Monday 9 December 2013

jagadeesh krishnan

Sharing it is surely an inevitability , can not be avoided . He will have something to share . There is no way to stop him . When the clouds will be filled with water so the flowers will bloom Brsenge fly the fragrance itself and then radiate light will glow when the lamp . We'll have to share , but do not Shartbandi sharing . What to worry about who is deaf , who is blind ? Why not give your eyes to blind and deaf not to give ear ! Seeing - Seeing who will come on the eye so that the eye does not need ; she sees herself is going on. And let him who hears it ... must have heard that if he could hear , he will sit in wait for you ? She saw the open eye . Which have ears to hear , she hears a sound . That way you will shortly hear you come then . Then rang his strings , his light was burning . Need only to blind and deaf . Do not think so blind - deaf people how to them ? They are fun to own . To those in the art. In these pains to the new you - will have to find new ways , new languages ​​, new price - will have to find posturing . You also develop and deliver these enlightened whoever did this is not the end of it . The Batoge will find much more . The Lutaoge will find much more . Quit worrying , Shartbandi left . Jesus said to his disciples : Climb housing yell at Munderon . People are dumb , will exclaim . Jkjoro , people wake up . Are asleep . And when you are sleeping Jkjoroge people , then they will be angry , ill- will , too . Who wants to wake up from a nice sleep ! Sleep and waking up to find out what fun is that ! How could one know ? It is forgivable if you 're angry. And the deaf do not accept the existence of noise , so you do not be angry . He thinks if he will agree to be untrue . There is no revolution and false believers . Refusing to lash him . Refusing to dissect her , inch - inch break . Lifting Caini and then cut stone . There is none born deaf and blind from birth is not . I am talking about spiritual blindness and deafness to . Everyone is born with spiritual eyes and spiritual ears are born are born with the soul . The ears are closed society , has locked . Filled with cotton in his ears - the scriptures , words , theorizing . The lace on eyes Buddhism , such as the presser Jute bull or horse chariot give bandaged eye . Such is tied lace . There is no blind , deaf do not have any . You have just taken the romantic lace can be so hard . Will allure . Just the hard work so you can remove the cotton from their ears . But suddenly they will not agree with your point . What is the rush ? God does not have to work quickly . So you will have to work his will . Then you will have wasted any of his will , and his will will not take any further opened the eyes What is your concern ? You opened, it has less to do ! You get flowing , flowing , go to the running man! You can pick Srdi Sheesh - to endure heat bro! 're All here crying - crying things of our misery ! You say things to each brother all laughed ! There are bewildered confusion here - the sun , moon , stars the ice melt , the wind blows , when the coals are here get about truth and lies all brothers here to lean on life 's long stay poor ? What were happy and upset at what you say ? Golden had a dream yesterday , today it has faced liar! Constrain the path of thorns - all of which go on to become the same dream uncommonly unique Swym progress ! You do Yawm eight humanity challenge you understood what their ancestral palace treasures ! You can become tomorrow will Tukraye Rjkn feet . Amruti who have come here to eat so what ? The dappled effect Usha dark nights of misery for the summer - in the interest of time , firing the burner flames ! Be it - the lack of indelible running time - is a sequence of steps , shadow -like pictures here they are - the sad things. Motion to stay the rules , you should go chill bro rules of life , you get envious brother ! Snow - Segment like you clean , soft , radiant glory tear ran solidify rules , you go to molt brother ! You go drifting , drifting , drifting to go bro! You can pick Srdi Sheesh - to endure heat bro! 're All here crying - crying things of our misery ! You say things to each brother all laughed ! Do not worry . Get what happened within you saying , Go said . So no one heard , no one heard neither , no worries ; saw none . You share it. Has also seen a hundred and a hundred hears you also be blessed . Is equally so . Your labor was worthwhile . Krishna ! Sharing is inevitable . Let Shartbandi Strategy - Do not considered ineligible . This character - do not consider ineligible . This character - the only constraint is considered ineligible . People think , will the character . Then do not qualify . What character , what unworthy ? Will you exactly who will become eligible . Giving you go , bro! "
+91-9841121780, 9543187772
Email: jagadeeshkri@gmail.com

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