Tuesday 23 June 2015

Practical Magic: Ayahuasca – The Vine of the Soul

Practical Magic: Ayahuasca – The Vine of the Soul

Ayahuasca  The Vine of the Soul

Name: Ayahuasca
Most Commonly Found: Ayahuasca originated in Peru and throughout the great forests in the Amazon, usually as a psychedelic drink that was drunk with the presence of a shaman, but it is now commonly drunk in Europe, North America and elsewhere. 
Stone Cold Facts: Ayahuasca is a Quechua Indian word which translates as "Vine of the Soul," and is largely known for its physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and awakening.
Ayahuasca's entheogenic brew contains two components: the vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) with a monoamine oxidase inhibiting (MAOI) action and the leaf (Psychotria viridis or Diplopterys cabrerana), which requires that MAOI action to make their dimethyltryptamine (DMT) orally active (Ayahuasca.com).
It's widely regarded by indigenous people as having psychedelic, spiritual and healing properties, largely because of its DMT property. 
What to Heal: Some believe that Ayahuasca is the "medicine of our time." It gives hope to people with "incurable" diseases such as cancer, HIV, and Parkinson’s disease, as well as chronic depression, anxiety, and drug addictions (ayahuascahealing.com ). 
It's been largely believed that complex unconscious psychological stresses underlie and contribute to all chronic medical conditions, from cancer to depression to multiple sclerosis. For these ailments, therapy that is assisted by psychedelics, can help a person liberate themselves from their influence,studies find. It has been proven to be especially healing for drug addiction
How to Heal: To experience its benefits, ayahuasca is drunk as a brew. Sections of Banisteriopsis caapi vine are macerated and boiled alone or with leaves from a number of plants, including chacruna or chaliponga. The resulting brew should contain DMT and the MAO inhibiting harmala alkaloids. 
It can also be made with no DMT-containing plants, such as Justicia pectoralis, Brugmansia or sacred tobacco. 
Related Chakras: As it hits the stomach (often making people vomit or nauseous), it clears the Solar Plexus Chakra. It also opens the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. 
Psychic + Spiritual Properties: As a psychedelic drug or medicine, ayahuasca is largely known for its mentally and spiritually healing elements. Many people who have consumed ayahuasca report having spiritual revelations regarding their purpose on Earth, the true nature of the universe as well as deep insight into how to be the best person they possibly can be.
It helps heal a person and make him his healer self. It opens people's eyes spiritually. 
In the past, it has been used to help rehabilitate prisoners and to help clear people's spirits in general. 
History + Lore: Ayahuasca originated from the forests of the Amazon, throughout Peru and northern South America. Many indigenous Amazonian people say they received the instructions directly from plants and plant spirits. 
In the 16th century, Christian missionaries from Spain and Portugal first encountered indigenous South Americans using ayahuasca, which they believed was the work of the devil. 
It was first studied academically in the early 1950s by Harvard ethnobotanist Richard Evans Schultes.
Various shamans advise taking the plant without the supervision of a shaman. 
In the 20th century, the first ayahuasca Churches, affiliated with the Brazilian Santo Daime, were established in the Netherlands, causing a debate regarding the legality of the substance. 

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