Sunday 1 December 2013


Teardrop -Do not ever be afraid of tears . Extremely frightened tears you 've called civilization . It has aroused within you a kind of guilt . Do you feel embarrassed when the tears come . What do you think people will think ? If I were a man I am ! It looks so feminine and childish . It should not . If you do stop those tears ... and you commit a murder which he has been building inside you .
Whatever you have, most of them unique to tears , because tears are the result of your inner spills . Tear necessarily indicate that only misery ; many times they come from the passions , many times they are due to the immense peace , and many times they come to love and enjoy . Actually do with their misery or happiness - is nothing . If Tumari heart touching anything , take anything you possess in your , anything in excess is that you might not be able to contain , starts flowing as tears .
Acknowledge them with the utmost gratitude , live them , cherish them , welcome them , and with tears, as you will learn the art of prayer .
You will learn the art of seeing tears . Tear- filled eyes are capable of seeing the truth . Tear- filled eyes are capable to feel the beauty of life and its offerings 

Be Vegetarian
Man , naturally , be a vegetarian , because the whole body is made for vegetarian food . Scientists believe the fact that the entire structure of the human body shows that man non - vegetarian should not be . The man came from monkeys . Monkeys are a vegan , vegetarian . If Darwin is right, then the man should be vegetarian .
Now there are ways to verify that a certain species of animals are herbivores or carnivores : it depends on the intestine , intestinal length . Carnivorous animals have got small intestine . Tiger , Tiger Blue is a very small intestine , because the meat is already a digested food . Do not need large intestine to digest it . Have been the work of digestion by the animal . Now you are eating the flesh of animals . It has already been digested , there is no need of large intestine . The intestine is the longest man means that man is vegetarian . Need a longer digestion , and there will be much excrement will be excluded .
If the person is not carnivorous and eats the meat goes , so does the burden on the body . In the east , all the great meditators , Buddha , Mahavira , the fact is emphasized . Not because of the concept of non-violence , the detail , but if you want to go into deep meditation matter of fact , your body needs to be light , natural , weightless , flowing . You need to remove the body burden , and the body of an animal is very cumbersome .
. Just look what happens when you eat meat : when you kill an animal , what animal does when he gets hit ? Of course , nobody wants to get hit . Life itself wants to reach out , not willingly dying animal . If someone hits you , you will not die willingly . If a lion jumps on you and kills you , you will go through your mind ? That's what happens when you hit a lion . Anguish , fear , death , suffering , anxiety , anger , violence , sadness are all these animals . Her whole body violence , anguish , pain catches . The whole body is filled with toxins , poisons . All the venom glands of the body , unwillingly leaves the animal dying . And then you eat meat , that meat carries all the poisons that have been left by the animal . The whole energy is poisonous . Then they move to poison your body .
If you eat the flesh of an animal 's body was concerned. He was there for a particular purpose . A specific type of animal consciousness - was inhabiting the body . Animal consciousness to a higher level than you , and when you eat the flesh of animals , your body goes to the low level , the lower level of the animal . Then there is a difference between your consciousness and your body , and creates a tension and anxiety .
The person should eat the same things which are natural , natural for you . Fruits , vegetables , nuts , etc. , eat as much as you can eat. The beauty is that you can not eat these things too much . Whatever is natural is always gives you satisfaction , because it does indulge your body , heals you . Do you feel perfect . If something unnatural thing is, you do not ever realize perfection . Go eat ice cream , you never think you 're satiated . In fact the more you eat , the more you feel like staying account . It is not food . Your mind is being cheated . Now you are not eating according to the need of the body ; you are eating just to taste it . The tongue has become the controller .
Tongue controller should not know anything about the stomach . The body does not know anything about . The tongue is a special purpose : to savor the food . Naturally, tongue test is the only thing , what food is to the body , for my body and what food is not for my body . It just watchman at the door is not the owner , and the owner becomes the guards at the door , then everything will go haywire .
Now, advertisers are well aware that the tongue can be tricked , the nose can be tricked . And they do not own .you can not tell what you 're eating . These are the controller . Now they know : ice cream is nutritious or not, it does not matter . It might taste , it may be some chemicals that satiate even the tongue, but are not essential to the body .
The man is confused , more confused than buffaloes . You can not convince buffaloes to eat ice cream . Try it !
A natural food ... and when I say natural , I mean that your body needs . A tiger has different needs , it would be very violent . If you eat the flesh of a tiger , you get violent , but where violence express your will ? If you live in human society , not in a jungle . Then you have to curb violence . A vicious cycle begins again .
When you press the violence , then what happens? When you are angry , violent feel , a kind of poisonous energy is released , because she is the poison that causes a situation where you can get really violent and can kill someone . The energy flowing to your hand ; the energy flowing to your teeth . These are the two places where the animals are violent . Man is part of the animal kingdom .
When you get angry , then the energy is released and comes to the hands and teeth , jaws comes up , but you 're living in human society and the flare is not always profitable . If you live in a civilized world and you can not behave like an animal . If you behave like an animal , then you will have to pay more for it too much to give and you are not ready. So what do you do then ? If you suppress anger in hand , you suppress anger in the teeth , you take affixed a false smile and your teeth are collecting anger .
I 've rarely seen people with natural jaw . It is not natural , blocking , hard as it is really angry . If you push a person's jaw , anger can be extracted . Hands are ugly . Beauty they lose , they lose flexibility , because there is too much anger is suppressed . People who are working on deep massage , they discovered that touch you deeply hand , hand massage , the person begins to get angry . There is no reason . You are massage guy and suddenly he seems to feel anger . If you push the jaw , that person then gets angry . They raised the ire carry . The impurities of the body are bound to have them removed . If you do not grasp them will be heavy body .

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