Sunday 17 February 2019

Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

Sex, money, power....
Published on August 31, 2018

Psychology Professor|Complex-PTSD/Trauma|Consultant

tiny moralities....not usually found in work place writings….

When we as a society, collectively allow children to be sexually abused, we are allowing the complete and total destruction of the mind, body, soul, and Spark o’life energy that joins us as one. Since these crimes against children reverberate with so many of us, we share huge collectives of deep pain that vibrates as an undercurrent in our society. Mr. Rogers said “look for the helpers” in times of trouble. When a society is dealing with a cancer that destroys its own children, we turn to the people who choose to help. What is the value of a trauma worker in a society broken open by institutionalized child sexual abuse? How do we qualify the worth of a person who manages the care and recovery process of a raped toddler? How do we place a dollar amount on a human that will help your traumatized 13-year-old daughter learn to move into the world from a place other than fear?

The trauma worker is an invaluable tool in the uniquely complex, non-linear mending process of recovery from child sexual abuse. We help traumatized humans rebuild themselves into a creation of their own design through empowerment. We are cohorts in navigating a sometimes impossible recovery process. We act with responsible knowing, to ensure that the abused don’t die from their ACE scores. We know that when survivors speak truth….their pain….falls like ash. Bringing these things into the light, takes them out of the darkness….this is how we get the healing done.

If you are stung, here is RAINN’s Hotline @800-656-HOPE (4673).

Words for children or survivors: I love you, It is never your fault, I will keep you safe. This last one actually requires an agreement at the societal level. 

If you have offended, seek help today. If someone put you on your knees…it’s time to talk and break one of this earth’s most destructive cycles. This is not limited to priests. We know the truth of who you are: stepbrothers, fathers, uncles, stepfathers, coaches, friends of the family…….

I write this to witness and honor the incredibly important work that so many trauma workers show up for: including SVU detectives, therapists and the many ‘wounded-healers’, who work daily on behalf of the most vulnerable among us. I write this because it is time to name this epidemic of child sexual abuse and lift it to a place where our witnessing requires focused and cooperative action. This is a shift that begins today. You have free-will, use it.   

Listen, Believe, Act.

all children=our children
Jagadeesh Krishnan
psychologist and International Author
Mobile:9841121780, 9543187772, 9171617660

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