Wednesday 27 September 2017

Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

As an Indian Hindu what do you wish Muslims to knew.
Stop beliving that your religion is superior

Try to respect other religions and don't play victim card everywhere, i have never seen any muslim majority country where minorities are fully happy.Keep your national interest above your religionYou people say we don't support terrorism but you don't condemn it either.Even though 90% you people don't carry out attacks, you kinda supporting indirectly, because u protest like hell if there is any attack on muslim in any corner of the world but i didn't see anyone coming down the streets and condeming or protesting london and paris attacks who gave shelter to ur people when no muslim majority country accepted themU people were silent during attacks as if nothing as happenedMost muslims in india and around the world offered namaz for saddam hussain just because he was muslim but no prayers or namaz for London, paris and other victimsDon't blame U S A always for terrorism, you say for oil they ruined us but they also helped you to drive soviets out of ur territoryI agree what americans did was wrong but they not only meddled with muslim countries but also arond the world they have tried influence most of the world regions it's also because of prestigeAdding to above point they supported indirectly south vietnam during vietnam war against soviets and chinese also south korea during korean war and they have fought many proxy wars around the worldBut these countries are not affected by terrorism or militants or they are not carrying out any attacks because america interfered in their conflict instead they are developing at an alarming rateSo stop giving this lame excuses, its in the mindset, if america is ur enemy why u want islamisize whole world,what have kurds done to you, buddists, hindus,jains,sikhsFinally i have not seen any religious riots in south america or countries like laos vietnam japan south korea because these countries don't have significant number of muslimEvery country in europe and America and australia have almost equal no of minorities,hindus, buddhists, jews sikhs ,but problem arises only with muslims i am thinking whySo change your mindset first and don't demand sharia wherever you go or else u will be kicked out from everywhere one day

I am not saying all muslims are same but significant number so please try to change or world will leave u behind and no mulla will come to your help

Stop dreaming that islam will dominate the world, no one cares what your damn religion preaches,everyone is working their ass off to achieve something in life rather than believing in your fantasy stories
K. Jagadeesh

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