Monday 31 March 2014


Tantra says, approach the sex act as if you are entering a holy temple. That is why they have pictured the sex act on their holy temples. They have said, approach sex as if you are entering a holy temple. Thus, when you enter a holy temple sex must be there in order that the two become conjoined in your mind, associated. Then you can feel that the world and the divine are not two fighting elements, but one. They are not contradictory, they are just polar opposites helping each other. And they can exist only because of this polarity. If this polarity is lost, the whole world is lost. So see the deep oneness running through everything. Do not see only the polar opposites, see the inner running current which makes them one.

For tantra everything is holy. Remember this, for tantra EVERYTHING is holy; nothing is unholy.

Look at it this way: for an irreligious person, everything is unholy; for so-called religious persons something is holy, something is unholy.

For tantra, everything is holy.

One Christian missionary was with me a few days ago and he said, ”God created the world.” So I asked him, ”Who created sin?” He said, ”The devil.”

Then I asked him, ”Who created the devil?” Then he was at a loss. He said, ”Of course, God created the devil.”

The devil creates sin and God creates the devil. Then who is the real sinner – the devil or God? But the dualist conception always leads to such absurdities. For tantra God and the devil are not two. Really, for tantra there is nothing that can be called ”devil”, everything is divine, everything is holy. And this seems to be the right standpoint, the deepest. If anything is unholy in this world, from where does it come and how can it be?

♥ Osho ♥ Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Vol 1 Chapter 2

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Tantra says, approach the sex act as if you are entering a holy temple. That is why they have pictured the sex act on their holy temples. They have said, approach sex as if you are entering a holy temple. Thus, when you enter a holy temple sex must be there in order that the two become conjoined in your mind, associated. Then you can feel that the world and the divine are not two fighting elements, but one. They are not contradictory, they are just polar opposites helping each other. And they can exist only because of this polarity. If this polarity is lost, the whole world is lost. So see the deep oneness running through everything. Do not see only the polar opposites, see the inner running current which makes them one.
For tantra everything is holy. Remember this, for tantra EVERYTHING is holy; nothing is unholy.
Look at it this way: for an irreligious person, everything is unholy; for so-called religious persons something is holy, something is unholy.
For tantra, everything is holy.
One Christian missionary was with me a few days ago and he said, ”God created the world.” So I asked him, ”Who created sin?” He said, ”The devil.”
Then I asked him, ”Who created the devil?” Then he was at a loss. He said, ”Of course, God created the devil.”
The devil creates sin and God creates the devil. Then who is the real sinner – the devil or God? But the dualist conception always leads to such absurdities. For tantra God and the devil are not two. Really, for tantra there is nothing that can be called ”devil”, everything is divine, everything is holy. And this seems to be the right standpoint, the deepest. If anything is unholy in this world, from where does it come and how can it be?
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