Wednesday 30 June 2021

my books in several languages

This book claims how to make something that can say that the mysterious planets in the human body. There are a variety of chakras according to the claims of the human body. By doing it, they know how the man's intuitive will act.
More humans are simply aware of something on these chakras, and the man who has become the functions of those chakras, the man has been constructed. These wheels are constructing how he will live in the world. The reason is that they are evil as his qualities. It is his life that is adopted for those qualities. Siddhars and Sages, and generous, and the events, and the way they have done in the right way and made the measures in the world.
That is, mostly, they made a variety of miracles, by knowing all of these chakras, even about the effects of these chakras.
Often they were very careful not to know that the instructions often do not know. The reason is that the wrong thoughts are knowing, if they know, they are secretly disappeared by anyone who knows the things that they are in this struggle.
Although it was known, it was only pointing to some particular chakras for others, so that no evil should be done. But they pointed out that the chakras are very few. That is, they have built chakras only 7. But Tantra coaches realized the applications of the chakras more than these. They are mentioned about the chakras, but in which I have a few specific chakras to describe here, the chakras I can specify here 22. That's only the chakras inside the body, but I have noted the chakras outside our body, and only the chakras within the book I have described, and how to get awakened by how exercises and the training programs are easy to understand you here.
These exercises are very simple, and who will be able to get awakened by these exercises, but you have to make each of these exercises individually, and when you have chakras, it is fully awakened, and after that, it will gradually start the training for the next. Only after you realize that you realize the next exercise, you can not make these chakras awake, even if you change it. So the order I have described is to read and know exactly the exercises. Whether you do it right, that's clear to you, whether your chakras are becoming awake, whether or not. So you do not have to worry, if you continue to continue these exercises, many of the changes will begin to occur a little bit, you can do all these exercises from the world, and there is no condition that you have to accept the monetary. If you want to see when you have to come deep into these exercises, you can go to the effort to achieve your Motcham or Mukthi. If not so, you get these exercises a few of your chakras just enough.His life is constructed by his chakras for every man. The reason is that the chakras are constructing His qualities. He is realized by others. Why is everyone's qualities, which is society, which is good or bad? Accordingly, others are determined to be associated with him.
And he's the growth of him, with the functions of his chakras.
Why are the underlying chakras, and the overhead chakras are two? That is. The chakras under our hearts are under the standard chakras. The chakras above the heart are also mentioned as an overhead chakra. The reason is that the Siddans and saints have found that the chakras in the lower position are often in the global positions and that his chakras will be able to move towards the uppercase, and the city of his qualities and life will change. That's why the qualities of humans have been able to easily separate them. Why is Evan's wheel, he can not continue the journey towards wisdom, as it is always the world's mind and life. Because of the things that they can get Enlightenment, they can explore what they can get Enlightenment. The awareness of these chakras is up to others.They brought it to improve their lives and to get rid of their sorrowful life.

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