Monday 9 December 2013

jagadeesh krishnan

~ MOTHER SEKHMET'S POWER AND LOVE INITIATION~ Strength that moves mountains. Love that heals anything. Mother Sekhmet through Aluna Joy Karnak Egypt - 10/10/13 ~ Message #3 The following is the 3nd message that we received in Egypt this past Oct 2013. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order, as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Star Elders and all the others that joined us assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you as you read them. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites. We left our beloved home on the Nile, the sail boat - Afandina, in the early morning hours just before sunrise. We took a small boat across the Nile to where Karnak awaited. We arrived at Karnak right at sunrise. We all walked into the site, respectfully, without words. We did not know if it was going to happen, but there was a chance that we might be allowed into the private chamber of Sekhmet's Temple. We awaited word from our guides. We slowly walked down the main walkway to the white quartz altar, and gave our own private thanks for being here. Here we waited. Shortly, our guide appeared, apparently having just spoken to the guards. He waved us to come quickly . Following him, we walked further down the main walkway and then veered to the left and headed for Sekhmet's Temple. As we approached the Temple, the temple guards unlocked the large chain and lock, and we were allowed inside. The energy was so thick with love and power that went straight to the heart. Aluna shares: Mother Sekhmet is so happy that we are here. What she is doing right now is roaring at us-roaring from her soul-and she is sending this energy to us. This is a strength that can and does move mountains. It's a love that can heal anything. She has been carrying this power and love for a very long time. She offers this energy to us now (And those reading this). Mother Sekhmet would like to share some of this power and love with each one of us. She is downloading this energy to us, so there will be many more beings out in the world that can roar like she roars and loves like she loves. She has been locked away in this small temple and is rarely visited because it has been a time in the world when the feminine power, the power of "mother love" for earth and humanity, was not honored or respected. She knows that this time is coming to a close, and what she carries in her heart will be accepted and honored again. As she gives us this roar (power) that could move mountains and love that can heal anything, she says when we go out in the world we will be able to change the frequency of the world as she did when she was here. There are many women and even men, in secret, who followed her and her wisdom that can't be shared properly with mere words. It must be felt as we are feeling it now. This wisdom is shared by a quality of heart and a quality of passion activated by action. She is asking us to walk forth now with a gentle strength and inner knowing of this energy we feel now. We know how lions walk through the jungle. They have big, soft pads on their feet, and they can hit the ground softly, but inside the lion there is a strength, a power, that we wouldn't want to disrespect. A huge group of the sacred women that worked with Mother Sekhmet are flooding this temple now. They are here is support of our path ahead of us. We need to walk on the land, walk on the earth, and walk out into our world with a gentle touch but with a power within that no one dares cross. We are here to anchor the power, the true power, the true strength of love, upon the earth. The power behind this energy is one that cannot be shaken. This download of Power and Love is going straight into our hearts, but it will also go into our solar plexuses-heart for the Love and the solar plexus for the Power of creation. This power is of the great mother that would never let anything happen to her children. These children are humanity and the earth. She says we are guardians of the earth, and every person on this earth is our child. She is hoping to inspire us to walk in this world with "Mother Love" for every living thing, for every human being. She wasn't the mother of just a few; she held the space for the mother of everything. Anyone who has given birth knows about the inner lioness that comes with the responsibility of liberating a child into this world. As mothers, we know about this inner lioness, and it is there if we need it. But as mothers, we act mostly from gentle love and caring. But we can switch in an instant to set things straight when situations are out of alignment with truth and integrity. Again Mother Sekhmet is using the analogy of a lion with her cubs in the jungle. She cuddles, naps with, and licks the cubs lovingly; but if one of the cubs does something that might harm it, she doesn't hesitate in giving it a swift swat. She commands respect. She is asking us to walk in the world with this kind of energy-energy that lives gently on the outside but with an inside energy that says, "Don't mess with me. I'm here to do a job, and I'm going to get it done." This mother love belongs to everyone, man or woman, young or old. Mother Sekhmet loves us so much. The women who have followed her in these lands, the ones who had to go underground to do their work, had to hide because they knew they were carrying this sacred energy. They were Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the Essences, and also Rosicrucians. She says we are past hiding now. The men can carry this mother energy as well, the gentleness on the outside but the power on the inside. The Essences, the Ancient Ones, the ones whom we have no names for, the ones that even came long before them, they all knew about this power, this creative force, this force to be reckoned with. They empower us here today. They love us, and they are passing the torch to us, so we may carry on what they began. And one day we will pass this torch to yet another group in the next age. Mother Sekhmet is sending us on our way now . . . and giving us a blessing. She says she is blessing us with the sun. She is blessing us with the moon. She is blessing us with the stars and universes upon universes because that's where she came from, and it's also where we came from. She says we never would have entered this temple, if we hadn't come from the same place she has. (You would not be reading this either!) She wants us to own this starry heritage, this DNA that triggers us and makes us search for the truth of that which has been hidden. Even though she is not here in physical form, her spirit, the strength of her paws (energy) hitting the earth, has never left it. Even though they have locked her away in this room, at night she walks, still walks about. She wanders in these sacred temples. She anchors her energy so all those who come here will feel her heart, integrity, and passion for creation. She thanks us for giving our love to her. She misses her family just as many of us miss our families. On our path in this life, we have sacrificed much for a common purpose. We have committed to being here till the job is done. So has she. It is her power and integrity in us that brought us here today. We now have been initiated to the next level because we are ready for it..
+91-9841121780, 9543187772

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