Sunday 20 April 2014

Meditation and Kundalini awakening Classes 27 th of april to 2nd may at Howrah india calcutt

If you agree with me, or if you disagree with me, your life will not change. It is not a question of agreement or disagreement - it is a question of understanding.
And understanding is beyond both agreement and disagreement.
Ordinarily, when you agree you think you have understood me. If you have understood me then there will be no question of agreement and disagreement. How can you agree with truth? or disagree?
The sun has risen - do you agree or do you disagree? You will say the question is irrelevant.
Agreement, disagreement, is about theories, not about truth. So when you agree with me you are not really agreeing with me - you start feeling that I agree with your theory that you have already been carrying with yourself. Whenever you feel that Osho is in agreement with you, you feel that you agree with Osho. Whenever I am not in agreement with you, then there is trouble, then you don't agree with me. Or, you don't listen to that, you don't hear that. You simply close yourself when I am saying something which does not agree with you.
It is not a question of agreement and disagreement. Drop this! I am not here in search of any converts; I am not trying any philosophy; I am not here proposing any theology; I am not seeking followers. I am seeking disciples - and that is a totally different thing, utterly different.
A disciple is not one who agrees: a disciple is one who listens, who learns.
The very word'disciple' comes from learning, discipline.
A disciple is one who is open to learn. A follower is closed. A follower thinks he has agreed; now there is nothing and no need to remain open - he can close, he can afford to close. A disciple can never afford to close; there is so much to learn. How can you agree or disagree?
And a disciple has no ego, so who will agree and who will not agree. A disciple is just an opening there is nobody inside to agree or not agree. Your very agreement is creating the trouble.
And nobody is ever transformed through agreement. Agreement is very superficial, very intellectual.
To be transformed, one needs understanding. It is always understanding that transforms, that mutates. AND, when you understand, you are not to do anything - the understanding will start doing things. It is not that first you understand, then you practise - no. The VERY understanding, the very fact of understanding, goes deep into your heart, sinks, and there is transformation.
Transformation is a consequence of understanding..
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11:18AM | URL:
APRIL 3, 2014

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