Saturday 5 November 2016

Muslims in Sri Lanka Demand Sharia Right to Marry Minor-Aged Girls

Muslims in Sri Lanka Demand Sharia Right to Marry Minor-Aged Girls

Scores of Muslims in Sri Lanka affiliated with a Wahhibist group – the Sri Lanka Thawheed Jama’ath (SLTJ) Organisation – took to the streets of Colombo to demand government officials keep intact their Islam-based authority to marry girls as young as 12.
The protests reported by the Daily Mirror were geared at tossing a new law that would raise the minimum legal age for Muslim girls in Sri Lanka to marry to 16. Currently, Muslim men, in accordance with Sharia teachings and beliefs, are allowed to marry Muslim girls once they reach the age of 12 – though non-Muslim girls in the state may only legally marry at the age of 16.
Sri Lanka authorities are simply trying to hold the Muslim community to the same law and standard as the non-Muslim community. Why? The government wants to obtain Generalized System of Preferences concessions for exports to the European Union, but cannot until the marriage reforms are made.
But protesting men say 16 is too old.
In other words: They want the Islam-based right to continue their pedophilia.
Muslim girls in Sri Lanka who are forced into marriage at a very young age often end up as child-bearing machines, giving birth to as many as six children in a short span of time. The demographics of the country have shifted accordingly. In Sri Lanka, the Muslim population has grown from 6 percent to 10 percent in the last two decades, at the same time Buddhists, Hindus and Christians have all seen declines in population.
Photographs of the recent protest scene included shots of banners and signs that read, as translated: “It is discrimination to take away the rights of minorities,” and “It is not practical to impose a minimum age for marriage,” and even, “Don’t mess around with Sharia law.”

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