Saturday 4 July 2015

islamic State (ISIS) forcefully circumcised Assyrian Christian men and women in Mosul without anesthesia, while women are sold as salves for $150 each

islamic State (ISIS) 


circumcised Assyrian 

Christian men and women 


Mosul without anesthesia, 

while women are sold as 

salves for $150 each

5 Votes

In this testimony Christians claim that the Kurdish PKK militant fighters helped ISIS to find and target the Christians in Mosul. The PKK (The Kurdistan Workers’ Party) was formed in the late 1970s and launched an armed struggle against the Turkish government in 1984, calling for an independent Kurdish state within Turkey.  The name ‘PKK’ is usually used interchangeably for the name of its armed wing, the People’s Defence Force (HPG), which was formerly called the Kurdistan National Liberty Army (ARGK). The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization internationally by several states and organizations, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), the United States, and the European Union.
This testimony by the Christians demonstrate the complexity of giving military equipment to the PKK or any Muslim fractions in battles with each other. There simply exist no tolerance for other groups within Islam and even with its minorities. Having a terrorist group battled by another terrorist group is nothing new. In Afghanistan the Taliban was fought by al-Qaeda who were supported by arms – again with external support which never resolved anything. Arming existing local groups could increase the genocide and targeting of minorities. Clearly minorities need to first be protected and grouped into specific areas before battles against ISIS elimination proceeds. There are claims that about 40,000 ISIS fighters in Iraq and new ones arrive weekly from abroad. Turkey’s government has been a constant and secret facilitator and supporter of ISIS based on their own testimony, and have kept the Turkish borders accessible for fighters to enter. Where are the new fighters trained?
Male Genital Mutilation
Forced MGM, Male Genital Mutilation, on Christians in Mosul.

(AINA) — The Tunisia Daily is reporting that the Islamic State (ISIS) forcefully circumcised Assyrian men in Mosul, without anesthesia. The report does not specify the number of men that were affected but does state that it was an organized mass circumcision. ISIS has ordered the circumcision of all Christian children and adults who remain in Mosul. [h/t to @FaithJupiter for bringing the story to our attention]
[Bing translated – its a bit difficult to read and does not flow fully]
By Nadine Raad –
In Paris, to french and foreign journalists, a family of 5 members who came from the Mosul region testified yesterday in a room of the Town Hall in the 16th arrondissement of the atrocities committed by the Islamic State jihadists on the Nineveh Plain to the exodus of hundreds of thousands of Christians and yazidis.
The head of the family, Nabil Younan, told that among other barbarities, the terrorists of the Islamic State have sold at auction in a public square of Mosul just three days ago, 700 women yazidies at an average price of $ 150 per slave.
“This happened in public view, and with the knowledge of the international community”, he said, before launching a call for action so that immediate intervention prevents such acts to continue.
They strip the Christians of all Jewelry and belongings
Other evidence were heard, including that of R.P. Amir Geagea, top Dominican in Baghdad, and that of Dominican, Father Anis Hanna, both contacted by telephone and interviewed. They confirmed the testimonies already published in our columns, evoking among others dams established by the IC to the outputs of Mosul so Islamists can strip the Christians. “They took from women anything from rings to bracelets and necklaces from children”, he said, denouncing the passage the abandonment by the Kurdish peshmergas of their positions in Christian villages in Nineveh.
“It was as if they [Kurds] invited the killers of IS to occupy our villages,” said one witness that questioned the usefulness of a shipment of French arms to the Kurds. In this regard, one of the speakers from the Chredo recalled that this abandonment of the peshmergas intervened almost in the wake of maintenance telephone between french presidents François Holland and Kurdish Massud Barzani, the first promising French weapons at the second, at the same time as a humanitarian assistance to the displaced yazidis. In its edition of August 15, reported L’Orient Le Jour.
Adult Christians in mass circumcisions
Contacted by telephone, other witnesses have reported that the Islamic State ordered the circumcision of the child or adult Christians who remained in Mosul.
Mass of circumcisions were organized by the hordes of the IS, adult Christians were circumcised without any anesthesia.
Very few Assyrian Christians stayed in Mosul after ISIS gave them a deadline to convert, pay jizya, leave or die (AINA 2014-07-20).
The report also states that ISIS sold 700 Yazidi women for $150 each in a public slave auction in Mosul. – Link
Isis sells women-being-sold-in-Mosul
Tunisian report claims these are Yazidi women captured as salves and transported to be sold in a Mosul market for $150 each.

Another translation from facebook gives this perspective on the same article which was a bit challenge to translate through Google or Bing:
Terrifying facts revealed about “Daash” [the Arab term for ISIS] in Paris from the lips of Iraqi Christians that have recently arrived to France, and appealed to the international community to move quickly to the evacuation of thousands of Christians, Yazidis and other minorities who are stuck in the Nineveh Plains. Among the things that were revealed was of a huge sale of Yazidi women, and forced circumcision of women and men, prevention of watching television, and many other implementations that restricted the rights of the persecuted.
The President of the organization “Christians of the East at risk,” Patrick Karam, spoke about French political and humanitarian efforts, and that France was the first European country to send emergency aid.
Karam added: “We believe that the priority at the moment is how to work to break the cordon, which is governed by force of arms and intimidation of Daash forces in the Nineveh Plain, and at the same time landing aid by air.
For the situation of Christians and Yazidis trapped in the Plane of Nineveh, we contacted the supervisor of the conference, La Leche Yako, over the phone one of the Christians trapped there, and a father Anis Hanna Aldmanaki.
He spoke in French to the French media about the suffering of Christians and other minorities, and that they had been forced to sleep in the open, and the cases of deaths exceeded the hundreds, and then I asked him about the situation there, and if the forces of the Islamic State “Daash” still pose a threat to them and to the rest of the minorities, especially the Yazidis?
The father Anis Hanna, stressed that the danger continues to exist in the Nineveh Plain, and there are families forcibly displaced from villages and rural areas and cities. He stressed that the danger of Daash (ISIS) is terribly large.
He continued, saying: “They are telling us to convert to Islam by force and it is mandatory to pay [jizya] and women are taken by force for female circumcision. This does not happen with Christians only, but with the Yazidis, where Daash took more than 700 women to be sold at an auction in the center of Mosul’s “conservative” area.”
“The girl’s were priced each equal to $150, in addition to the imposition of forced circumcision of women and a lot of laws and rules implemented on them by Daash.”
At the end of the conference one of the Christian families that have managed to escape to France made an urgent appeal to the international community calling for help for those who are still left in the Nineveh Plains besieged by Daash forces.
She said that our women are sold, will the conscience of the world accept if they had to be sold, like the innocent Christians, Yazidis and other minorities that die in the strikes of Daash.
In conclusion, the lawyer in charge of the affairs of the organization, known for its advocacy for refugees, idly Semitic, saying: “The international conference will be held soon in Geneva to address the situation of Christians and minorities in the Middle East.” He called for the intensification of efforts to eliminate the expansion of the Islamic State in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.

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