Monday 9 December 2013

jagadeesh krishnan

To go beyond, a deep insight into life is needed. How to create a deep insight into life? Unless you have a reverence for life it is impossible. Revere life wherever you find it; help it to grow. Be creative toward it; don’t be destructive.

But we are destructive in many ways. Look around you. Everything that is deeply connected to life is condemned. Sex is condemned, love is condemned, because they are the source of life.

A person who is religious must be a monk, a celibate. Why? Why should a seeker of the divine be a celibate? What is the need? Why is there so much propaganda against sex, against love, against life? It is because sex seems to be the source of life; it seems to be the original energy that moves the world. Those who are against the world are bound to be against sex. "Cut sex completely from your life!” – that is their teaching. But if you cut sex, you cut all of life. If you are against sex, you cannot revere life. You have gone against life itself.

Just remember me, feel my presence, and then meditate. Space, distance, is meaningless if there is love. You may be sitting just by my side and there may be a distance of miles, thousands of miles. You may be thousands of miles away from me, but if there is love, the distance disappears; you are right by my side.

Love is nearness, love is closeness. Distance in space, or nearness in space, is physical and meaningless. Wherever you are, it makes no difference. If you have a deep love for me, and if you can remember that love and surrender to me, I will be there working with you, within you. Remember this, and then you will never be lonely or alone.
Noble thoughts are simply noble chains, noble prisons, noble poisons. Every thought has to be dropped; whether it is good or bad, that is immaterial. You have to rise into a state of thoughtlessness. That state is the only nobility in the world. That is the only authentic spirituality.

But the moment you go beyond thought, you are no more a Christian, no more a Hindu, no more a Jew, no more a Buddhist. All these are thoughts. To be a Hindu means you have certain kinds of thoughts; to be a Mohammedan means you have chosen a different collection of thoughts. What is the difference between a Hindu and a Christian? – just the thoughts. Once they both go beyond thoughts, what will be the difference? In the silences of the heart, everybody is exactly the same open sky without any clouds."

 The INDIANS go on condemning the whole world as materialist; they are the only spiritual people. But my own experience is that I have not come across more materialist people in the whole world than the Indians. Yes, they have a spiritual mask which the others don’t have, so the others appear to be materialist. And Indians are very much conditioned to talk about spirituality, the ultimate reality; it is just common heritage to talk about great things. But when you scratch a little bit, you will find the most ugly human beings in the world."
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