Saturday 27 June 2015

LINGA & YONI (!) லிங்கமும் யோனியும்

LINGA & YONI (!) லிங்கமும் யோனியும்
Srividya Sadhana with Vicneshwaran Bathumalai
Meanings of Linga and Yoni :
We have, hidden within our own deeper awareness, wonderful Gods and Goddesses in embryo who have but one intention: to bring the sacred and hi quality life back into our lives. Tantra expands horizons about masculine Self and feminine World into a living experience of the eternal time with infinite space. The sexual symbolism of Tantra, like the subject of sexuality in general, has always engaged the human mind. The modern mind seems to be obsessed with it as well. Many people into Tantra, as well as most of the scholars who write on it, seem unable to move beyond the physical suggestions of these symbols to their spiritual indications. This has kept the study and practice of Tantric Yoga at a superficial level in which its deeper cosmic and creative energies remain latent.
There is an inclination to reduce the Shiva linga and Shakti yoni, the two main Tantric symbols of ascending and descending forces - which are often represented by upright conical stones for the Shiva linga and ring stones or basis for the Shakti yoni - to merely the male and female sex organs, which is but one of their representations, and their erotic glorification. There is the tradition of Tantric sexuality of mithuna which uses sacred sex as part of Yoga practice. But it is not the only practice of Tantric Yoga and when done is integrated into a much larger array of practices.
It would be wrong to look at the linga and the yoni only in human sexual terms, just as it would be to see the Deities of Shiva and Shakti as only symbols of sexuality. Sexuality, no doubt, is the strongest of our biological and psychological urges. Yet sexuality reflects greater and higher forces, of which it is a manifestation.
The polarity of forces that we discover in sexuality is mirrored in the great dualities of nature from electricity and magnetism, to the forces of fire and water, the sun and the moon, and the forms of the mountain and the valley. It is this universal duality and polarity that is the basis of Tantric Yoga, working with it, and through it returning to the pure unity behind it. Sexuality is an important force that we must understand in the process, whether we choose to express it in a human relationship or renounce it for a more solitary path of practice.
The Shiva linga is often portrayed in an upright conical form much like the male sexual organ. Indeed, some Shiva lingas are quite phallic in their appearance, but there are many other types of lingas which are not. The linga is the symbol of the universal power, the cosmic masculine force or the Shiva principle. It has many forms in nature.
In the Sanskrit language, the word linga refers to a ‘chief mark’ or ‘characteristic’ of something. As a term, it is not per se a synonym for the male sexual organ, as some would believe. Linga indicates what is outstanding and determinative. In this regard, the male sexual organ can be said to be the distinguishing characteristic or linga of a man at a physical level, but linga in other contexts can have quite a different meaning.
In Yoga philosophy, the term linga refers to the subtle body, which is the dominant principle in our nature over the physical body. The Shiva linga is also the subtle body and can indicate the upper region from the heart to the head. The linga is a place where energy is held, generated and sustained.
The problem is that the modern mind, particularly since Freud, often tries to use sex as the main means of interpreting life, extending even to art and spirituality, which we try to understand according to sexual symbolism or the sex life of the persons involved! This ‘sexual reductionism’ misses the deeper and broader sensitivities and inspirations that people have.
Clearly sexuality is there for most everyone, but real spirituality and genuine creativity are not! Some scholars have gone so far as to try to reduce Hindu Devatas, Gods and Goddesses to sexual symbols, as if a figure like Ganesha, with his head cut off by his father, was nothing more than another manifestation of the Oedipal complex, missing his deeper yogic implications altogether. Of course, such psychological studies have been done on Christianity and Judaism as well. Freud, himself a Jew, tried to reduce Moses to the Oedipal complex, starting off this trend. Such studies do not help us understand what the spiritual path is all about, but get us further caught in our biological impulses as the primary factors of life. Naturally, such efforts to turn a religion into a sexual neurosis is not appreciated by Hindus any more than by Christians and Jews!
Symbolisms of the Linga
The Shiva linga represents the ascending energy of consciousness and life in nature. We see this in such forms as the mountain, the thunder cloud, the tree, and the upright human being. Many lingas like that at Kedarnath - the most important Shiva site in the Himalayas - are rocks in the shape of small mountains. Many other lingas are associated with light, the lingas of the Sun, the Moon and Fire. There are the twelve famous Jyotirlingas or light forms of Shiva at twelve special temples throughout India.
The state of Tamil Nadu has special Shiva linga forms for the five elements with lingas of earth, water, fire, air and ether at special temples in the region. In this regard, each element has its Shiva linga or determinative force. The famous hill of Arunachala, where the great enlightened sage Ramana Maharshi stayed, is said to be the fire linga of lord Shiva.
Other Shiva lingas are associated with gold or crystal, the light powers in the metal kingdom. The Shiva linga is often described in terms of light, crystal or transparency. Shiva himself is said to be pure light or light in its primal undifferentiated state, Prakasha matra.
The Shiva linga is connected to the upward pointed triangle, which is also the symbol of fire. The linga is present in the male sexual organ both in plants and in animals. But we should not ignore its other forms in recognizing that. The worship of the linga is connected more generally to a worship of pillars, obelisks, standing stones and pyramids. Tantric linga worship is connected to Vedic pillar worship (the Vedic stambha, skambha, dharuna), which has parallels throughout the ancient world and in indigenous cultures in general who can still perceive the spiritual powers behind the formations of nature.
The Shiva linga is often a pillar of light. In special Vedic fire rituals, the fire could be made to rise in the shape of a pillar which could also then take the shape of a man! In fact, the term Dharma originally refers to what upholds things and can be symbolized by a pillar. The Shiva linga is the universal pillar of Dharma. The pillar is also an inner symbol indicating the erect spine and concentrated mind.
In terms of our human nature, there are several lingas or characteristic marks. The force of Prana is the linga or pillar force upholding the physical body according to the currents that emanate from it. This is the inner ‘Prana Linga’. Our deeper intelligence or Buddhi provides us the power of insight to discern higher realities, the ‘Buddhi Linga’. The Atman or higher Self is the ultimate linga or determinative force of our nature that remains steady and elevated (transcendent) throughout all of our life experience, the ‘Atma Linga’.
The linga and the yoni always go together, first of all on the level of opposites, as the upward and downward pointed triangles. The linga with the yoni below it, the standing stone and the ring base, show the union of male and female energies, not just in sexuality, but also as electro-magnetic forces.
In addition, the linga in its movement creates a yoni, just as a point in its movement can create a circle. We can see this in the circular movement of the stars, planets and nebulae, as well as many other diverse phenomena in the world of nature. The central luminary is the linga and its field of revolution is the yoni. The planets form a yoni or circle as they revolve around the Sun as the linga, of the solar system, its central principle or axis. Yet the Sun itself is revolving around other stars and creating a yoni or circle of its own.
Stonehenge, and other similar sacred sites that have standing stones formed into great circles, show the union of the linga and the yoni, the cosmic male and female or Shiva-Shakti principles. The linga and the yoni are also united in the chakra or the wheel, with the linga as the axis and the yoni as the circumference. The Hindu usage of chakras in ritual and in art also reflects these two powers. Each chakra of the subtle body shows the union of the Shiva and Shakti energies operative at its particular level of manifestation.
The Shiva energy is the upward current running through the spine or Sushumna and the Shakti energy is the horizontal current through which it travels, forming the various lotuses of the chakras. Together they form a spiral of forces. Both forces are necessary to create this dynamic motion.
The experience of the Shiva linga in Yogic meditation is an experience of a pillar of light, energy, peace and eternity, expanding the mind, opening the inner eye and bringing deep peace and steadiness to the heart. From it radiate waves, currents, circles and whirlpools of Shakti spreading this grace, love and wisdom to all. To concentrate our awareness in the linga is one of the best ways of meditation, calming the mind and putting us in touch with our inner Being and Witness beyond all the agitation and sorrow of the world.
In Ayurvedic healing, the creation of the Prana linga or concentration of Prana at a subtle level is what allows deep healing and rejuvenation to occur. In Vedic astrology, the Shiva linga represents the power of light behind the Sun, Moon, planets and stars. In Vastu Shastra, the Shiva linga is used to stabilize the spiritual and vital energy in a house, as a conduit of cosmic forces.
To understand the ultimate secrets of life we must be able to look at the primal powers of existence, including the needs for sex and food, according to their broader connections and universal implications. Human sexuality is only one of the many manifestations of the cosmic forces of duality, of a greater Divine sexuality as it were, which transcends all creaturely existence.
We must learn to see the cosmic energy behind human sexuality rather than try to reduce spiritual polarities to our own physical and emotional inclinations. This is another aspect of Yoga in which we must look beyond human psychology to the universal consciousness.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Practical Magic: Ayahuasca – The Vine of the Soul

Practical Magic: Ayahuasca – The Vine of the Soul

Ayahuasca  The Vine of the Soul

Name: Ayahuasca
Most Commonly Found: Ayahuasca originated in Peru and throughout the great forests in the Amazon, usually as a psychedelic drink that was drunk with the presence of a shaman, but it is now commonly drunk in Europe, North America and elsewhere. 
Stone Cold Facts: Ayahuasca is a Quechua Indian word which translates as "Vine of the Soul," and is largely known for its physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and awakening.
Ayahuasca's entheogenic brew contains two components: the vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) with a monoamine oxidase inhibiting (MAOI) action and the leaf (Psychotria viridis or Diplopterys cabrerana), which requires that MAOI action to make their dimethyltryptamine (DMT) orally active (
It's widely regarded by indigenous people as having psychedelic, spiritual and healing properties, largely because of its DMT property. 
What to Heal: Some believe that Ayahuasca is the "medicine of our time." It gives hope to people with "incurable" diseases such as cancer, HIV, and Parkinson’s disease, as well as chronic depression, anxiety, and drug addictions ( ). 
It's been largely believed that complex unconscious psychological stresses underlie and contribute to all chronic medical conditions, from cancer to depression to multiple sclerosis. For these ailments, therapy that is assisted by psychedelics, can help a person liberate themselves from their influence,studies find. It has been proven to be especially healing for drug addiction
How to Heal: To experience its benefits, ayahuasca is drunk as a brew. Sections of Banisteriopsis caapi vine are macerated and boiled alone or with leaves from a number of plants, including chacruna or chaliponga. The resulting brew should contain DMT and the MAO inhibiting harmala alkaloids. 
It can also be made with no DMT-containing plants, such as Justicia pectoralis, Brugmansia or sacred tobacco. 
Related Chakras: As it hits the stomach (often making people vomit or nauseous), it clears the Solar Plexus Chakra. It also opens the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. 
Psychic + Spiritual Properties: As a psychedelic drug or medicine, ayahuasca is largely known for its mentally and spiritually healing elements. Many people who have consumed ayahuasca report having spiritual revelations regarding their purpose on Earth, the true nature of the universe as well as deep insight into how to be the best person they possibly can be.
It helps heal a person and make him his healer self. It opens people's eyes spiritually. 
In the past, it has been used to help rehabilitate prisoners and to help clear people's spirits in general. 
History + Lore: Ayahuasca originated from the forests of the Amazon, throughout Peru and northern South America. Many indigenous Amazonian people say they received the instructions directly from plants and plant spirits. 
In the 16th century, Christian missionaries from Spain and Portugal first encountered indigenous South Americans using ayahuasca, which they believed was the work of the devil. 
It was first studied academically in the early 1950s by Harvard ethnobotanist Richard Evans Schultes.
Various shamans advise taking the plant without the supervision of a shaman. 
In the 20th century, the first ayahuasca Churches, affiliated with the Brazilian Santo Daime, were established in the Netherlands, causing a debate regarding the legality of the substance. 

6 Ways to Balance Your Chakras

6 Ways to Balance Your Chakras

Our bodies are energy.

And sometimes, this energy runs smoothly and we feel great physically, mentally, and emotionally. But there are other times when we feel out of whack, tired, insecure, and maybe we are even dealing with disorders and dis-eases. So long as we’re living, we will go through imbalances in our gross and subtle systems. The strongest indicator that you may be (over)due for a chakra reboot is if you’re living with a state of dis-ease, either physical or mental or perhaps both.  
Literally meaning “wheel,” chakras are pictured as spinning wheels spaced throughout the upper body.  These wheels are understood in terms of gross anatomy (aka the physical body orAnnamayakosha) as well as in energetic terms (aka the subtle, spiritual body or Pranamayakosha’).  
At different times in our lives, some chakras may have slowed down and become sluggish while others are whirling with overzealous activity. Either way creates disturbances in our daily life.  
Just as we take our bodies – and cars –  to get checked out and tuned up, part of our healthy maintenance should also involve some energetic balancing.    
Let’s take a look at the chakras to understand their features and common imbalances.   

Now that you’ve explored them and observed which ones resonate with you, let’s get to how to balance the chakras in need of some TLC:

1. Toning
Mantras are healing, not necessarily for the meaning of their words, but for the words tonal quality. Sound is energy and a sound’s vibration can help to both awaken a numbed chakra center and it can also help calm an overly active one.
To practice toning, start with your first chakra, find your lowest register of voice and chant the respective sound. Gradually move higher in your vocal register as you move upward through the chakras. You also may find your own unique sound that resonates with you more than the archetypal one listed.  
2. Gems and stones
Each chakra has respective stones and/or gems which harmonize the center. For instance, garnet, a deep red stone, helps to ground, which connects to the First Chakra, and rose quartz is the stone for love and peace, which corresponds with the Heart Chakra, and so on. See above for suggestions of chakra stones. Whether you create a bracelet or necklace or simply carry individual stones with you, the stones’ healing properties will affect you energetically.  
3. Yoga Rx
One reason the asanas are powerful is that they help to balance the chakras. From squatting, which grounds one’s first chakra to bridge, which opens the Fourth Chakra, there are postures that access and balance the 6 wheels. See above for suggested genre of poses.  
4. Meditation
Each chakra has a corresponding color, and the color scheme most often corresponds with the rainbow. So, the First Chakra is red, the second is orange, and so on.
Try this visual meditation: after moving through postures that are associated with the chakras, lie down and establish smooth, even breathing. Then bring your awareness to the root chakra and visualize a bright brilliant color red glowing at the base of your spine.  Maybe you visualize the light pulsing with your breath  Moving upward, visualize a bright, true orange, glowing from your Second Chakra. Continue moving upward through the chakras with this rainbow meditation. For the Seventh Chakra, visualize the thousand-petaled white lotus flower hovering just above your head.  
5. Scents
Once you have discovered which chakras are unbalanced, explore the scents associated with the chakras, and create a perfume or a spray from these respective oils (there are plenty more to choose from). Keep in mind that the scents that are least appealing may be the very ones that help balance.      
6. Affirmations
After discovering which chakras you want to focus on, create an affirmation unique to each one. For instance, if I discover that I want to work on my First Chakra, my affirmation might be,“I am grounded and secure. I have everything I need to be healthy and to thrive. I am able to navigate my life with ease and grace.”
Our lives and states of health are constantly evolving and shifting, and so are our chakras. Neither balance, nor imbalance, are permanent states, so with awareness of ourselves and tools in our toolbox, we can accommodate and adjust as we need to in order to live the healthiest most harmonious lives imaginable. 

Pamela Geller, Breitbart: Clear Channel Refuses AFDI Ads Countering ICNA’s Lies with the Truth About Muhammad

Pamela Geller, Breitbart: Clear Channel Refuses AFDI Ads Countering ICNA’s Lies with the Truth About Muhammad

As I wrote recently, Muhammad is now the man we all must love — or else. And it is now an established principle in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave: threaten someone with death unless he or she does your bidding, and not only will he or she do your bidding, but the intelligentsia will gang up upon and vilify and defame anyone who dares to refuse to do so.
“Clear Channel Refuses AFDI Ads Countering ICNA’s Lies with the Truth About Muhammad,” by Pamela Geller, Breitbart, June 19, 2015:
A good many readers of my website,, have written me over the past couple of weeks, concerned about a deceptive ad that the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is running in a number of American cities. ICNA is an Islamic organization that has been probed by the FBI for ties to terrorism. They are running a deceptive Muhammad propaganda campaign claiming that Muhammad advocated peace and women’s rights. You may remember their pro-Sharia for America ad campaign.
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ICNA’s billboards in Atlanta claim that “Muhammad — peace be upon him — believed in peace, social justice, women’s rights,” along with a phone number to find out more about Islam. They’re planning on having 100 of these billboards around the country by the end of the year, while hosting conferences in various cities around the country about Sharia and Muhammad.
We countered ICNA’s lies with the truth about Muhammad. Our ad reads, “Muhammad believed in war, denial of rights to women, denial of rights to non-Muslims, deceit of unbelievers,” and directs people to an AFDI website, At that site, we laid out abundant evidence for what we said about Muhammad – evidence taken from core Islamic texts.
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We submitted our ads to go up in Atlanta in the same areas as the ICNA kitman billboards: Camp Creek Parkway at Desert Drive; at Mountain Industrial Boulevard at Stone Mountain Freeway; and at Chamblee Tucker Road at I-285.
Clear Channel rejected our ad, saying it wasn’t very nice. So we submitted a different ad, using Muhammad’s own quotes. That way Clear Channel could not say we were editorializing or opining. Our new ad quoted Muhammad saying, “I have been made victorious through terror”; “I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)”; and “I have been commanded to fight against people.”
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Clear Channel rejected that ad, too.
ICNA is dedicated to “establishing a place for Islam in America” – which means a place for jihad and a place for Sharia. ICNA, like the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), is a terror front group whose “Muslim advocacy” front masks their true Islamic supremacist agenda. Despite the carefully constructed myth surrounding Muslim Brotherhood groups in America, advanced by a hostile and pro-jihadist media, the truth about these subversives is out there.
ICNA works closely with radical Islamic organizations and invites radical speakers to its conferences. It was named in the Muslim Brotherhood document — entitled “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America“ — as one of the Brotherhood’s 29 likeminded “organizations of our friends” that shared the common goal of destroying America and turning it into a Muslim nation.
These “friends” were identified by the Brotherhood as groups that could help teach Muslims “that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … Allah’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.”
The Muslim Brotherhood group ICNA is lying to Americans about Muhammad, Islam, and Sharia in order to advance a false narrative about the most extreme and radical ideology on the face of the earth. Period. They don’t want Americans to know the truth that the gendercide of honor killings, the clitoridectomies, the stonings, and the 1,400 years of cultural annihilations and enslavements are all Sharia-mandated and inspired by Muhammad’s example.
When Clear Channel rejected our ad, I had a discussion with Jack Jessen of Clear Channel, who said that he could not run our ad. I asked Mr. Jessen why, and he said that it had a “negative connotation to it.”
I told him that I was using direct quotes from Muhammad. But he said it was “very negative-based” and that he “considered it an attack” on ICNA. I pointed out that I hadn’t even mentioned ICNA and that the ICNA ad wasn’t honest. I explained that the ICNA is a terror-tied group and explained their background.
I said that we didn’t oppose his running it, because it’s a free country. But if he was going to run that kind of propaganda, he had to allow a counterpoint. He had to allow the truth. At least our ads featured quotes, direct quotes from Muhammad.
Mr. Jessen admitted that he “didn’t know enough about the details of it,” but he just knew “that’s the way he perceived it.”
I reiterated that I was not attacking ICNA in the ad — I even offered to change the layout, the colors, which were similar to those in ICNA’s ad. I explained that he was running something that was completely and utterly false because he perceived it as good. But it was not good. I explained that he was helping to disarm the American people in a very grave threat.
I told Mr. Jessen that I was willing to work with him. I changed the ad once, but for him to say absolutely no was just so wrong. It was unconscionable.
He suggested I talk to another company in Atlanta. I asked if he knew of a company in Atlanta that would run it. He said that he did not.
So I responded that it was Clear Channel that ran the ICNA ad. How did he reconcile that?
He could not answer. I gave him the primary sources of the quotes. So whom was I attacking? Muhammad said it.
He said that he didn’t recognize the names of the sources of my quotes. “I have been made victorious through terror” came from Sahih Bukhari 2977. “I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)” is from Sahih Bukhari 304, and “War is deceit” comes from Sahih Bukhari 3029.
In contrast, Jessen admitted that he used Wikipedia to vet our ad.
He admitted that he was in “a difficult position.”
I said, “You’re an advertising company that is obviously taking issue-related ads. So if this ad doesn’t go up, you know that Clear Channel will come under attack for not taking this ad, because they are showing a preference.”
He said that he would talk to his people in corporate and get back to me. He never did.
Please contact Clear Channel: — and politely and courteously tell him that you don’t appreciate his capitulation to Islamic law.
 Mobile: 91-9841121780, 9543187772.
Web: /s/ref=nb_sb_noss/378-4986394-6216105?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&url=search- alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jagadeesh+krishnan
my books

Monday 22 June 2015

8 million mummified dogs found in Egypt

8 million mummified dogs found in Egypt

8 million mummified dogs found in Egypt

Scientists made a shocking find while digging through the catacombs of ancient Egypt.

A team of researchers from Cardiff University in Britain has stumbled on a mass grave with 8 million dogs while digging through the catacombes of Anubis near popular archaeological site Saqqara — the sheer size of which has stunned the research team.
It’s not uncommon to come across a mass burial of animals due to how common animal cults are in ancient Egypt, but the massive size of this grave with 8 million mummified animals is what really raised eyebrows in the scientific community — and is leading to questions that scientists don’t yet have the answers to, according to a CNN report.
Paul Nicholson of Cardiff University, who led the research team, said that this was a surprising and very pleasing find, as they had not expected to uncover such a huge amount of animals.
Why dogs? Egyptians were devoted to the god Anubis, who they believed to be the gatekeeper to the afterlife. Anubis is often depicted as having the head of a dog and the body of a man. He first turned up in ancient texts as early as 3100 B.C., although this particular burial dates between 750 and 30 B.C. This was about the time when Egyptian society was modernizing and becoming more connected to Rome and Greece.
But the unanswered question is why were there so many buried in this one place. Nicholson hopes to conduct a more complete study that would delve into the Saqqara site much more thoroughly in search of other animal catacombs. Finding out more about these animals and where they came from could help scientists better understand

Saturday 20 June 2015

7 Best Ways To Directly Communicate With Your Higher-Self

7 Best Ways To Directly Communicate With Your Higher-Self

Spirit Science and Metaphysics

If you desire and seek a deeper connection with your spirituality, there is no better way than communicating with your Higher-Self. In fact, we aren’t meant to walk the journey of life alone, we have an invisible guide, ever watching and supporting us in our lives. In this blog, I’m going to share a bit about how your Higher-Self works, and how you can directly communicate with it so you can live a more connected, fulfilling, purposeful and happy life.

To understand your Higher-Self it is very supportive to understand Oneness. Oneness inherently means everything is connected. On all levels of the Universe, from bacteria to distant stars, somehow, someway they are connected.

If you imagine that the entire Universe is connected by branches or roots of energy, our Higher-Selves are the tap root which extend out and bring us to life.

Our Higher-Selves extend beyond the aura. They are a super-consciousness, group soul of sorts, that is experiencing and overseeing many lives simultaneously.

Our Higher-Selves are like the big server or supercomputer that is hooked up and linked to all of our individual human computers. They are running the network. By connecting beyond our own minds to the supercomputer consciousness of our Higher-Selves, our personal computing power (or potential to experience life) is greatly enhanced.

So here are 7 of the absolute best ways to communicate to your Higher-Self, so you can expand your consciousness and tap back into the superconscious mind that is awaiting your reconnection.

1) Learn to cultivate your inner-listening 

In our modern World, taking time to sit still and in silence can be a very challenging practice. With phones & screens around every corner, it’s much easier for us to spend time on the internet rather than listening inward.

Most people have a hard time distinguishing their mind’s thoughts from the voice of their Higher-Self, and with practice this will become clear. As you start to explore your inner space it’s likely your ego will experience immense boredom. However, if you continue to sit still and see it through, you will make it through to a plane of alignment & stillness where higher-wisdom, thoughts and intuitive guidance comes through.

It’s here that the voice of your Higher-Self can be found.

2) Feel its presence over your shoulders 

In many spiritual depictions of the ages, they show the Higher-Self as existing over your shoulders, displayed as your bridge to the cosmic wisdom above you.

Your Higher-Self can often be felt as the pillar of light surrounding your body, extending upwards into the heavens. By tuning into that pillar, and starting to interface with it consciously, you can directly communicate with it.

I like to say your Higher-Self is like the director behind the curtains. Our personalities are constantly on stage during life, and our Higher-Self is directing, watching & supporting the refinement of our souls and the lessons we are here to experience.

Many people who experience channeling, are basically stepping out of themselves a bit and allowing this pillar to come forward, put another way, they go backstage while their Higher-Self takes center stage. It’s that simple…

3) Meditate at the same time each day 

Meditating at the same time each day is one of the most effective and powerful spiritual practices that exist. Often, our Higher-Self is trying to reach us, to provide us reflection, integration and wisdom on our life’s experiences.

Think of it like this. Our Higher-Self is trying to send us a package, and if we aren’t home to pick-up the mail and receive it, we’ll never get it. Because we have Free Will, when we constantly move about our busy lives, we can easily be moving about so much and so quickly that we are never present enough to relax into connecting with our Higher-Selves.

By cultivating the discipline of meditating at the same time each day, we guarantee our presence and availability for this connection to show-up, and it will. Make sure you’re home so you don’t miss the precious deliveries from Spirit.

4) Utilize muscle testing 

Muscle testing can be used to help you confirm your guidance when directly communicating with your Higher-Self. It can also be used to help you determine what is true, what is right for you and support you in making decisions.

Muscle testing works by choosing a body trigger that allows you to register a “Yes” or a “No.” My favorite is self-muscle testing shown in the photo above, where you interlock your fingers. You pose a question in your inner-space and then try to pull them apart. If they hold strong, it’s a “Yes!” If they easily can be pulled apart it’s a “No.”

With practice, this can allow you to let the communication of your Higher-Self bypass the mental chatter and become a physical body like experience. I’ve known friends that have manifested tons of success, beautiful mansions and traveled the World just from simply using this technique and trusting it.

5) Go on an adventure 

When you decide to mix things up in your life, it can truly support you in breaking up the stuck energy that can be weighing you down or getting you stuck in your head.

Many of my strongest Higher-Self moments have come from spontaneous adventure, where I give into the wind and surrender to the higher wisdom of life to guide me on my journey. The old paradigm is to control every action, plan every step and account for every moment. While certain components of this old paradigm still have merit, there is a new way…

The new paradigm is to open up to the flow of your Higher Self, and to work together with it to explore what amazing things can be created in the moment. Rather than trying to figure out everything, you can experience what it’s like to be one with everything…and watch the magic occur!

6) Connect to the Moon 

The moon holds special power for those who choose to connect and attune their consciousness with it. Before our current time matrix was put in place, most of our ancient societies used the cycles of the moon to track the seasons and our human cycles.

By harmonizing ourselves and consciousness with the cycles of the moon we become re-attuned to our natural rhythms. When we are in rhythm with the Universe, our alignment to our Higher-Selves is active and turned on.

From this place, it’s much easier to directly communicate with your Higher-Self, as so much of the resistance we have to slowing down and listening deep is resolved. Once that resistance fades away what is often left is our infinite connection and our Higher-Selves presence to integrate and take it all in.

7) Make relaxation your mission 

The importance of relaxation cannot be emphasized enough. Most people are not truly living relaxed lives. We are holding immense levels of tension, stress, worry, fear and paranoia.

If you carry all this tense energy into trying to communicate with your Higher-Self, it will drive you crazy. You will be racing around looking for signs and symbols, anything to tell you that everything is okay.

You have to start by having faith and trust that everything is alright and okay, and then relaxing into that deeper than ever before in every area of your life. When you show up to your Higher-Self relaxed, having a conversation with it is as simple as talking to a friend.

Make relaxation in all areas of life your mission. This means even being relaxed while being extremely active, yes, there too.

Making a connection

As you start to communicate with your Higher-Self, you’ll notice it can move out of your meditation practice and into a continuous guiding force in your daily life. I am constantly cultivating my relationship with my Higher-Self, and it now feels ever present and integrated in every moment of my life.

Live a relaxed, exciting and connect life, in rhythm with the moon and your True Nature, and you will see yourself more and more become an embodied representation of your Higher-Self. This means always seeing the bigger picture, not letting the drama of life overly effective you, and always having higher-wisdom available in any situation.

When we each live our lives dedicated to a place of connection to our Higher-Selves, our actions change and the things we do come from a higher-place, one that benefits all beings. In this we can create a New Earth, with guided insight one step at a time. 

சுடுகாட்டு ஞானம்

சுடுகாட்டு ஞானம்
நந்தவனத்தில் ஓர் ஆண்டி – அவன்
நாலாறு மாதமாய் குயவனை வேண்டி
கொண்டு வந்தான் ஒரு தோண்டி – அதைக்
கூத்தாடிக் கூத்தாடி போட்டுடைத்தான்டி
-ஆசான் கடுவெளிச் சித்தர்
இப்பூலோகம் எனும் நந்தவனத்தில் மனிதப்பிறவியை அடைய தாயின் கருவறையில் பத்து மாத காலம் ஈசன் கருணையினால் கருவாக உதித்து உடம்பு வளர்ந்து வெளிவருகிறான். இவ்வாறு பெற்று வந்து உடம்பை உணராமல் இவ்வுடம்பிலேயே தீயாக நின்ற ஈசனை அறியாமல் அத்தீயாலேயே காம கோப வழிகளில் சென்று கூத்தாடி கூத்தாடி இவ்வுடம்பை இழந்துவிடுகிறான். இப்பிறவி அருமையை அறியாமலேயே நீராக நின்ற வாலையான உயிர்போய் இறந்துவிடுகிறான் என்பதையே கடுவெளி சித்தர் பாடுகிறார்.
இறந்த உடம்பை இடுகாட்டிற்கு எடுத்துச்சென்று அங்கு சில சடங்குகளை செய்த பின்னே சிதையில் வைத்து தீயிடுவார்கள். அதில் இறந்தவரின் வாரிசு தோளில் ஒரு மண்குடத்தில் நீரை நிரப்பி வைத்து சடலத்தை மூன்று முறை சுற்றிவர சொல்வார்கள். ஒவ்வொரு சுற்று வரும் போதும் அம்மண்பானையில் அரிவாளால் ஓட்டை போட்டு பானையில் உள்ள நீர் வெளியேறும் போது புறங்கையால் தட்டி விடுவார்கள். இவ்வாறு மூன்று ஓட்டைகளைப் போட்டு சுற்றி முடித்த பின் அப்பானையை கீழே போட்டு உடைப்பார்கள். இச்சடங்கின் உண்மைக் காரணமே இந்த மூன்று மண்டலங்களை மற்றவர்கள் அறிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டியே.
இவ்வுடம்பு பஞ்சபூதங்களின் கூட்டுறவு. அவ்வுடம்பில் தீயாக நின்ற ஈசன் உடம்பைவிட்டு போனதாலேயே உயிரும் போகின்றது. இவ்வாறு தீயாக நின்ற முக்கண் ஈசன் நம் உடம்பில் சு10ரிய சந்திர அக்னி மண்டலங்களில் இயங்கியதை அறிந்து அதைப் பற்றியிருந்தால் இறவா நிலை பெற்றிருக்கலாம் என்பதைச் சொல்லவே இச்சடங்கு சுடுகாட்டில் நடத்திக்காட்டப்படுகின்றது. இவ்வுடம்பில் மூன்று வாசல் வழியாக உள்ள மூன்று மண்டலங்களை அறிந்து கொள்ளாமல் அதனை பலவழிகளிலும் கெடுத்து கொள்வதால் நினைவாக நின்ற ஆகாயமும் வாசியாக இயங்கிய காற்றும் மறைந்து நெருப்பாக நின்ற ஈசனும் உடம்பை விட்டு விலகியதால் வாலையான உயிரும் போய் மரணம் நேரிட்டது. ஆகையினால் உடம்பில் மூன்று மண்டலங்களை அறிந்து யோக சாதனையினால் ஈசனையே பற்றி நின்று தவம் இயற்றினால் மரணமிலாப் பெருவாழ்வை பெற்று இறவாநிலை அடையலாம் என்பதே இச்சடங்கு சொல்லும் சுடுகாட்டு ஞானம்.
இறந்த உடம்பில் எஞ்சி நிற்பது மண் பூதமே. அதையும் தீக்கே இறையாக்குவார்கள். பஞ்சபூதங்களும் தங்கியிருந்த உடம்பைக் காட்டவே சுடுகாட்டில் மண்பானையில் நீரை நிரப்பி சுற்றி வருகிறார்கள். அப்பானைக்குள் நீரும்ää காற்றும் இருக்கின்றது. பானைக்கு வெளியே ஆகாயமும் உள்ளது. அப்பானையில் இல்லாதது தீ. அத்தீ மூன்று மண்டலங்களாக இருந்ததைக் காட்டவே மூன்று ஓட்டைகள் போடுகிறார்கள். அந்த ஓட்டைகளின் வழியே வெளியேறும் நீரை புறங்கையினால் தட்டிவிடுவார்கள். அத்தீயிலாமல் வெளியேறிய உயிரே வாலையாக நின்ற நீர் என அறிந்து கொள்ளாமல் புறந்தள்ளியதை காட்டவே புறங்கையில் தட்டிவிடுவர். தீயான ஈசன் உடம்பைவிட்டுப் போவதால் நீரான வாலையும் போய் இது ஊத்தைச்சடலம் ஆனது. கடைசியில் அதுவும் நெருப்புக்கோ மண்ணுக்கோ இரையாகின்றது. ஆதலால் இதனை யாவும் அறிந்து உடம்பை விட்டு இறைவன் போய்விடாவண்ணம் தீயை தியானித்தால் வளர்த்து உடம்பை இறவா நிலைக்கு உயர்த்த மூன்று மண்டலங்களையும் நன்கு அறிந்து யோக ஞான சாதனைகளைப் பயிலுங்கள்.

Friday 19 June 2015

How To Crack Open Your Pineal Gland

How To Crack Open Your Pineal Gland

In order for us to tap into our deepest states of intuition, intelligence and spiritual enlightenment, it is necessary tounlock and activate our brain’s Pineal Gland. Commonly referred to by ancient cultures and mystics as “the third eye,” our pineal gland sits in the center of our brain between our right and left hemispheres and is responsible for producing neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin.

Yet, the pineal gland wasn’t bestowed the name “third eye” for just any random reason. Rather, when dissected from the brain, it is found that the pineal gland actually contains photoreceptors just like our own two seeing eyes and is actually activated by light transmitted through our two eyes. This sunlight transmitted through our eyes stimulates the pineal gland’s production of serotonin and further works to strengthen the gland’s ability to break free of specific harmful chemicals that can encrust it. As well, the pineal gland is also stimulated by darkness, in which the gland responds by producing melatonin to help induce us into sleep.

Sun -> Serotonin
Moon -> Melatonin

How to decalcify and detoxify your pineal gland

As a result of our natural biological make up, the pineal gland is not protected by the blood brain barrier and therefore does not have an extra line of defense against harmful toxins that enter the bloodstream. Specific toxins, such as synthetic fluoride and synthetic calcium, are specifically shown to have an affinity for the pineal gland, weakening its abilities to produce our neurotransmitters and receive photons of light from the sun, moon and stars.

However, it is important to distinguish the difference between synthetic fluoride and synthetic calcium versus organic fluoride and organic calcium. If received from plant sources, such as vegetables and other organic foods, calcium and fluoride are healthy essential minerals. Yet, when fluoride and calcium are synthetically manufactured through industrial processing and added to tap water, vitamin supplements, toothpastes, fortified cereals and various other products, these synthetic minerals are shown to have detrimental affects to the pineal gland as well as numerous other organs of the body.

Before beginning to activate one’s pineal gland, it is to necessary to remove the toxic chemicals that prevent it from working, such as synthetic fluoride, synthetic calcium, pharmaceutical medications and other toxins mentioned above. If you are drinking tap water, then look to replace this with purer and safer options, such asnatural spring water, well water, reverse osmosis water, or carbon-filtered water. From there, one can work to remove any vitamin supplements, mineral fortified foods and toothpastes containing added fluoride or calcium. Last but not least, one can take five minutes out of their day to install a carbon shower filter which works to remove chlorine, fluoride, used toilet paper particles and other impurities from tap water that can enter our bodies through the skin, pores and lungs when we shower.

How to activate your pineal gland

After one has begun removing the impurities that prevent the pineal gland from being activated, they can start implementing practices that work to stimulate and grow their pineal gland’s functioning and abilities. A great practice that one can do throughout their life is that of meditating. The act of meditating works to stimulate the chakra system of our brain and body that’s responsible for conducting and generating life-force energy. Meditating specifically guides bioelectric and zero-point energy to the pineal gland allowing for greater states of clarity and intuition to come into our conscious life.

After meditation, a more advanced exercise modality which works to activate the pineal gland as well as all of the body’s chakra points is that of Kundalini Yoga. The Kundalini which rests coiled in the lowest chakra of our spine is a transducer of energy which rises farther up the spine through the practice until finally reaching the pineal gland/third eye chakra. Upon activating the Kundalini and growing its pathway to the pineal gland, one is able to merge the photon celestial energy of the sun and cosmos with that of the physical body which roots to the Earth. Being that the bones of our skeletal system are technically piezoelectric crystals at the core, the Kundalini energy rises and flows through the crystal bones of the spine, activating the 33 vertebrae points one by one until reaching the crown and pineal gland energy points at the top levels of the upper spine.

Nutrition for your pineal gland

In the food category, numerous options are available for accelerating and detoxifying our brain’s pineal gland. As a foundation, one should look to comprise the percentage of foods in their diet to a highest degree of organic plants and animals as possible. Eating organic adds a buffer to protect oneself from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMO’s and other harmful chemical laden substances that can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health.

Foods that specifically support and activate the pineal gland are tumeric (tea and raw), cacao beans, green plants and vegetables, wild harvested spring water, reishi mushroom tea, grass juices, beets, apple cider vinegar and others. Supplements one can use to help detoxify and activate the pineal gland are zeolite tinctures, bentonite clay, organic MSM powder and ormus gold.

Begin activating your pineal gland today and tap into levels of your higher self that lay dormant, calling to be awakened. 

How to Wash Your Hair Right

How to Wash Your Hair Right

Wonder if you are washing your hair the right way? My own research showed that 7 out of 10 women don’t wash their hair right. While I can’t state with assurance that all women worldwide commit these hair washing mistakes, many don’t know how to do their hair correctly. Washing hair isn’t a hard process – you just wet, shampoo, rinse your hair, apply conditioner or hair mask and then again rinse, and that’s it. Nothing complicated, but washing your hair properly can seriously make a difference. Here’s the ultimate hair washing guide to follow:
How to Wash Your Hair Right

1. Begin with a hot rinse

You probably know the rule – don’t wash your hair with hot water. Well, it’s true, partially. I always thought that hot water is absolutely bad for my hair health until I met a beauty expert who shared the secret of hot rinse with me. When you wet your hair with a hot water (but not very hot, of course!), it helps to open up the pores and the cuticle, and remove any dirt more effectively. This, in turn, helps your conditioner or hair mask absorb better.

2. Wash the scalp

The popular way to apply shampoo is all over the hair and scalp. This popular way is actually a wrong way. Apply your shampoo to the scalp only, massage it gently and rinse it with warm water. If your hair is too dirty and oily, then after you apply your shampoo to your scalp, lather it in your hands and gently move it over the strands. There’s no need to shampoo your hair twice or use a lot of product.
Although most shampoo brand’s instructions recommend us to shampoo hair twice before using a conditioner or a hair mask, I think it’s just a trick to make us use the product faster and spend money on a new one. Handful of shampoo is enough to wash a very dirty or greasy hair, so don’t overdo it. Over-shampooing strips away the natural oils from the scalp and causes dryness, dandruff and irritation.

3. Don’t apply your conditioner to the scalp

Whether you have oily or dry hair, never apply your hair conditioner to the scalp. Not only do you waste the product, you make your hair look greasy, which means you’ll want to wash your hair again the next day. As you probably know, washing your hair each day is bad for your hair health, so use your conditioner from the mid-length to the tips and rinse it with warm water.

4. Add shine to your locks with a cold rinse

This step is for the bravest women, probably. Really, I couldn’t imagine rinsing my hair with cold water. Once I tried, I saw the difference, and now I always finish my hair washing with a cold rinse to add luster to my locks. I can’t rinse my hair with a very cold water (maybe because I prefer hot showers over cold ones) but a slightly cold water works well for me. Give a cold rinse a try and let me know how it works for you.

5. Use your conditioner first

This rule isn’t for every woman. If you have trouble washing your hair or you have a very long hair, try conditioning your hair before using your regular shampoo. This way, you prevent any hair damage and wash your long hair faster. If you don’t have conditioner, you can use a small amount of your hair mask – just don’t leave it for 20 minutes.
I know, it sounds complicated, but once you turn this hair washing guide into a habit, you won’t notice how you make your hair healthy and shiny. So, ladies, let’s be honest, which of you do wash your hair the right way