Thursday 3 April 2014

jagadeesh krishnan psychologist and International Author

My own approach about it was always this:
whenever my father will ask me anything I will ask him another question immediately:
"Do you want the truth?
Are you ready to listen to the truth?
Or you want something sweet?
You decide!"
If he asked me, "Have you done this?
Had you jumped into somebody's well and were you taking bath in the well?"
I will ask him immediately, "You just tell me one thing: do you want the truth? Are you ready to hear the truth? Are you ready not to punish the truth? Otherwise I was not in the well - somebody else - then you will have to prove!"
He was a very beautiful person. He will always tell me, "You can tell the truth and you will be protected." And I will tell him the truth, whatsoever it was. But s

ometimes he himself used to get into trouble because of me.
One day he said to me that, "You are sitting outside in the sun..." It was a winter cold morning. "Some person is going to see me and I don't want to see him today. He is such a bore and he will destroy my whole day, and it is very difficult to get rid of him. So you simply say him that, 'My father is not at home.' "
And the bore came and he asked me, "Where is your father?"
I said, "He is in, but he has told me to tell to the bore, because he is going to destroy his whole day, that he is not inside the house."
He became very angry. He went inside the house, found my father and said, "What is the matter?
What is your son saying?"
I went in and my father was in trouble because that bore was one of the richest men of the town and he could do harm in many ways.
My father said, "What have you told him?"
I said, "Do you want the truth?"
For a moment he hesitated because now it was going to cost him, but finally he decided. He said, "Yes, whatsoever he has said I had told him. Just I had forgotten to tell him not to tell it to you! But he did exactly the way I had told him. Now I am sorry, it was my fault. He has nothing to do with it."
Many times he was in difficulty because of me, but never he punished me for being true. Then there was no need for me to be untrue.
The same was my approach with my teachers, but they were not so courageous. Then I would tell them lies and I would say, "These are lies! But you want to listen lies and you protect lies and you support lies. You are creating a hypocrite in me!"
But that's how older people become: older they are, more cunning they become. And the same happens to a civilization: the older it is, the more cunning....

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