Friday 30 November 2018

Jagadeesh Krishnan psychologist and International Author

Are Tamils too proud?
We Tamils have to be.

So far we are forced to believe that every thing is learnt from Sanskrit.

1) If writing, we are forced to believe that only Jains gives that
2) If it is religion, only Vedic culture gives us
3) If there are any great construction like Temples or dams, it is so far preached it is not done by Tamils
4) Tamils are uncultured. They only have literature but they does not have any evidence for city life.

All these got changed post British came to India

They revealed

Tamil is not only older than sanskrit but it is independent of sanskrit and mother of many Dravidian languages
Tamils has their own religion named “Tamil”. Until 1935 Tamils denoted their religion as “Tamil” itself until the word “Hindu” is introduced by British in population census.
Great constructions like Brahadeswarar temple, Kalanai dam etc were built by Tamil kings. These information were revealed by British. Why it was hided by Marathi people?. That’s why we want Tamils to be ruled by Tamils
Post the Keeladi excavation, which shows the Tamil letter is used in Harappan Sites and Keladi is older than Indus Valley site in North, It becomes evident that Tamil culture spread from South to North.

That’s why the Keladi research was stopped. For the first time in India a research is stopped.

But a good thing happened now is this issue gains worlds attention when the excavation was stopped. Many researches began to show interest on what is Tamil.

Some other great things about Tamil is

Even till date we are using maximum of 8 directions. But Tamil sailors used 1024 directions.

4 (North East West South) ,
8 (NE,NW, SE, SW,N,S,E,W),

This is to find the exact position of boat and the land. Simply stunning.
This temple is in Tirupur which is 2,800 old minimum. The special thing is it was built by 42 traders association in Tamilnadu. The temple name is “Sukreeswarar kovil”.

When the world is not much cultured Tamils formed traders association itself

3. Tamils are known for their technologies. This information is shared by French people.

You can see the French ship got fire when it was stucked by thunder. But the Tamil ships managed to handle thunder.

Reason is the centre pillar used in the ship is made from a different tree which can handle thunder. It receives the thunder and pass it in the ocean. Even today’s Marine researcher Orissa Balu shared his experience in going to this ship and how the ship manage the thunder more than twice.

Tamils preserve history

The rocks what you see in the ocean is called as “Sheep rearer rock” (ஆடு மேய்ப்பான் பாறை ). How can a rock get such name with in sea?

Actually the rock was in the land and it is now swallowed by sea.

Tamil grammar book recorded the history as

பொய் அகல, நாளும் புகழ்விளைத்தல் என் வியப்பாம்?
வையகம் போர்த்த, வயங்கு ஒலி நீர் – கையகலக்
கல் தோன்றி மண் தோன்றாக் காலத்தே, வாளோடு
முன் தோன்றி மூத்த குடி!”

Approximate meaning:
Post the sea water level decreased from the land,
Post the mountains were formed and farming lands were not formed
These people (Tamils) lived with spears

Simply the message is Tamil was spoken from the time
when the humans are hunters.

Tamil only shows the incremental development from hunters to scientists

But what makes make much proud is

When Chienese say “People who does not know Chienese are dump”
When English says “People who does not know English are uncultured”
When Arabian says “People who does not know Arabic as Ghost”
Tamils says “Every body in the world are Kith and Kin. All are relatives”

Tamils never hide what they have discovered or invented. They have shared with entire world.

When a culture becomes strong in army or money it began to dominate others.
But Tamils who had strong army, money never dominated any other culture.

Does not these things make any one proud
K. Jagadeesh

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