Sunday 7 June 2015

Islamic State Announces That Southern Israel Will be Attacked In Coming Days

Islamic State Announces That Southern Israel Will be Attacked In Coming Days

Isis ramadi
They might just be trying to strike terror into the hearts of Allah’s enemies, as the Quran commands (8:60) — ISIS routinely issues more threats than it follows through upon. But does it have plans for jihad against Israel? Of course. Islamic Jew-hatred: it’s in the Quran.
“ISIS Boldly Announces That Southern Israel Will be Attacked In Coming Days,” Jews News, May 29, 2015:
ISIS terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula linked to the radical Islamic State group reportedly threatened Thursday to strike the port in Israel’s southern city of Eilat “in the coming days,” according to Egyptian media.
“They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” Psalm 83:4 (KJV)
According to reports, the Islamist group Sinai Province, formerly knows as Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, “threatened to strike the Eilat Port, following coordination with Islamic State’s wing in the Gaza Strip.”
“ISIS will begin operations against Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip,” the Egyptian reports added. Tensions between the Islamist group ruling the coastal Palestinian enclave and ISIS have mounted amid waves of arrests by the former of Salafi-jihadists in Gaza linked to Islamic State.
Abu Othman Al-Mosley, one of the leaders of the northern Sinai group took to the ‘Sinai Province’ Facebook page, calling for its members to “enlist new members from jihadist factions and the Muslim Brotherhood organization in other provinces of Egypt.” In addition, he called for new recruits to emigrate to the Sinai region in order to operate against opposing Egyptian security forces.
In addition, the call urged the ISIS-aligned terrorists in Sinai to “make their way to the Gaza Strip to fight against Hamas’s military branch, the Izzadin al-Kassam Brigades, and takeover control of the Strip.”
Sinai Province changed its name from Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis after pledging allegiance to Islamic State, the ultra-hardline Sunni group that has seized large parts of Iraq and Syria.

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