Friday 26 February 2016

I am Selling the Enlightenment at Free of Cost. By Ancient Tantra Techniques

I am Selling the Enlightenment at Free of Cost.
By Ancient Tantra Techniques
This book is dedicated by My Brother son who was Missed at Colombian Sea, 11 th December 2014
He is works as the Second officer at ANGLO ESTERN SHIPPING CORPORATION Atlantic Breeze Ship. His Name is K.J. Vaishnava Prasath. Anybody who have any information about him, they get my any one book total Royalties. And also dedicated whom tolerant my all lunaticness, and supported my life time, because every human born with some lunaticness, but nobody does not supported them, therefore they are in asylum, but remain I am in home, that means they some have accepted my lunaticness. First place My father and Mother, my Brothers, Sister, my Friends. And also I dedicated this book who livings in the planet of the earth, and suffering the name of the religious wars, communal wars, war crises. They also human being let them live with peace. Do not disturb them in the name of religious wars, communal wars, national wars, and war crises. And also dedicated this books for all females, who suffering this male chauvinist, they also equal part of this planet of earth, they also treated as equally. This only aim for my all books.
சத்த முதல் ஐந்துந் தன்வழித் தான்சாரில்
சித்துக்குச் சித்தன்றி சேர்விடம் வேறுண்டோ
சுத்த வெளியிற் சுடா஢ற் சுடர்சேரும்
அத்தம் இதுகுறித் தாண்டுகொள் அப்பிலே.
Satha muthal ienthuinth thanvazhith thaansaaril
Sitthuikku sitthandri searvidam verundoa
Suttha velizhir sudarai surdarserum
Attham ethukruithith thaandukol appilea.
(Thirumoolar Thiru Mandiram)
Table of the content
Chapter 1. What is the real things of bondages which is destructing the enlightenment. Page:17.
Chapter 2. Monisha Meditation Techniques -1
Page: 40.
Chapter 3. Monisha Meditation Techniques -2
Page: 114.
Chapter 4. Monisha Mediation Techniques -3
Chapter 5. Monisha Mediation Techniques – 4
Chapter 6. Monisha Meditation Techniques -5
Chapter 7. Monisha Meditation Techniques -6
Chapter 8. This is May be the Conclusion. Page: 342.
What really human needs ? Enlightenment or peaceful life? If they really need the peaceful life then, why they always thinking that, or talking about the wars? What is the interest to making the war? War against whom? Human race against human race ? what is the purpose on this? If they really wanted peace then, why they fights? Peace is always be here, then what is the need to fight for peace? They says himself it’s the holy war? Or its holy shit? What kind of the holy war is this? Human against human race? When I seen this things it’s amazing to me. Really any normal person does not like any war or fight against their own race. Race means human race am not indicating any separated race. What they called the religions, cast, nations, communal, sects or anything’s is not race. It’s all illness, pure psychological disorders. Human is imperfect, they evaluating, every seconds. But these religions when comes, they discriminate this evaluation. Really human need these religions? Or anything’s? no never they need any religions or anything’s. but unfortunately the all human race programmed by any one of the religions or religions moral, and ideas. This is the biggest hindrance of the human evaluations. If you aware about yourself then, these religions dissolves itself automatically. But unfortunately no one having the guts to come out off this. This is the situation of the human race. Then how can they get the enlightenment? That is not possible. But I don’t need anyone who is hanging over this religions, or cults or morals or ideas, or dogmas, or something’s like this. I am not gathering the followers, or I am not creating any religions or ideas or morals or dogmas or anything’s, I am here given the pure practices, which is gives you the insight, that insight will lead you, what really you needs, how can move further more. How to get the enlightenment etc., because I am not wanted any mass, I need the individual, not group or any things like this or any followers. Only I need the individuals. Pure individuals. If any one of the individuals, wanted to taste the enlightenment, they only practices, these any one of the practices, that is enough, and one things you remember that, this is not the end solution to give you the enlightenment, it’s the way or path or key, if you find the key or path or way, then you have to move further more, individually, that ways lead you the enlightenment. I am not given the home. I am here showing the way to the home.
Always peoples says that I am talking against all the religions, why you are talking against all the religions? I am says that, if any things will bonded any one persons, individuality, I am against that things, therefore I am against all the religions. I am not against any individuals.
And also all are asking to me why you are always supported the females? I am says that, I am not supported the females or males, I am supported the individual, I need the individuals freedoms, if any part of the body will affected then the eyes are tearing, why? That means the eyes supported only one part? Or whole? If you wanted the freedom, then, respect the freedom of others, if you predominated one another part of the human race then, how can you move further more. That is not possible, therefore you must given the freedom to another part of the human race that is females. If you are not free them then how can you reached the enlightenment?. This universe is mend both male and females are unique. But you are not respected the another part of this universal, than how can you find the enlightenment. If you need the enlightenment, then you don’t predominate females. Otherwise you never reached the enlightenment. Because they are also the part of these universe. If you respect and given the equality, (the equality means I am not sayings the outer things, I am indicating the inner things) then they free to you, then you will get the enlightenment. Otherwise this is not possible. Therefore I am always respected or supported the females. Because they are equally part of this universe. If you given the freedom or don’t try to predominant then you will become free. Otherwise you never become free. You will never get the enlightenments. Therefore I am says or I am always supported the females. Without any condition I am always supported the females. Why because I need the freedom of both.
Chapter 1
What is the real things of bondages which is destructing the enlightenment.
What is the real things of bondages which is destructing the enlightenment.
Really none of the things will become a bondages you, to move further, but unfortunately the programmed mind always works with the old concepts. Really human mind why Carrey these things?, why because of the fear. What type of the fear is this? Really this is fear or unconscious feeding? How can we overcome these things? This is possible? Or impossible? These type of the lot of the questions will arises. When will this questions arises, the answer is, because of the religions. All the religions basically cut the roots of the enlightenments, in the name of the moralities, or rules and regulation or heavens and hell, good and bad, god and evil, sin and virtue. These type of the things, are basically biological oriented one, but the all religions cut the basic things, that is the Sex. Or contaminated the sex and sex acts. And says that this is the first sin or something like. What kind of the sin is this? Really no human escape from these, if he/she is impotent or mentally retarded or mentally ill or mental disorder or something’s like, they having sick minded, then these things happened, otherwise not happened. No real potential human being does not escape from these. Because this is the nature one, if all human born with these natural resources of the sexual energy. If they losses this energy they will become vegetation. They become impotent, or something like this. The real potential human being then, they all are having the quality of the sexual energy, that is the natural one. But the all religions are against these. Why because religions wanted the vegetable like a personalities, not a real personalities. Why because every religions wanted the follower, without the followers, it’s not with stand an moment, it will automatically vanishes. Therefore these real culprits of the religions creator, first and first things is, to contaminated the sex. And says this is the sin, but its not sin or anything. If you are feel that, any natural act or unavoidable act as the sin, then how can you involved with totalness? That is not possible, therefore we are in dilemma, this dilemma is they needed, to nourished their religions, and religious beliefs and dogmas. They called these has faith, belief hope, or something’s like. But their real intension is only one things, that is obey what they are preches, what they are indicated, what they are dictated, without any question, you can accept, then they will given the permission of their own created this heavens. Really if any intelligentsia is there? If you ever seen any heavens or hells any where? No nothing. But they nourishing your greed’s, nourishing your pride and prejudices, nourishing your impotencies , any human if follows them, then they will definitely get the mental sickness. Why because all the human not perfect one, because the human nature is not made perfect one, it’s always imperfect one. Its evaluating one, therefore it’s not become perfect. Every moment human body and mind become evaluating. Therefore its growing, not completed one. But unfortunately human does not accept this factors. Therefore these religions comes and given the hope of the perfect one. But their own intention is they needed the vegetation like a followers, mud like a followers, how much they are like mud, they can molded, what they wanted to mould. Therefore they cut the root of the real potential. In the name of the sin, or virtue, or faith or hope or belief or moralities, immortal or havens and hells, fear like that they given superficial names. Their only intention they need the vegetation or mud like a followers. Therefore they first and first try cut the root or origin of the human potential, that is the sex. The sex is the basic energy. If you cut that things, then you will become the vegetation or mud. Then they easily get the followers, how many follower you have that is the reason to says my religions is number one. They don’t need the rebellious mind, they need only vegetation or mud. This is the race become the religions to religions. Who is having the more number of the followers. They called as the number one religions. What kind of the things is this? What kind of the religions is this? What kind of the race is this, if you any one aware about these things, so far? No one aware about these. Because any human born, they get any one of the brand of religions. Therefore they never think over that religions. If they never identity as the human being, they all are identifies only through the religions. Then how can they overcome this? First to known or understand the things which is they created or which factor to cut the roots of real human beings. Then we will understanding the factors. That is first come first it is sex. The sex is not a sin or virtue, if you clearly understanding these things then you will escape from this vicious circle of these religions. What they says about these sex and how they created these sexual disorders. This sexual disorders are not only they created as the biological factor, they go deeper root to the mind and they created the psychological level. If you want to understanding their cunningness then we first understanding what is the sexual disorders? Then we can easily identify these culprits.
Before we go the subject we first find out the factor of what is psychological sexual disorder
First we take as x is the factor of biological or body sexuality disorder ,
The measurement of this we take y,
Therefore x+y=0
Hence we concluded that if x+y tends to zero then the natural sexuality disorder occurred.
This take us the one factor
If this factor tends x+y= +1, -1 then we take as its moderated sexuality disorder or less sexuality disorder.
Therefore this x+y=+1. -1 tends to zero
If we take this factor x+y= +1. -1 tends to zero equal to z factor
Therefore if bodily factor did not tends to zero or z not tends to the value of zero then we take this factor as N.
Therefore x+y=+1, -1=0 = z……..N = 0
Therefore its value tends zero factors then he/she will get rid to sexuality disorder .
Therefore we stimulated this factor
X+ y +1, -1 = 0 = z ….N ……= 0
Then he/she get sexuality disorder factor is occurred
Therefore biological factor or bodily factor will get sexuality disorder.
Therefore z factor and N value tends to zero than, the sexual disorder rid or cure factor occurred.
Therefore the factor zero is the natural sexual disorder factor then this all the values of z and N factor tends to zero then its natural sexuality disorder , how will get this z and N factor values tends to zero factor,
How many possibilities are here we come here to analysis this all the things.
First we take these values +1, -1 to zero or N tends to zero
First we consider as the factor z = 0 how this factor occurred we come to concluded here first.
First we take as biological factor or bodily factor wanted to rid or cure sexuality disorder then first the biological factor or bodily factor do some work, therefore the biological factor or bodily factor come to nature then rid to the sexuality disorder therefore
Work + tired = zero
Therefore (x=work, y=tired, z=negativity )
Therefore x + y = z then immediately rid to the sexual disorder factor occurs
Therefore we consider this zero value factor come to conclude with first in inner factor and also the outer factor.
Therefore this value tends to zero factor it’s also the factor of inner factor and outer factor this outer factor take as J inner factor take as N.
Therefore this zero factor come to the point in this J=N=0 then rid to the sexual disorder factor occurred immediately.
Therefore we consider as this J = N = tends to zero then rid out the sexual disorder factor occurred immediately.
Therefore x + y = 0 = z ……N….J = 0
Hence this factor come to zero then the sexuality disorder rid occurred therefore we also calculated this N and J factor value tends to zero otherwise this rid out of the sexuality disorder not occurred.
Therefore N and J factor value is zero we concluded if this factor N, J factor come to +1, -1 then sexuality disorder rid factor not occurred.
Therefore we concluded this factor N and J tends to zero or its tends to +1, or -1 then this value come to zero otherwise sexuality disorder rid factor not occurred.
Therefore N, J = +1, -1 = zero
x + y = 0 = or z…..= 0 = N, J.
Therefore if this inner factor and outer factor equal then biological factor or bodily factor tends to zero otherwise this factor of sexuality disorder rid factor not occurred.
Therefore we first consider this factor tends to zero or become to zero what are the possibilities we analyzed this factors.
First we take the one model (A), its inner factor zero, and outer factor also zero then the biological factor or bodily factor zero then natural sexuality disorder rid factor occurs.
If inner factor or outer factor not tends to zero then he/she get disrupted in sexuality disorder factor.
Therefore we consider as
N factor value tends to zero, and J factor is + 1 then J also tends to zero otherwise this model A or she/he did not occurred sexuality disorder rid factor or did not rid sexuality disorder factor naturally.
Therefore we first make this model A, its inner factor value zero, and outer factor zero then A will get rid of sexuality disorder factor.
If A value N = 0, J = +1 then
Model A value of N and J tends to zero or make the +1…..tends to zero
Then he/she is get rid of negative factor or its rid of sexuality disorder naturally .
As well as the Model A value of N tends to +1, and J value tends to zero then make +1 tends to zero then Model A get rid of sexual disorder factor or she/he will get natural rid of sexual disorder factor.
Therefore we consider as Model A value of N tends to zero and J value tends to
-1 and
Model A value of N tends to -1 and J value tends to zero also.
This values of +1, -1 are moderate sexual disorder we consider.
Therefore we consider the Model A value of N tends to more than one factor that is +2, +3……….+n
And Model A value J tends to more than one factor that is +2,+3…..+n (this factor we consider as a cure factor)
And also we consider the Model A value of N tends to -2,-3…..-n
And Model A value of J tends to -2,-3……………………………-n( this factor we consider as a sexual disorder factor)
This all the factor value of Model A = x + y = z, N,J = 0 or
The factor of Model A = x+y=z, N tends to + or – values = 0 and J tends +,- values=0 then
The factor of sexuality disorder rid or natural sexuality occurs.
If all the factor of this values come to on zero but sexuality cure or natural sexuality not occurred then what we called its exceptional law this exceptional law we called as K. what is this exceptional law and how can we overcome this exceptional law this factor we will see on another chapter.
First we see this sexuality disorder factor or sexual disorder values how its work.
First we will take the model A, its inner factor of -1 and outer factor zero
Then how we will consider this factor this is called inner sexuality disorder factor, then we will rectify first inner sexuality disorder factor, therefore we consider this is on biological factor or bodily factor.
If the model A values of N tends to – 1……-n
And model a value of J tends to zero.
This is called inner sexuality disorder factor therefore we consider this biological factor or bodily factor, Example: bodily pleasure desire or etc.,
Because this type of the factor occurs then he/she did not get rid of sexuality disorder factor well nor did not occur natural rid of sexual disorder factor .
Therefore we treat them then he/she will get rid of sexuality disorder factor well or natural rid of sexual disorder factor. If not did this things then he/she cannot rid of sexuality disorder factor well or natural rid of sexuality disorder factor. Therefore we given the medicine or other things and prefer to get rid of this factor. Then he/she get rid of sexuality factor well.
If the model A values of N tends to zero
And Model A values of J tends to -1….-n
This is called outer sexuality disorder factor therefore we consider this environmental factor. Example: sounds pictures, movies , external stimulation climactic condition etc.,
Because this type of the factor occurs the he/she did not rid of sexual disorder factor well or natural rid of sexual disorder factor. Therefore we change these things and prefer good condition or rid this factor then he/she get rid of sexuality disorder factor well or natural rid of sexuality disorder factor occurs.
Here also we consider exceptional law occurs because if inner factor and outer factor also be well preferred afterwards to be she/he did not get rid of sexuality disorder factor well or natural rid of sexuality disorder factor occurs, this factor we will discussed when will I explained exceptional law.
Therefore this all the Model of A values N and J values 0, +1, -1
then we will called this is temporarily did not rid of sexuality disorder factor well or natural rid of sexuality disorder factor occurs.
If Model of A values N and J tends to +2,+3……+n and -2, -3…..-n.
We will called this is permanently did not rid of sexuality disorder factor well or natural rid of sexuality disorder factor occurs.
Therefore we consider this factor
Therefore the Model A inner factor 0+1,-1 and outer factor 0,+1,-1 then we consider this model A is temporarily or primary stage of sexuality disorder or nature sexuality disorder.
If the Model A inner factor +2,+3,……….+n
And Model A outer factor +2,+3………….+n
And Model A innerfactor -2,-3…………….-n
And Model A outerfactor -2,-3……………-n etc.,
This is simplest examples of the sexual disorders, I don’t want to confuse you, in given the biggest theorem or calculation. Therefore I am here using the simplest methods to understanding the factors. If you simply understanding these things or leave it. There is no important in this calculation. Just this is the examples are not necessary one. Because some people never accept anything’s which is not comes under the calculation, therefore I am using these things, otherwise this is not necessary one. Just move to the practices, it will show the real things. All the theories or theories only. Not more than that.
Krishnan Jagadeesh PhD(Psy)
Psychologist And International Author
Address for Communication
Knight Dragon Tantra Galaxy
No:90, Mouna Swamy Madam Street, Venkatapuram,
Ambattur, Chennai-600053.
Tamil Nadu, India.
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