Friday 7 February 2014

Man is in misery

Man is in misery because religions have not helped him to destroy the causes of misery.
On the contrary, they have consoled him so that he remains as he is.
Revolt, revolution, they are of the same order as disobedience, disorder, creating chaos: you will suffer tremendously in the coming life. You are suffering now, and you are preparing the ground for more suffering. So they created this gap between this life and the coming life, the past life and this life. And it is a beautiful strategy, because neither have you any evidence of your past life -- that you committed any bad actions or good actions -- nor have you any way to know what is going to happen to you in the next life, the coming life.
They have given beautiful explanations and camouflaged the whole stinking reality behind beautiful flowers. So you smell the flower and you forget the stinking river just flowing underneath, an undercurrent. Throw away these flowers and immediately you will be able to see why humanity is in so much suffering.
The new thing that has happened is, as I said before, that one percent of humanity has come to a point where it can become a little alert, awake. And that one percent of humanity, becoming aware of the misery, seeing the whole of humanity already in hell, is asking, "What other hell are you talking about? There cannot be anything worse than what is happening on the earth." This one percent of humanity has created such questions. Those questions have also reached those people who are not alert -- but the questions have reached them anyway. They have also heard and started feeling some little stirring of consciousness: "Yes, there is misery, and immense misery."
Politicians have been deceiving you. They say, "If there is democracy, there will be no suffering. If there is independence, there will be no suffering. If there is socialism, there will be no suffering. If there is communism, suffering disappears." But there is democracy, and suffering goes on growing, accumulating. Countries are independent -- all countries are not in slavery -- but even in the countries that are independent, the misery is not less. Perhaps it is even more, because they cannot dump their misery on anybody else -- they are independent. A slave country at least has a consolation. That is my experience.
Before India became independent there was such a feeling all over India. My house was a place of conspiracy. My two uncles had been in jail many times, and every week they had to go to the police station to report that they were not doing anything against the government, and that they were still there. They were not allowed to move out of the town but people were coming to them -- and they all had so much hope.
I was a small child but I always wondered, "These people are saying that just by becoming independent, all misery will disappear. How can it happen? I don't see any connection." But there was hope. There was the promised land, very close by; just a little struggle and you would reach it. There was suffering but you were not responsible for it: the Britishers were responsible. It was a great consolation to dump everything on the Britishers.
In fact, I used to ask these revolutionaries who used to visit my house secretly, or sometimes stay in my house for months.... One of them, a very famous revolutionary, Bhavani Prasad Tiwari, was the national leader of the socialist party. Whenever he had to go underground he used to come to my village and just live in my house, hidden. For the whole day he would not come out -- and nobody knew him in the village anyway. But I was after him. He told me again and again, "You bring such inconvenient questions that sometimes I think it would be better to be in a British jail than in your house! At least there I would get first class treatment."
He was a famous leader so he would have got first class treatment -- political prisoners' special class -- with all the facilities, good food, good library. And at least he would get freedom, because first class prisoners were not forced to do any labor. They would write their autobiographies and other books: all the great books these great Indian leaders have written were written in jails. And they would go for walks -- they were put in beautiful places that were not even jails; they were created especially for them.
For example in Poona there was a palace just opposite us, on the other side of the river: the Aga Khan palace. It was a palace. Gandhi was kept prisoner there and his wife too. His wife died there, her grave is still there in the Aga Khan's palace. You must have seen it in Poona -- when you pass the bridge, just on top of the hill above there is a beautiful house.
I had asked the owner, because the owner lived in Bombay and used to come to me, "Whatsoever you want you can take, but give that house to me before I move to Poona. I want that house," because in the whole of Poona, that was the highest point from where you could see the whole city, and it was really a beautiful palace.
He said, "It is difficult because it belongs to my mother. She is the owner of the house and she will not sell it because Gandhi was kept prisoner there, and she is a follower of Gandhi. So she wants to make it a national museum in the memory of Gandhi. It is impossible to persuade her -- and particularly for you. Even your name is unmentionable in my family. When I come here I have to say I am going somewhere else. Your name is unmentionable." Gandhians will not mention my name because I have been speaking against Gandhi continually.
So these special palaces were turned into prisons. They had acres of greenery, beautiful views. So Bhavani Prasad Tiwari used to say to me, "It would be better if I stop going underground -- because you ask inconvenient questions."
I said, "If you cannot answer them, what is going to happen to the country when the country becomes independent? These will be the questions which you will have to solve. You cannot even answer them verbally, and then you will have to actually solve them. I asked him, "Just by the Britishers leaving the country" -- and there were not many Britishers -- how is poverty going to disappear? And do you want me to believe that before the Britishers came to India, India was not poor?
"It was as poor as it is now, perhaps even poorer, because the Britishers brought industry, technology, and that helped the country to become a little better. They brought education, schools, colleges, universities. Before that, there was no way to be educated: the only educated people were the brahmins, because the father would teach the son. They kept everybody else uneducated because that was the best way to keep them enslaved. Education can become dangerous.
"How are you going to destroy poverty? How are you going to destroy the hundreds of kinds of anxieties and miseries which have nothing to do with the British? Now, a husband is suffering because of his wife -- how is it going to help? The Britishers have gone, okay; but the wife will still be there, the husband will still be there -- how is it going to change anything?"
He said, "I know it is very difficult, but let us first get independence."
I said, "I know after independence the problems will be the same, perhaps worse."
They are worse. In three hundred years not a single British governor general was assassinated. Now you can assassinate the prime minister. Your independence has given you great intelligence! In three hundred years the Punjabi Sikhas have never said that they want a separate nation. Now they want a separate nation. This is what independence has given to people.
And I would be perfectly willing to give them a separate nation, but the question is about the Hindu minority who live in the Punjab. They will all be killed. Either they will have to become Sikhas, or they will have to be slaughtered. So it is not only a question of giving independence to a particular state. That is perfectly okay: if they want to become independent, let them be independent. But the problem is about the Hindu minority. Where to take them? They will all be killed.
That's what happened in Pakistan. When Pakistan was created, all the Hindus in Pakistan were slaughtered. And Pakistan was not enriched by that. These are not the ways to become rich. Pakistan is far poorer than India. The poverty has become greater because the population has grown. Now, the Britishers are not responsible for the growing population. You go on producing children.
Political leaders have kept humanity hoping -- always somewhere far away, the great hope....
For the classless society Russia has suffered everything for sixty years: "The classless society is going to happen soon!" When will those days of waiting be finished? This is an old strategy. Jesus used to say to his followers, "Very soon you will be with me in the kingdom of God. Very soon you will see that those who follow me are saved, and those who don't follow me fall into eternal hell." It has not happened yet, and we don't even know whether Jesus is with God or not.
He even promised that he would be coming back. I think he must have lost courage -- once crucified is enough! Now again he will be crucified, this time in the Vatican, because this time he will be coming as a Christian. And the pope will be the person who will decide: "This man has to be crucified -- he is a pretender, an anti-Christ. He is not our lord, because when our lord comes he will come with glory, sitting on a cloud. That's how the lord has to come. And this man is born out of a woman, and not even out of a virgin."
They are looking for the cloud the lord will be coming on, and the lord has escaped!
But the hope.... Politicians go on giving hope and nothing materializes.
One thing has to be understood clearly: no hope is going to help, no false explanation is going to help.
You have to put aside all this crap and see into reality as it is.
The reality is that this earth cannot tolerate so great a population; the population has to become almost half the size that it is now. But the way it is moving, it will be doubled by the end of this century. Misery will also be doubled.
I would like the population to be half of what it is -- but for that you need intelligence, understanding.
You have to understand that children are not sent by God. There is no God who is sending children.
In fact, a single man has enough seeds, in his forty or fifty years' lifetime while he is capable of producing children, to produce the whole population of the earth -- a single man! In each sexual orgasm, millions of potential human beings are lost. This is not something that God is doing, otherwise He is a very stupid God. What is the point of giving so many seeds to a man when the woman normally can only have one egg fertilized in one year? This is what created the trouble: man started having many wives. But a woman cannot start having many husbands, because a man can make many women pregnant, but if a woman has many husbands, what will they be doing? One woman, one man makes her pregnant, so the remaining ones go to Oregon -- where else?
This has nothing to do with God, this is simple biology. People have to be told to understand biology and to use all the methods which are available to reduce the population completely to half of what it is.
Stop bothering to go to the synagogue, to the temple, to the church, because they have befooled you enough.
Stop asking these people -- the rabbis, the monks, the priests -- because all that they know they have been giving as consolations for thousands of years and all their consolations have proved impotent.
You have to turn from politicians, from religious people, to the scientist.
The whole humanity has to focus on science if it wants to get rid of misery.
And my religion I call the science of the inner soul. It is not religion; it is exactly a science.
Just as science functions in the objective world, this science functions in the subjective world.
Remember, the outer science can help immensely to reduce your suffering and misery by almost ninety percent. And once you remove ninety percent of your suffering and miseries -- which are physical, biological, science can very easily remove them -- then the remaining ten percent of misery will be for the first time clear to you. Right now it is lost in the mess of this ninety percent of misery.
Then you will be able to see that all that misery was nothing compared to this ten percent; this ten percent is the real anguish.
And that can be transformed only through inward movement: call it meditation, awareness, watchfulness.
But that ten percent misery is of tremendous weight. The ninety percent is nothing, it is just hunger... food you need, shelter you need, employment you need and all these things can be tackled by science.
Remove the priest completely. He has no function for the future. He has already done enough mischief
Focus on science, and then immediately you will see a new dimension arising in you, of which you were not aware.
It was there -- but a hungry man, how can he think whether life has meaning or not? A hungry man cannot think whether the flower is beautiful or not: he is hungry. You cannot talk about music and poetry and painting to him. That will be humiliating him; it will be just an insult, an outright insult.
But once these problems disappear then he will start, for the first time, to enquire about real existential questions which can be answered only by a subjective science.
So there is no future for religion.
There is a future for an objective science to deal with objective matters, and a subjective science to deal with your inward matters.
One will take care of your physiology, biology. The other will take care of your psychology and your ultimate center: the soul.

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