Monday 10 August 2015

8 Unusual Things to Write Down in Your Diary

Keeping a diary is a childish habit as most of us think. But in fact not only girls write something about their crushes in their diaries. Men and women can also enjoy journaling no matter how old they are. Your personal diary is a great way to spill out your emotions and note the most beautiful memories you wouldn`t like to forget about in future. If you think that keeping a personal diary is something useless and boring, here are some exciting ideas you`ll definitely like to write about…
Unusual Things to Write Down in Your Diary

1. Text messages

Nowadays a huge part of our communication goes via phones. Therefore, one of the pages in your diary can be taken for special text messages. You can copy some of love letters from your crush or other texts that have a special meaning for you. This way, you`ll never forget about them and will be pleasantly surprised every time you read them.

2. Inspirational quotes

Write down all the inspirational quotes you love. They will help you cope with hard times, boost your mood, fight depression or just inspire you to live a better, happier life. Having your own collection of inspirational quotes is a surefire way to live an inspired life. This idea is perfect for creative and highly sensitive people who have trouble dealing with their thoughts and emotions.

3. Letters to yourself

You shouldn`t obviously write about every day in your diary. There`s one thing that you`ll like to write about right now. I`m talking about future letters to yourself. Just imagine how interesting it`ll be to read what you wished to yourself many years ago. You may write something for your wedding day or for some anniversary in future.

4. Pets

Do you have a pet at home? Then why not create a pet section in your diary? You may write a description of your cat, dog or some other cute creature you own. You may also make a paw print on one of the pages. It`ll be funny to draw a portrait or place a photo of your furry friend in your diary that`ll be a pleasant reminder that you have a faithful animal to love and be loved.

5. Friends’ notes

You`re not the only one who can write something in your diary. Offer your friends to make some notes in your diary too. They may write what they think about you and what they wish you. Although your personal diary is actually yours, who said your friends can’t contribute to it too? When you feel down, you can just look at their fun words and smile.

6. Make a list of your goals

Making a list of your goals is a perfect chance to see and remember what you want to get out of life. Write down everything you want now and cross off those things you succeed in. Later you`ll be able to analyze what time was the most productive for you and when you were a bit lazy or had some difficulties with self-discipline. This list will inspire to never stop and never give up.

7. Make a list of movies or books

When my friends ask me what to watch, I can`t say anything even though I know lots of interesting movies. You can make a list of books or movies you want to read or watch in your diary to avoid these uncomfortable situations. When you don`t know what to do, you will know where to find the best ideas.

8. Exercise and eating plans

If you don`t want to share your fitness and food schedules with everyone on Facebook, jot them down in your diary. Write what exercises you do and what meal plan you have now. Write down your fitness and weight loss goals to see what you need to change in your everyday routine. Food journaling is becoming more popular these days, but it’s not easy to keep two diaries, isn’t it?

Keeping a diary isn`t the latest news in modern society but anyway it can bring you lots of fun so why no do that? It doesn’t matter if you`re a teen or a grown-up woman already, your personal diary can be a pleasant reminder of the best times in your life. It`ll be so nostalgically wonderful way to look through your old notes and remember what kind of person you used to be many years ago. What other unusual things do you write in your diary

1 comment:

  1. It's really awesome; I liked these diaries, thanks for this post and always keep sharing!!! You can slso visit here to know more about funky design of diaries for men .
