Saturday 10 December 2016

Is Hindi older than Tamil?

யாமறிந்த மொழிகளிலே தமிழ்மொழிபோல் இனிதாவது எங்கும் காணோம்!!!
Is Hindi older than Tamil (actually people write it as Thamizh, because the last alphabet has no equivalent pronunciation in English)?
Absolutely Not. Thamizh is several millennium old. Its written format is dated at least 300BC (as of now) based on available stone edicts. The oldest available literary and grammar work is dated around 200 BC (there is some difference of opinion here among scholars - some believe it could be around 100AD). One of the important missing pieces in Thamizh language (and culture) is the lost land mass called Kumari Kandam. This land has been lost to sea. If there could be any future evidence on this, it can push these dates by atleast few millenniums more.
In any case, all these dates are way long back in time compared to Hindi. Hindi is a combination of Sanskrit, Urdu and other local dialects. Hindi is believed to have formed as local dialects around 1000 AD.

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