Friday 1 March 2019


Did Aurangzeb really protect more temples than he destroyed, as claimed by Shekhar Gupta and Audrey Truschke?

Oh yes absolutely… Aurangzeb worked so hard to protect Hindus. He was the kindest man to have ruled over us lowly kafir yindoos. In fact his forefathers took pity on us uncultured lot and decided to save us by invading our country. India was an uncouth, uncultured land filled with pagan worshippers. These invaders of Aurangzeb’s land came over to teach us culture… in fact they brought with them art, beauty, music and poetry. Till then we were you know just brown nomads, living like barbarians. One interesting point to note in this is that the land these invaders originated from is dry and bereft of any art, music and culture. I think Mr. Gupta & Ms. Audrey will back me up when I say the people who invaded us were the best of the lot and when they left their home countries, all the best talent came to us. Lucky for us eh!!!!

Anyway coming to the messiah of peace & tolerance Mr. Aurangzeb, he was the best of the lot. He had his own brother Dara Shikohi murdered. It was a gesture of peace. Dara was a Sufi by heart so Aurangzeb said death to the kafir. He had Dara cut up into tiny pieces and had his head hoisted on an elephant. In a gesture of love and brotherhood, he then paraded the elephant all over Delhi!!! Wow!! Such a thoughtful ruler.

Once he assumed power fully he imposed double the jaziya on Hindu pilgrims. He did this with the sole intent of protecting pagan worshippers from committing sin. All this was done with a great intent, so that we would find the truth in the one and only religion…. The religion of peace… the one Aurangzeb belonged to.

After this act of double tax, he went on to change names of all our cities. This again was done from the largesse of his pure heart. Mr. Aurangzeb wanted an even grander expression of his love for us Hindus. He decided to demolish the temples of Kashi Vishwanath and Keshav Deo temple (the birthplace of Lord Krishna). He ordered through a royal farman that the Kashi Vishwanath temple has to be blown to bits. He even asked his loving soldiers to find the Shiva Linga and bring it, so that it could be used to make steps for the new mosque. He was fond of architecture & wanted to show us how it is done by building a mosque in place of all these pagan temples.

His forefathers and he went about peacefully spreading their religion of love & peace by destroying pagan places of worship in places as far flung and geographically spread out as Bukhara, Samarkand, Bamiyan, Takshashila, Kanauj, Ayodhya, Saranath (Buddhist bhikkus were dispatched to meet the one and only god directly from here), Vaishali, Rajagir, Odantipur, Churhut, Champa, Paharpur, Amaravati, Kanchi, Dwarasamudra……. and so many many more. He then went on many peaceful missions of “Jihad” where young men were given the option of turning to the religion of peace or get emasculated or get killed. The ones who were emasculated were then sold as hijras in the slave market. You see him and his ancestors had so much love in their heart for women that one woman could never contain that much of love. To share this love they had a whole bunch of women and who better to protect and guard these women than hijras. Hindu “baniyas” (horrible trading community) were required to pay double the amount of taxes to conduct business. Again this was done to protect the horrible baniyas from getting too greedy. This can be construed as social service (Right Mr. Shekhar Gupta?)

I don’t want to go on too much. I fear I might explode of love & peace if I write any further…. so let us the “secular” “liberal” “tolerant” people of India thank him for his benevolent rule over us & worship him. Oh wait!! Our political class has already accomplished this task. We have a road named after him in the capital of the country (or rather we had, till this Yindoo Government came to power in 2014) Wait for 2019, let our enlightened opposition come to power & then Mr. Gupta along with his friend Ms. Audrey will campaign for a statue to be built of this glorious ruler. They might even make it bigger than the proposed Shivaji statue. After some more years, we “secular” Hindus will take our children and grand children to this wonderful statue & extoll the virtues of Aurangzeb the great as written in their textbooks by Ms. Audrey.

Thank you!!!

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