Sunday 14 December 2014

Unmasked: the Muslim behind most influential Islamic State Twitter account is business executive in India

Unmasked: the Muslim behind most influential Islamic State Twitter account is business executive in India

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Another stellar moderate who’s …… not.
The leftist/Islamic lie that is rammed down our throats by Islamic supremacists like Hamas-CAIR and Islamic apologists like President Obama, John Kerry, the media and academics across the world, that this has nothing to do with Islam, is absurd on its face. It is outrageous, false and fatal. They will attribute jihad to poverty, illiteracy, culture — anything but its true origins. One Muslima who joined the jihad, Aqsa Mahmood, grew up in an affluent neighborhood and attended a prestigious private school. Giving further proof to the lie (as if we needed more) that poverty, disaffection, illiteracy blah blah blah is the motivator behind Muslims going Islam.
Thousands of Muslims from Europe, North America, Australia, etc. are flocking to the Middle East to wage jihad grew up in the West. They went to good schools and came from affluent homes. Some stay in their own countries and aid and abet the jihad — like this business executive in India, who also happened to be the most influential pro-Islamic State Twitter account to be followed by foreign jihadis, beheaders, rapists and slaughterers in the cause of Islam.
At the risk of repeating myself for the umpeenth time, this war is ideological. It’s religious and political, because Islam is political. Nationality, race, sex, ethnicity, borders, hair color, shoe size are irrelevant. The common thread is Islam — pure Islam.
Rappers in Germany, doctors in Glasgow, chemical engineering students in Canada, heart surgeons in Saudi Arabia, university students in Britain, imams in America, herdsmen in Nigeria and so forth – what brings these wildly different people together? Jihad. From the Sahara to the Kalahari, London to Lisbon, Manhattan to Madrid, Bali to Boston, Tiananmen Square to Thailand, Myanmar to Malaysia, Nairobi to Nigeria ….. no matter what the background, upbringing, schooling, wealth or poverty, color, what have you, it doesn’t matter. The understanding of Islam and jihad is the same, and it is the motive, the incitement to this monstrous war on the West and the East and all points in between.
If the world was as concerned with the mass slaughter of non-Muslims by jihadists as they are about the fictional narrative of “islamophobia,” we might begin to defeat this enemy of humanity.

Shami Witness Account Holder was Close to ISIS Terrorists: Bengaluru Police
“Unmasked: the man behind top Islamic State Twitter account,” By Mugdha Variyar, IBT,  December 13, 2014
Shami Witness Account Holder was Close to ISIS Terrorists: Bengaluru Police
Mehdi Masroor Biswas, the Bengaluru executive who was arrested on Saturday in connection with the ISIS propagandist Twitter account ‘Shami Witness’, was close to terrorists from the Islamic State, the police said.
Shami Witness
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Biswas reportedly confessed that he was operating the ‘Shami Witness’ Twitter account, one of the most popular accounts followed by jihadists and ISIS sympathisers.
“Mehdi helped ISIS recruits and was particularly close to an English-speaking terrorist of the group. He helped ISIS in waging war against Asiatic powers,” Bengaluru police said at a press conference on Saturday.
“His Twitter handle had become a source of information for new recruits of ISIS,” Karnataka DGP Pachau said, as reported by news channels.
The police, however, said that Mehdi had never traveled out of India. He used to read about Jihadist activities online and then posted propagandist information on his social media accounts.
While most of his Twitter posts were retweets, he is also said to have often posted original content.
The most influential pro-Islamic State Twitter account to be followed by foreign jihadis – Shami Witness – is shut down after a Channel 4 News investigation uncovers the identity of the man behind it
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He spent his mornings, afternoons and evenings sending thousands of tweets of propaganda about the Islamic State militant group, acting as the leading conduit of information between jihadis, supporters, and recruits.
His tweets, written under the name Shami Witness, were seen two million times each month, making him perhaps the most influential Islamic State Twitter account, with over 17,700 followers.
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Two thirds of all foreign fighters on Twitter followed him. When a fighter’s Twitter account is suspended, he often promoted the new one and urged people to follow it.
He spoke to British jihadis regularly, before they leave to join the Islamic State, after they arrived, and if they died he praised them as martyrs.
Unmasked: the man behind top Islamic State Twitter account,” Channel 4,  December 13, 2014
The most influential pro-Islamic State Twitter account to be followed by foreign jihadis – Shami Witness – is shut down after a Channel 4 News investigation uncovers the identity of the man behin it
He has until now been able to remain anonymous, avoiding questions about his motives and his central role in the Islamic State’s propaganda war, but a Channel 4 News investigation can today reveal that the man operating the account is called Mehdi and he is an executive in Bangalore working for an Indian conglomerate.
Channel 4 News has chosen not to reveal his full name as he says his life would be in danger if his true identity was made public.
Mehdi said he would have gone to join Islamic State himself, but his family were financially dependent on him: “If I had a chance to leave everything and join them I might have.. my family needs me here.”
On his Facebook pages he regularly shares jokes, funny images and talks about superhero movies, posting pictures of pizza dinners with friends, and Hawaiian parties at work.
Elsewhere on Facebook there are indications of his Islamist ideology, in conversations about Libya and Egyptian uprisings.
After being contacted by Channel 4 News, Mehdi shut down the Shami Witness account.
Social media conflict
A recent report by the Brookings Institute found social media to be one of the key organizational strengths of the Islamic State, finding that it uses such channels “to spread and legitimise IS’s ideology, activities, and objectives, and to recruit and acquire international support.”
The man behind Shami Witness posted thousands of updates to the @ShamiWitness Twitter account every month, usually from his mobile phone.
Using the @ShamiWitness account he five times tweeted the video of the execution of US aid worker Peter Kassig, and dozens of Syrian soldiers within minutes of it being uploaded to the internet.
“May allah guide, protect, strengthen and expand the Islamic State … Islamic State brought peace, autonomy, zero corruption, low crime-rate”, he wrote on Twitter in November.
Mehdi said of Iftikhar Jaman, one of the British jihadists from Portsmouth killed fighting for Islamic State, that: “you bros [brothers] talked the talk, walked the walk”.
And he said to British fighter Mehdi Hassan “May Allah give you brothers decisive victory there”. Hassan later died fighting in Kobane.
To another British fighter he said: “may Allah reward you” and quoted one British fighter’s suggested that the rebel Islamic Front poses a greater risk to the Islamic State than the secularist rebels of the Free Syrian Army.
ShamiWitness seemed to express glee at the deaths and rapes of Kurdish fighters on Twitter, but later said that this comment was taken out of context.
He had written and later deleted the tweet where he said: “@ArjDnn I should thank PKK for recruiting female fighters, specially the ones caught alive by rebels. lol”.
But in his real life, he had spoken out against rape on Facebook.
#Breaking Major operations by Islamic State army,led by special forces, in several regions in Salahuddin province. #Iraq
— Shami Witness (@ShamiWitness) December 10, 2014

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