Monday 17 March 2014



If you go to Khajuraho, you will see that: on every lover's face that is sculpted on the outer walls, great ecstasy.

So many people go to Khajuraho and Konarka, but they only look at the lower half of these figures; they become concentrated on the genitalia.

Very few people have been able to see the whole figures. And, certainly, rarely has somebody been able to see the faces of the figures -- because you are so much obsessed with sexuality, for or against, that you remain confined to the lower.

If you go and see Khajuraho, don't miss the FACES of the lovers -- they have the real message.

Those faces are so blissful, so calm, so meditative, that you will not find such faces sculpted anywhere else. Such great ecstasy! Even the stone has bloomed in those faces; those faces have transformed the stone into roseflowers, into lotuses.

Seeing those faces you will be able to see that these lovers are no more part of time and space; they have gone beyond.

The figures are sexually active, but they are not obsessed with sex -- neither for nor against. Both are obsessions -- for and against simply means things are no longer natural. When things are natural, you are
neither for nor against.

Are you for sleep or against sleep? If you are for, you have become unnatural; if you are against, you have become unnatural. One is not for or against sleep! It is just a natural thing so is sex.

And when sex is accepted naturally, it starts growing higher. Then one day, the bud spontaneously becomes a flower. Not that you have to DO something -- just let the energy move! let the sap flow and the bud WILL become the flower.

Those faces are utterly at ease, in a state of let-go. They are in the world, but not of it. And they are not doing anything; they are just like small children playing on the sea beach. They are playful.

But sexually obsessed people have been very much against Khajuraho.

Mahatma Gandhi wanted it to be covered with mud so that only once in a while, when some special guest came from the West or from the East it could be uncovered for him. It should be closed for ordinary people.

Mahatma Gandhi represents the mediocre mind -- he is the mahatma of the mediocres. He represents the sexual obsession. His whole life he was obsessed against sex.

Now, if Mahatma Gandhi goes to see Khajuraho, I don't think he will be able to see the faces of the figures; I don't think he will be able to go inside the temple -- the outer will be enough to prevent him. And I don't think he will be able to watch even the outer; he will be so angry, he will feel so guilty, he will feel so ashamed!

If you talk to the so-called educated Indians about Khajuraho, you will see they feel ashamed.
They will say to you, "We are sorry, but these temples don't represent our mainstream. They are not represen-tative of our culture. They are AGAINST our culture. They are freak events in our culture -- they don't represent us. We are very sorry that they exist."

But they represent one of the most wholistic attitudes towards life -- all is accepted, because all is divine.

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