Thursday 16 August 2018

Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

Is it true that Kalaignar Karunanidhi is anti-Tamil in his actions?
The question is true, Karunanithi is Anti-Tamil politician.

In my point of view Former president of Singapore Lee Kuan yew did good things and support Tamil more than Karunanithi.

I also claim Mr. Lee Kuan yew as a greater leader than Karunanithi.

The reason because, Mr. Lee made the Tamil language as one of the official language in Singapore. But, Karunanithi only did a Politics on Tamil Language.

Mr. Lee made Singapore the least corrupt Country. But Karunanithi made our Tamil Nadu a highly corrupted state in India.

During Eelam war, Mr. Lee kuan supported and sided with Tamil Eelam and told that only a separate could deliver Tamils from the hold of Sinhalese hegemony. He openly condemned Mahinda Rajapaksa and stated that Tamils were the original citizens of Sri Lanka. He also justified the armed struggle of the LTTE on the ground that it was against the majority Singhalese’s attempt to wipe out the Tamils.

Did Karunanithi at least Condemn Rajapaksa who was the master player of Tamil genocide in Eelam? My point is that Why he did not even utter a single word from his mouth against Rajapaksa.

But, Power Hungry karunanithi played dirty politics during the final stage of Eelam war. No one forget that.

Also, Don't forget that during his reign, our native land of Tamil Nadu, Katchatheevu was annexed to Srilanka.

Recently, Last month, Over 2,000 Tamil Nadu fishermen were chased away by Srilankan navy personnel for allegedly fishing near Katchatheevu, also they have brutually attacked our TN fishermen. These incidents which have affected the fishermen’s livelihood.

In my point of view, He developed his family more than the Tamil Nadu. Also, Many People continuously Claiming that Tamil Nadu is the well developed state when compared to other Indian States like bihar, Uttarkhand…. Moreover, I suggest them to better compare Tamil Nadu with Kenya, Bolivia, Zimbabwe.. then only Tamil Nadu stand more higher when compared to these poor countries. Why don't you people would not compare Tamil Nadu with developed country like South Korea. Is it sin to compare with developed country?

Indeed, Tamil Nadu stand higher now because of Kamaraj perhaps not because of Karunanithi. Kamaraj laid the strong foundation for Tamil Nadu in the past. For example, in recent survey, Tamil Nadu topped 2nd place in Governance according to Public affair index 2018. Just think that the state without proper government overtake the other state, Also without held of Local body elections, Tamil Nadu topped 2nd place. This credit goes to Kamaraj.

Don't forget that it was Periyar who fought for equality and succeeded in getting reservation for backward class people. But during Karunanithi reign, Caste tensions are high and boiling over Tamil Nadu because of his caste politics.

Don't forget that it was Aringar Anna who legalized Self respect marriages for the first time in the country. It was Anna who renamed Madras state as a Tamil Nadu. It was Anna who instrumental in organizing the world tamil Conference. Also, it was Annadurai's government which introduced Two language formula Tamil and English.

So each and every credits goes to King Maker Kamaraj, Thanthai Periyar and Aringar Anna. Even Bharatha Ratna award has given to most popular leader Dr. M.G.R. But, it is not been possible to give highest civilian award Bharatha Ratna award to the most corrupted leader and 5 time CM of Tamil Nadu Karunanithi.

Finally, Karunanithi made Tamil Nadu state addicted to Alochol by opening Tasmac at everywhere,then introduced cash for votes, and made Tamil Nadu state as the most corrupted state.
K. Jagadeesh

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