Saturday 4 August 2018

JAGADEESH Krishnan psychologist and International Author

Breastfeeding: Importance for the Mother and the Baby
Time and again it is emphasized that breastfeeding is good for infants. But with the advent of so many artificial baby food products in the market, and as a part of marketing strategy, it is often advertised as nourishing and healthy for the child. But in reality, nothing can compensate for the nutrients and benefits of mother’s milk for the baby. Moreover, it’s not only the child that benefits from breastfeeding. The mother also gain a lot from it, however, it is seldom emphasized. Let’s have a quick look on the importance of breastfeeding for the mother and baby.

Benefits of breastfeeding for the baby:

Breastfeeding is more easily digestible than formula milk.
The energy provided by mother’s milk is utilized more efficiently.
The protein contents of breast milk are easily absorbable.
Increased immunity from infections.
It protects the baby from various allergies.
Breastfed infants have a higher IQ at later stages in life.
Have a lower risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Reduces chances of obesity, asthma, diabetes, leukaemia, and other harmful diseases,
Breast milk act as natural antibodies.

Benefits of  breastfeeding for the mother:

Reduces risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
Less prone to diabetes, heart diseases, and osteoporosis.
Emotional bonding with the baby.
Mother’s uterus contracts and reduces the flow of blood after delivery.
Hormones produced during breastfeeding acts as a relaxing agent for the mother.
Breastfeeding is to be started immediately after the baby’s birth and is recommended to be continued until the baby reaches 2 years of age. Till 6 months, nothing except mother’s milk should be fed to the baby, unless impossible circumstances crop up. For more guidance and advice on breastfeeding, book an appointment with your Doctor

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