Saturday 14 November 2015

this bullshit Zakir Nayak teling the lies here

Mhamd (Muhammad) a Pashac founder religion! @Zakir Nayak
Promotional Hindus to convert to Islam under way Hthknde are adopting,But the real purpose mislead Hindus Deception occurs in the clutches of Islam,Because most Hindus ignorant of Islam and Hinduism are indifferent,Preachers of Islam in the name of Zakir Naik tops.A "jihadist Slfi -السلفية الجهادية)" is related to gangs,The gang is believed appropriate in jihad terrorismZakir frequently to discuss their channel invites people of other religions,In those few passages from religious texts offers, just to prove that theirScripture also Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah and mentions, and naïve people to become Muslims.
Zakir Naik 20 February 2014 lasted such a move, which Hindus confuseHindus claim that the Scripture "mythology future" of MuhammadDescribe, and he explained embodiment, it is detailed in the video.FAQ261 to Zakir Naik: Muhammad (pbuh) Prophesised in Bhavishya Purana!
Zakir Naik thus to deceive large artfully HindusMuhammad tried to prove that the future of mythology describing aAs the embodiment is an embodiment of the Hindu values ​​MuhammadThe honor, and the religion of Islam to accept, that someZakir Zakir getting entangled in silly thing sitting right values, but the futureMuhammad mythology "Mhamd" embodiment of Tripurasur, religion pollutants(Polluter of righteousness) and vampire religion (demoniac religion) of the promoterHas been reported . The future vampire mythology, religion and Muslims in IslamThe "Lingochcedi" That's been said that gender cut
Muhammdke described in the part of the future mythology, Sanskrit and Hindi translation with the original being. This confusion may be the future of the people in mythology Muhammad as an embodiment has Prashutkia.Purana future Mhamd (Muhammad) a Pashac religion founder-Future mythology, Pratisrg festival, Section 3, Chapter 3 verses. 1 -31
Mr. yarn Uwac-1. Shaliwahn Vanshe f Rajano Chabvn country. Rajyn Ptrchstabdn f Kritwa Lokantrn Yyuः1. Mr. yarn G said - the descendants of King Shaliwahn were ten secrets. All of them throughout the kingdom ruled five hundred years and finally moved into other folk.
2. Bhumndle Tda Mryyada Kramto is Lena. Yo Bhuptirdsmo global bhojaraaj Smrita Chron.2. At that time the earth had been absorbed in the dignity of the order. These are the tenth king he was bhojaraaj fame. .
3. Drishtwa Prkshinmryyadan Digvijayn Yyu strong. Senya Dssahsrya Snyuta Kalidasen.3. He saw the Ultimate Muscle wasting dignity he (the king), Digvijay had to resort. With ten thousand soldiers in the army were Kvisresht Kalidasa.
4. Tthanyarbrahmnaः Sarddhn Sindhuparmupiyu Jitwa Gandharjan Mlechchhan Kashmiran Stan Arwan.4. And including other Brahmins received across the Indus river (ie cross was).And he Gandharraj, Mlechc, Kashmir, Singh won the Narv and Ston.
5. Teshan receivable Mahakoshn Dndyogyankaryt Atsminnantre Mlechc Smnvita Acharyen.5. They receive very little funding and have punished them all worthy. Is a Professor of Mallecon in the same time period.
6. Mhamd Iti Kyata Shishyashakha Smnvita Nripshcav Mrusthlnivasinm Mahadevan.6 Mhamd of pupils was very popular in its branches. Nrip (King), paid tribute to the desert living in Mahadev.
7. Gangajlashc Ssnapy Smnvitaः Ptrchgwy. Hrm Chandnadibhirbrerchy Tushtav purpose.7. And by making the bath water of the Ganges with Ptrchjagwy Sandal etc. Abyacna (Bktipurwkbav soliciting) for each (Mahadev) and the praise.
Bhojaraaj Uwac-8. Hello Mrusthlnivasine Girijanath. Bhumayaprvrttine Tripurasurnashay.8. Bhojaraaj said - hey Girija Nath! Desert-dwelling, lots of copy in Maya are Tripurasur destructor.
9. Mlechcarguptay Schchidanandrupine Suddhay. HP Twain mother Kinkrn Srnarthamupagtm Viddhi..9 Mlechcon secret, pure and Schchidanand form, I pray you come to your methodically refuge.
Yarn Uwac-
10. Iti Stwn Srutwa Devः Sbdmah Nripi Tm. Gntwyn Mahakaleshhwarsthle Bhojrajen.10. Ji said yarn - Mahadev king heard these words of praise: "O bhojaraaj you should mahakaleshwar pilgrimage."
11. Mlechcassudusita Visruta Bhumirwahika name. Aryydharmo bones Nawatr Deshdarune Wahike.11. This Wahhik land has been contaminated by Mlechcon. The terrible (violent) land Arya (excellent) -dharm is not.
12. Bbhuwatr Mahamayi Yosu full or on Dgdo. Tripuro Blidatyen Punragta Preshita.12. Mahamayavi the monster I was first sent to the Maya city (that was destroyed) Tripur monster he has come here again on the order of Kali.
13. c Vro Ayoniः Mtta Datywarddhna Praptwan. Iti Mhamd Kyata Pashac Ttprः masterpiece.13. He blessed me Ayonij (pestle, pestle, Mulhin are). And the monster of society is increasing. Mhamd is ready for the fame and fiendish actions.
14. Nagntwyn Twya Bhoop Deshdurtke Pashache. Fisheries Prasaden Bhupal really Prjayte Shuddhiः.14. O Bhoop (bhojaraaj)! You should not go into the land of sly without humanity.My grace (grace) you purely King.
15. Iti Srutwa Nripshcav Punragmt Swdeshan. Mhamdshc Taः Sindhutirmupiyu Sarddhn.15. Upon hearing this, the king headed back home. And behind them the Indus River Mhamd arrow (coast) came on.
16. Bhuptin Premhna Mayamdvishardः quotations. Devo really Dasatvmagta Mm chef.16. Mayamd Maya scholar (Mhamd) lied to the king - Sir! Your God is my bondage accepted so they are my servants.
17. Mmochchishtn Snbhujiyadyathat Tpshy Nrip may eat. Iti Vismaymagta Srutwa and Prn.17. O Nrip (bhojaraaj)! So today I'm Seap God Snbhuj (equivalent) pickings (sacred) assume, to hear the king was confused amazement achieve.
18. Mlechcdharme Mtischasittsy Bhupsy Darune, Tchcritwa Kalidasshu Rusha Mhamdm Prah.18. King's terrible (non-violence) Mlechc increased interest in religion. Seeing the king's hearing, said Kalidas Mhamd filling in anger.
19. Maya Nirmita sly Te Nripmhn Hetve Hnishyami Duracharn Purushadmm Wahikan.1 9. O sly! You Nrip (state religion) is not attached to the illusion is created. Men with evil vile conduct Wahik I will destroy thee.
20. Mr. Nwarn chanting Ityuktwa Ttprः Jptwa Dsshsrn f c Dvijः Tddshanshan sah Juhow.20. Mr. saying Brahmin (Kalidasa) readiness in the Nrwan mantra. Nrwan country thousands chanted mantras and chanting his Dshas.
21. Consume Bhutwa Mlechcdewatwmagta elusive truth, Bybitshu Tchchishya Wahicommayyuः Deshn.21. Mlechc divinity that is consumed by the elusive died. Wahik country in fear of his disciples come.
22. Grihitwa Swgurorbsm Mdhintwmagtm, Sthapitn Tashc Ttroshurmdttpraः Bhumdhye.22. His master (Mhamd) took the ash and they had to Mdhin. The ash was established in the Mediterranean. And they settled there.
23. Mdhinan Purn Jatn Teshan Tirthn Smritm Smn, Ratru Devrupshc Bhumayavishardः session.23. He was introduced Mdhin and came to be the stuff of their pilgrimage. The Bhumaya scholar (Mhamd) took the night divinely.
24. Pashachan Dehmasthay Bhojrajn HP HP ES Rajan Sobrvit Aryydharmmo Dharmotm Smrita Serb.24. As the body becomes spirit Pashac bhojaraaj told him. O king (bhojaraaj)! I Excellent in all religions it is Arya.
25. Ishajtrya Krishyami Pashachan Dharmdarunm Lingchcedi Sikhahina Shmsrudhari Dusk session.25. I will do my God commanded Pashac terrible religion. My people Lingcedi (circumcised), the crest (peak) smoking, beard who would pollutants.
26. Uchchalapi omnivorous Bvishyti Kauln without Jno Mm Mm f Psvsteshan Bkshya capacity.26. Rence will be loud and omnivorous. Halal (in the name of God) without the animal will not be able to eat them.
27. Muslenav Snskarः Kushairiv Bvishyti Tsmat HP Atyo Dharmduskaः Muslvnto.27. His funeral will be pestle. Many of these species will be Muslwan Duskon and religion.
28. Iti s King Gehmayyu Pashac religion Shc Bvishyti Mayakrita Ityuktwa Pryyu Devः.28. Thus, in the future, my (elusive Mhamd) Pashac religion it would be done by.Saying that he (Mhamd) and King went back to your place.
29. Trivarne Sthapita Sanskriti Swrgdayini speech, language Sthapita Thane Dhimta Sudraeshu Prakriti.2 9. He offers three characters heaven established and expanded the cultural language. Knowledge of the natural language character set for Untouchables / expanded (the education and exchange of skills easier).
30. Ptrrchasbdkaln ye Rajyn Kritwa Gta Divan, Sthapita Thane Srwdevopamanini dignity.30. Fifty-year period until the king Raj (rule), the divine motion (hereafter) has received. And supposedly the dignity of the gods was established.
31. Aryyawarta Punybhumirmdhynvindhyhimalyoः Aryy Varnaः Sthitasttr Varnsnkraः Vindyante.31. Vindhya and in the middle of Himachal aaryaavart ultimate virtue is land that is the most perfect (holy land), Arya (excellent) characters are based here. And many other characters at the end of the Vindhya was mixed.
Future mythology, Pratisrg festival, Section 3, Chapter 3 verses. 1 -31Now, tell Muhammad Zakir Naik who were really,

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