Saturday 5 November 2016

Muslim Migrant Gang SEXUALLY ATTACKS Schoolgirls at Swimming Pool

Muslim Migrant Gang SEXUALLY ATTACKS Schoolgirls at Swimming Pool

Swimming pools in areas populated by Muslim migrants and asylum-seekers have become dangerous places for young girls and boys.
Swimming pools in areas populated by Muslim migrants and asylum-seekers have become dangerous places for young girls and boys.

A group of Muslim asylum-seekers from Syria were banned from a swimming pool in a district of Berlin after police found they surrounded three young girls, ages 9, 11 and 14, in the water and touched their breasts.
The girls, all sisters, had been dropped off at the pool by their father as a birthday treat for the oldest.
He told police that as soon as they began to swim, a group of boys, who were from Syria but seeking asylum, surrounded his daughters and began to sexually harass them.
As the Express reported:
“The man said: ‘Five of the boys touched the girls’ breasts and bottoms.’
“He said his 11 year-old daughter managed to get away from the youths and ran to the pool supervisor to ask for help.
“Police were called and arrived soon after.
“A police spokeswoman said the suspects were being investigated for sexual offences.
“She said one of the boys was 14-years-old and the rest were children between the seven and eleven.”
The boys were detained and questioned by police, and shortly after, banned from the pool for one year.
Only one year?
This is hardly the first time young Muslim male asylum-seekers have used the local swimming pools as stomping ground to sexually harass young girls – or boys, for that matter.
Just a few weeks ago, a court in Germany acquitted to Afghan adult migrants who were accused of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy in Delbruck.
From Breitbart:
“The two men in the case, 20-year-old Mozamel M and 25-year-old Rajab H, are said to have made the 14-year-old German boy perform various sex acts on them in the locker room of the swimming baths. A judge acquitted the pair on Thursday after stating that the victim’s testimony was not reliable, reports German magazine Bild.
“Initially, it was reported that two young boys were involved. The younger of the pair was able to hide from the men, but they were able however to capture the 14-year-old in the shower, where the victim said that the men forced him to perform various sex attacks on them.
“They locked me up and abused me,” the victim told police after the pair of migrants were arrested at the swimming baths where the incident took place.
“During the trial, the migrants claimed that the boy had in fact come up to them and offered sexual favours while they were all in the changing rooms. The judge then grilled the victim who had some problems recalling the exact details and timeline of what happened during the course of the incident.
“These doubts led the judge to declare the 14-year-old boy an unreliable witness, even though his story was confirmed by the 11-year-old witness who managed to escape from the migrant attackers.”

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