you wear mascara, try to use Vaseline to take it off. Vaseline is much gentler than many eye makeup removers.

5. Use coconut oil instead of store-bought lip balm
While you can use coconut oil to remove your makeup, you can also use it as lip balm. Most store-bought lip balms contain chemicals that can dry your lips out and can even cause them to appear dull and lifeless. Just a little bit of coconut oil will help keep your lips more hydrated and heal any dry cracked areas. Why not give your lips a fresh, healthy glow with coconut oil?

6. Don’t pluck your eyebrows too much
Sure, you need to keep your eyebrows under control, but make sure you don’t pluck them too much. You need to tweeze only obvious stray hairs above and below the eyebrow without going into the actual eyebrow shape itself. Even if you have thick eyebrows, you don’t have to pluck them into oblivion, instead embrace them and don’t try to change them completely.

7. Eat healthy
When you have a healthy skin, you don’t need any makeup. The foods you eat daily play a vital role in the health of your skin so make sure you stick to a healthy diet. First of all, try to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your daily diet. There are also a few healthy foods that can give you a great skin if you consume them regularly. Eating healthy is one of the most essential tips to follow when you are trying to look more beautiful without makeup.

Looking beautiful without makeup is not as difficult as you think. Small changes to your skincare routine can bring fantastic results! What are your secrets to looking great without makeup?
Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.







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