Wednesday 27 September 2017

Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

As an Indian Hindu what do you wish Muslims to knew.
Stop beliving that your religion is superior

Try to respect other religions and don't play victim card everywhere, i have never seen any muslim majority country where minorities are fully happy.Keep your national interest above your religionYou people say we don't support terrorism but you don't condemn it either.Even though 90% you people don't carry out attacks, you kinda supporting indirectly, because u protest like hell if there is any attack on muslim in any corner of the world but i didn't see anyone coming down the streets and condeming or protesting london and paris attacks who gave shelter to ur people when no muslim majority country accepted themU people were silent during attacks as if nothing as happenedMost muslims in india and around the world offered namaz for saddam hussain just because he was muslim but no prayers or namaz for London, paris and other victimsDon't blame U S A always for terrorism, you say for oil they ruined us but they also helped you to drive soviets out of ur territoryI agree what americans did was wrong but they not only meddled with muslim countries but also arond the world they have tried influence most of the world regions it's also because of prestigeAdding to above point they supported indirectly south vietnam during vietnam war against soviets and chinese also south korea during korean war and they have fought many proxy wars around the worldBut these countries are not affected by terrorism or militants or they are not carrying out any attacks because america interfered in their conflict instead they are developing at an alarming rateSo stop giving this lame excuses, its in the mindset, if america is ur enemy why u want islamisize whole world,what have kurds done to you, buddists, hindus,jains,sikhsFinally i have not seen any religious riots in south america or countries like laos vietnam japan south korea because these countries don't have significant number of muslimEvery country in europe and America and australia have almost equal no of minorities,hindus, buddhists, jews sikhs ,but problem arises only with muslims i am thinking whySo change your mindset first and don't demand sharia wherever you go or else u will be kicked out from everywhere one day

I am not saying all muslims are same but significant number so please try to change or world will leave u behind and no mulla will come to your help

Stop dreaming that islam will dominate the world, no one cares what your damn religion preaches,everyone is working their ass off to achieve something in life rather than believing in your fantasy stories
K. Jagadeesh

Sunday 24 September 2017

Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light!

Scientists found that neurons in mammalian brains were capable of producing photons of light, or “Biophotons”!

The photons, strangely enough, appear within the visible spectrum. They range from near-infrared through violet, or between 200 and 1,300 nanometers.

Scientists have an exciting suspicion that our brain’s neurons might be able to communicate through light. They suspect that our brain might have optical communication channels, but they have no idea what could be communicated.

Even more exciting, they claim that if there is an optical communication happening, the Biophotons our brains produce might be affected by quantum entanglement, meaning there can be a strong link between these photons, our consciousness and possibly what many cultures and religions refer to as Spirit.

In a couple of experiments scientist discovered that rat brains can pass just one biophoton per neuron a minute, but human brains could convey more than a billion biophotons per second.

This raises the question, could it be possible that the more light one can produce and communicate between neurons, the more conscious they are?

If there is any correlation between biophotons, light, and consciousness it can have strong implications that there is more to light than we are aware of.

Just think for a moment. Many texts and religions dating way back, since the dawn of human civilization have reported of saints, ascended beings and enlightened individuals having shining circles around their heads.

From Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, to teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, among many other religions, sacred individuals were depicted with a shining circle in the form of a circular glow around their heads.

If they were as enlightened as they are described maybe this shining circle was just a result of the higher consciousness they operated with, hence a higher frequency and production of biophotons.

Maybe these individuals produced higher level of biophotons with stronger instensity because of their enlightenment, if there is any correlation between biophotons and consciousness.

Even the word enLIGHTenment suggests that this higher consciousness has something to do with light.

But one of the most exciting implications the discovery that our brains can produce light gives, is that maybe our consciousness and spirit are not contained within our bodies. This implication is completely overlooked by scientists.

Quantum entanglement says that 2 entangled photons react if one of the photons is affected no matter where the other photon is in The Universe without any delay.

Maybe there is a world that exists within light, and no matter where you are in The Universe photons can act as portals that enable communication between these 2 worlds. Maybe our spirit and consciousness communicate with our bodies through these biophotons. And the more light we produce the more we awaken and embody the wholeness of our consciousness.


This can explain the phenomenon of why the state of a photon is affected simply by consciously observing it, as it is proven in many quantum experiments.

Maybe our observation communicates something through our biophotons with the photon that is being observed, in a similar fashion as quantum entanglement, like light is just one unified substance that is scattered throughout our Universe and affected through each light particle.

Of course, nothing of this is even close to being a theory. But asking questions and shooting such metaphysical hypothesis might lead us closer to the truth and understanding of what consciousness is, where it comes from, and what are the mysteries that hide within light
K. Jagadeesh

Friday 22 September 2017

Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

A person who is asking questions, but is not ready to be a disciple does not deserve to be answered either, because disciple simply means one who is capable of learning. And a person who himself is accepting that, "I am not going to be a disciple, but I want these questions to be answered" - why should I bother? He has not even the respect.

You don't ask spiritual questions to your friends; you don't ask questions about meditation and the inner life to your friends. Friends are in the same boat; I am not your friend. I may call you friends just out of my love, but that does not mean that you can call me your friend. The moment you call me your friend, I am not going to answer, because you are in the same state of consciousness as I am... what is the point of answering? You must know!

If you want to learn you have to be a learner, a disciple. If, because of my love, I call you my friend that does not give you the permission to start calling me your friend.

The distance between our consciousnesses is infinite.

I am calling you from a sunlit peak.

And you are in a dark valley.


Sunday 17 September 2017

Jagadeeskrishnan psychologist and International Author

We do not want to undermine anyone ; nor do we undermine anyone. However,it is beyond our comprehension why a north Indian legendary sage Agastya should have taken the trouble of arriving, in times of yore, from Mount Kailasam(!!!!) crossing rivers, valleys and hills, in our land, that is Tamil Nadu, for the sake of teaching our own language to us. He could have done this service to any other people on his way. Why did he come this far , to the southern most corner of the Indian continent, is our question. The absurdity of the Agasthiyar story becomes plain in the light of the report on the genetic study made, by the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology ( CCMB), Hyderabad, the state of Telangana, on the current Indian population. The study has conclusively proved that Kerala ( it was a part of ancient Tamil Nadu till the 14th century CE) and by extension, the present Tamil Nadu, were the first settlement of the fully-evolved modern humans from Africa, 60,000 years BCE. These people multiplied in number and spread ( may be thinly) all over the sub-continent in course of time, before being joined by another wave of humans who left Africa twenty thousand years later ( 40,000 BCE) to settle in the Eurasian part of the globe and a part of whom slowly moved from there towards the south-east to settle in today’s Afghanistan,and, finally, in the Indus Valley.

I need clarification, from the person who raised this query to me, on the following point. The power of speech is what distinguishes man from an animal. Were the first people who settled in Kerala and by extension , Tamil Nadu, speechless till the Vedic saint arrived to teach them a language? If you want us to admit that it was so, then, we would like to ask you why the sage did not teach us the Vedic language that was his but taught us another language that is now called Tamil and that is far-removed in all aspects from his own tongue? I do not know how long the Sanskritists will try to take us for a ride! It is a pity that legends and mythologies that defy logic still enjoy currency in the country that prides itself on keeping pace with all scientific achievements that are taking place elsewhere , particularly, the west.

As Prof R. MadhivaaNan ( a language archaeologist/etymologist ) rightly said, Agasthiyar, the Vedic sage , would have come and settled in Tamil Nadu ( on the Western Ghat portion of the state adjoining Kerala - Podhigai Hills is the Tamil name for it - the first Tv Tamil Channel run by the union government is named after this hill ) not for teaching Tamil to the natives and writing a grammar for the language , but, to learn Tamil literary works and grammar from the Tamil sages called AndhaNars. Here, it is pertinent to remember that the narrative on Agasthiyar is a 10th or 11th century CE creation of the Tamil commentators who had a Sanskrit-leaning ( Sanskrit, by this time, had gained a foothold in the Tamil land ). If references to the submerged Kumari Kandam in the Tamil commentaries of the mid-centuries of the last millennium cannot be taken at their face value, how, then, can one believe in the Agasthiyar - creator of Tamil , theory alone? Kumari Kandam, at least , has hopes of being discovered from the waters of the ocean, sooner or later ( the news that recent satellite images reveal a submerged mini-continent between Madagascar and south India is encouraging ), but the former has no such hopes.
K. Jagadeesh

Monday 4 September 2017

Jagadeesh Krishnan - Trainer & Teacher in Ambattur, Chennai for Meditation

Jagadeesh Krishnan - Trainer & Teacher in Ambattur, Chennai for Meditation: Jagadeesh Krishnan provides Training & classes in Ambattur, Chennai for Meditation, Personality Development Training, Reiki, Soft Skills Training and Yoga.Jagadeesh Krishnan profile - I am pursuing PhD Psychology, Also International...

Sunday 3 September 2017

Why am i not a priority to any one life

Why I am not a priority in any of life!
Because you are not a priority in your life.Because you are always available. They know you’ll always be there when they need you.Because they are not proud to have you.Because you don’t possess anything they can flaunt in front of others.Because you prioritize people who don’t give a damn about you.Because you let yourself remain a choice in their lives.Because you are valuing people who don’t value you.Because you care too much to an extent that you let others exploit you.Because you are too good that you don’t get that people are taking advantage of you.Because you are wasting feelings on undeserving people.Because you still in bad relationships.Because you are yet to meet people who are worth keeping.Because you are constantly made to feel inferior by them.Because you don’t know to respect yourself to stop letting them exploit you.Because you don’t know to walk away from people who use you.
K. Jagadeesh

Saturday 2 September 2017

Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

Your body is a Temple

The real temples made by God are our own bodies. They all house God’s Creative Matrix called Lalita. The name Lalita means Life, which plays in all states of our being: waking, dreaming, sleeping and beyond birth and death too in the form of life of cosmos. Each of us has organs of perception and action through which God/dess knows about the cosmos and acts on it to change it. Lalita manifests space and time; and powers of life in each limb. Her power to speak is called Saraswati, to nourish is called Sri-Bhu Devi, to destroy dark forces of disarray and create life is called Durga. As Durga she vanquishes demonic lust called Mahishasura, and converts it to playful love.

Without life, every limb is powerless. The power comes by blood coursing through the limbs, and awareness carried to them by currents called nadis. To do anything, we have to make the individual powers in the limbs come alive to manifest their full potential, beyond physical limits. Therefore all limbs are called Shakti Peethas, seats of power. Focusing attention on a limb while holding breath lends power to it. All practitioners of martial arts know this. Can we awaken the power in a limb if it is not known, seen or felt? It is asleep, dead. Powers have to be exposed and kneaded to awaken them; that is, they have to be necessarily nude.

Understand that your body is itself the great Sri Chakra. The Devi's in it are all the powers of your own life waiting to be discovered and uncovered by you or with the help of others. Worship the Sri Chakra as your body: physical, mental, and beyond the limits of body and mind. You can’t go wrong.
Right now, we are mostly living like beasts of burden. Our main concerns are food, sleep, fear and sex. You have to rise above that, to the human levels of self-awareness first. Then, you have to extend your abilities and concerns to know and feel for others. That is what really makes you great, managing your destiny instead of being tossed in its rivers. That is the road map for you: beast to human, human to God. You must assert your divine nature.

You are the Goddess Life bywho has now journeyed to the most sacred Chakra, your own body. Assert that you are the Goddess.
K. Jagadeesh