Thursday 10 January 2019

Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

Uddhava ask Radha :

“How can you be in Love with Krishna and still remain free from bonds of life ?”

Radha answer: “There is distinction between the love that results from insecurity and the love that results from faith. The former results in bonds. The later results in freedom. The former gets lost, the later transcends. The former leads to fear of death and abandonment. The later leads to Nirvana, to enlightenment that is death of death, to realization that Radha and Krishna are just ripples and love is like the water, eternal and infinite.”

Udhava ask: “How can you get awakened without leaving the society and becoming a monk?”

Radha answer: “Where a man reaches by renouncing the world, a woman reaches by embracing the world in its wholeness.”

Udhava ask: “Is there no point in pursuit of knowledge? Then what is the meaning of life?”

Radha answer: “Your ability to give it any meaning, is the meaning of life. ”  “And about the pursuits, pursuit of currency is not the same as pursuit of wealth, pursuit of sensation is not pursuit of happiness, pursuit of titles is not pursuit of knowledge. These pursuits are in synergy for some time, and they are at conflict later. You must wake up, and open your eyes.”

Udhava ask: “How did you get so much knowledge staying in this village and living life doing chores?”

Radha answer: “Each moment makes you take sides. If you always take side of truth and love, you will gain insights. Each insight awakens you from the illusion and takes you a step closer to the supreme awakening.”

Radha said:
“I love Krishna and trust Krishna in ways beyond you can imagine.” She said “We are two bodies but same soul. There is nothing to be said in between us. We have walked the path of trust, love, devotion and sacrifices for so long that there are no boundaries in my being and his. He does not need to send me messages. He is my message. He is my love letter from the universe.”
“But Uddhava, you have not learned to trust Krishna. You have not learned to give up your self, your ego, and stop your manipulating mind. You ego stands between you and the truth. Between you and the supreme awakening.”
“Erasing the sense of duality and being one with the universe, being one with the one who beholds universe,  needs more than the sacred ancient texts, Uddhava?”
K. Jagadeesh

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