Monday 10 March 2014

the so called yogis

These so-called yogis who go on breathing less and less and slow, they slow down the process of life only. They are less alive, that's all. They will not be longer alive -- less alive. They are not living fully; their candle is not burning perfectly. The zest, the enthusiasm, the dance is lost. They drag themselves, that's all.

And this has happened with sex, because with sex people think death enters. And they are right, because sex energy gives birth to life -- so the more sex energy moves out, the more life is moving out. Logical, absolutely Aristotelian, but foolish. And you cannot find greater fools than logicians. It is logical that life-energy comes from sex -- a child is born because of sex, sex IS the source of life -- so keep it in. Don't allow it to go out, otherwise you will be dead. So the whole world has become afraid.

But it is the same, just like keeping the breath in, then the whole being wants to throw it out. So your so-called BRAHMACHARINS, celibates, who try to keep the sex energy in, the semen in, the whole body wants to throw it out. Their whole life becomes sexual -- their mind becomes sexual, they dream of sex, they think of sex. Sex becomes their obsession because they are trying to do something, logical of course, but not true to life. And they don't live long, they die soon.

This is a new finding, a new research: that a man lives longer if he prolongs his love life as much as possible. If a man can make love at eighty years of age he will live longer. Why? Because the more you breathe out, the more you breathe in. So exactly... if you want more life, breathe out more so you create a vacuum inside and more breath comes in. You don't think about breathing in. You simply exhale as much as you can and your whole being will inhale. Love more -- that is breathing out -- and your body will gather energy from the whole cosmos. You create the vacuum and the energy comes.

It is just like this in every process of life. You eat, but then you become a miser, you become constipated. The logic is right: don't breathe out. Constipation is choosing for breathing in and being against breathing out. Almost every civilized person is constipated; you can measure civilization through constipation. The more constipated a country the more civilized, because the more logical. Why breathe out? Just go on breathing in. Food is energy. Why throw it out? You may not be aware but this is the unconscious getting logical and Aristotelian.

But life is a balance between throwing out and inviting in. You are just a passage. Share! Give! and more will be given to you. Be a miser! Don't give! and less will be given to you because you don't need it.

Remember, and watch your life processes. If you are really interested in understanding enlightenment ultimately, remember to give so that more is given to you whatsoever it is. Breathe out, exhale more. That is what sharing means, giving means.
A gift is giving your energies, so more is given to you. But the mind says... it has its own logic, and Sosan calls that logic the disease.


You make it difficult, YOU are difficult. The Great Way is easy...

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