Saturday 5 January 2019

The day the sun is exactly the day when the east rises in the east ..
Tamils ​​celebrate Chithra 1 New Year !!

Astronomical astronomer who accurately predicted the Tamils ​​several thousand years ago
We have told Hinduism
Unknown facts.

Apr 1
Audi 1
Oct 1
Thin 1

We are celebrating these things as something a ritual / habit.

Do you know that our forefathers have left behind a huge science?

We are telling young children that "the sun rises east".

Have you ever checked the sun when it comes to a level? If it is not sure ... that is to say.

This is a proof that the white people have destroyed our science and put in a stupid education ....

Yes the Sun will only be exactly east on a particular day .. !!

After a little bit of moving towards the northeast, it will return to the south at a certain point ...

Then again one day eastward, moving towards the south-east ...

That's exactly one year, starting from the east and going back to the east and east and east.

Okay ... what's the matter for this and the Tamil month?

The day the sun begins its journey eastward "Chita 1". Tamil New Year. (In science it is called Equinox)

Then the northeastern point is exactly "Audi 1". The birth of a solstice

"Asia 1" returns to the east again. Diwali. (Equinox)

Repeat right southeast - now the "dai 1". Pongal. (Solistice)

Our ancestors were well aware of these astronomical changes and changes in the seasonal changes, all of which were celebrated as festivals ...

April (vernal equinox) - New Year.
Audi 18 (summer solstice) - Auburn.

Ohtanam (autumn equinox) - Deepavali

Winter solstice - Pongal.

This is not just a ritual of our tradition for our next generation but also with the hidden science in it ...

* Our ancestors are "unmistakable" great intellectuals. The most magnificent *
Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

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