Tuesday 15 March 2022

ideal worship

Mental waves: 1
  Alpha, beta, theta

 The mind acts as a very subtle electric wave.  Need to understand its mechanism of action.  Researchers say that the mind functions in four stages.  The normally awake mind operates in eighteen to thirty cycles per second.  This is the "beta" mentality.  Now you are in that position.  You stay awake and do your thing.

 Deeper than that is the "alpha" rhythm.  Sometimes, when you are not active but inactive, relaxing on the beach, doing nothing, listening to music, or engaging in deep prayer or meditation, the activity of the mind slows down.  It will be about fourteen to eighteen cycles per second.  You know this.  But you are not careful.  You are awake.  But you are inactive.

 A certain kind of deep relaxation surrounds you.

 All meditators fall into this second alpha rhythm while meditating or praying.

 It can even happen when listening to music.  Even if you look at the trees it will happen on the surface of that greenery.  It can happen, especially if you sit quietly and do nothing.  Once you know its potential, you can slow down the functioning of the mind.  Thoughts are not rushed.  They move.  They are.  But they move at a very slow pace.  As the clouds float in the sky.  This second level, alpha.  This is very valuable.

 Still below is the third level.  Functionality is still declining.  That condition is called "theta".  Eight to fourteen cycles per second.  This is the situation when you sleep and when you pass at night.  Sleep.  When you take alcohol, you pass in that trance.  Look at what happens to a drunk.  He is in third place.  Happens unknowingly.  He does not know where he is going.

 Do not know what he is doing.  The body keeps running like a robot.  The activity of the mind is greatly diminished.  It is almost asleep.

 This happens even in the most profound meditation.  You will fall from the alpha to the theta.

 But this only happens in the most profound moments.  Ordinary meditators do not touch it.

 You will feel very happy when you start touching this third level.

 And all drinkers strive to attain this bliss.  But they miss.  Because bliss is possible only if you go to this third level with complete caution.  Passive but alert state.A drunkard achieves it.  But he is unconscious.  By the time he reaches it he is unconscious.  There is bliss.  But he cannot enjoy it.  Can't be happy about that.  That way he can't get over it.  Theta's attraction is due to its involvement in all kinds of drugs around the world.  But if you try to achieve it with chemicals you will choose the wrong path.  By slowing down the functioning of the mind and being fully alert, one should achieve it.

 Then there is the fourth level.  It is called "Delta".  Functionality is still declining.  From zero to four cycles per second.  The mind is almost inactive.  There are also moments when it touches the zero point.  With even the dreams stopped, you will be in a deep sleep.  This is what Hindus, Patanjali, Buddhists call Samadhi.  Patanjali actually defines samadhi as deep sleep with awareness.  But only with one condition.  There has to be awareness in that.
 Jagadeesh Krishnan is a psychologist and international writer

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