Saturday 2 September 2017

Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

Your body is a Temple

The real temples made by God are our own bodies. They all house God’s Creative Matrix called Lalita. The name Lalita means Life, which plays in all states of our being: waking, dreaming, sleeping and beyond birth and death too in the form of life of cosmos. Each of us has organs of perception and action through which God/dess knows about the cosmos and acts on it to change it. Lalita manifests space and time; and powers of life in each limb. Her power to speak is called Saraswati, to nourish is called Sri-Bhu Devi, to destroy dark forces of disarray and create life is called Durga. As Durga she vanquishes demonic lust called Mahishasura, and converts it to playful love.

Without life, every limb is powerless. The power comes by blood coursing through the limbs, and awareness carried to them by currents called nadis. To do anything, we have to make the individual powers in the limbs come alive to manifest their full potential, beyond physical limits. Therefore all limbs are called Shakti Peethas, seats of power. Focusing attention on a limb while holding breath lends power to it. All practitioners of martial arts know this. Can we awaken the power in a limb if it is not known, seen or felt? It is asleep, dead. Powers have to be exposed and kneaded to awaken them; that is, they have to be necessarily nude.

Understand that your body is itself the great Sri Chakra. The Devi's in it are all the powers of your own life waiting to be discovered and uncovered by you or with the help of others. Worship the Sri Chakra as your body: physical, mental, and beyond the limits of body and mind. You can’t go wrong.
Right now, we are mostly living like beasts of burden. Our main concerns are food, sleep, fear and sex. You have to rise above that, to the human levels of self-awareness first. Then, you have to extend your abilities and concerns to know and feel for others. That is what really makes you great, managing your destiny instead of being tossed in its rivers. That is the road map for you: beast to human, human to God. You must assert your divine nature.

You are the Goddess Life bywho has now journeyed to the most sacred Chakra, your own body. Assert that you are the Goddess.
K. Jagadeesh

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