Wednesday 5 February 2014

Parents are very happy with an obedient child.

Parents are very happy with an obedient child.

I have never been an obedient child - and my family was a joint family, a big family; uncles, aunts, so many people under one roof. And whenever there would be guests or important people, they would try to send me out. They would tell me, "Go, anywhere!" They would introduce other children who were obedient - my brothers, my sisters - and I would come exactly at the right time to introduce myself to the guest: "These people are forgetting; I am the eldest... and there is a code language between these people and me."

And my father would look here and there, "Now what?"

And the person was bound to ask, "What code language?"

I said, "The code language is that whenever I might have to introduce myself these people send me out. That means certainly somebody is coming, somebody important enough - and naturally, I have to come in the middle, at the right time to introduce myself. These people don't have guts to introduce me."

What was their problem? Their problem was that everybody was obedient. They would say, "It is night" and the children would say, "It is night." And I would see that it was not night, it was day. Now there were only two ways: either to listen to my own intelligence, or to be respected, honored as an obedient child.

There was a small piece of land between my house and a temple. Legally, my father had all the papers of the land. Technically, in the courts, he was going to win the case. But in reality the land belonged to the temple; it was just because of the stupidity of the priest that he gave all his papers to my father. I knew the whole story, and when the case started I told my father, "I am coming to the court to tell the reality: technically you have the papers in your hand, but in reality the land belongs to the temple. I will not allow you to win the case." I was not more than thirteen. So I said, "Perhaps the court may not accept me because I am not yet adult, so I have persuaded my grandfather - I am bringing him with me."

My father said, "You should not interfere in these things. You should concentrate on your studies, go to school."

I said, "Those things I am doing, but whatever else is happening.... If I see that something wrong is going to happen, I am the last person not to interfere. You withdraw the case."

I brought my grandfather and I told my father, "You can ask your father too. Your son is against you, your father is against you, because we both know what the truth is."

And then my grandfather said, "However disobedient he may be, however rebellious he may be, what he is saying is true and I am going with him. You withdraw the case; otherwise you will lose the case and lose face too, because your son will be testifying in the court against you, your father will be testifying against you in the court."

He had to withdraw the case and give the land to the temple.

He was angry for many days. I said,

"There is no need to be angry. You should be happy that you have a son who has guts, even against you. If it is a question of truth, he will choose the truth; he will not go with you. You can depend on me. And rather than rejoicing, you are being angry."

But this is how things are
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