Tuesday 10 December 2013

jagadeesh krishnan

Esoteric Groups

I have known so many esoteric groups – in this life and before.

I have been in contact with many esoteric groups, but I cannot tell you their whereabouts. I cannot tell you their names, because that is not permitted, and it is of no use really. But I can tell you that they still exist, they still try to help.

Some groups are still very alive – for example, Ashoka’s group. If Ashoka has done something more meaningful than any emperor has done anywhere in the world, it was creating this esoteric group of nine. Akbar tried to imitate Ashoka in many ways. He made a group of nine, but it was meaningless. They were just courtiers – Nava Ratna, the Nine Jewels of Akbar. But they were just imitation jewels – exoteric. Someone was a poet, someone was a warrior, and that makes no sense. But Akbar knew from somewhere that Ashoka had a group of nine wise persons, so he made a group of nine jewels. He did not know everything about Ashoka’s group.

The Ashoka group has persisted for two thousand years. It is still alive with the key, still working. The whole theosophical movement was initiated by this group. That is why in theosophy Buddha became the supreme most person. And the whole theosophy, in a way, was Buddhist or Hindu. That is why in Western countries it was thought that it was an Eastern effort to convert the West – that it was just Hinduism working in a new garb. This is true in a sense, because the initiator group was a Buddhist group.

You can also be in contact with some esoteric group. There are techniques and methods. But then you will have to do much work upon yourself. As you are, you can never be in contact. You will just pass by an esoteric circle, but you will not even be able to detect it. You will have to change yourself, tune yourself, for new dimensions, for new vibrations to be felt; you will have to be sensitive.

Then you will not ask me, “Have you been in contact with an esoteric group?” You will know just by sitting near me, you will know just by looking into my eyes. You will feel just by hearing my words, or even by hearing my silence. You will understand. But that will come only if you change yourself, attune yourself, for the new reality – if you open yourself for new dimensions.

The sky is there –
just open the window,
and you will know
the sky and the stars.
Howsoever far off
they may be,
just by opening your window,
which is so near,
you come in contact
with far-off stars.

Esoteric groups are and always have been there. Only you are closed – closed in thought, closed in thinking, closed within yourself – no opening, no window, no door. The sky is there – just open the window, and you will know the sky and the stars. Howsoever far off they may be, just by opening your window, which is so near, you come in contact with far-off stars. In a way, it is illogical. By opening such a near window, how can you come in contact with far-off stars? If I tell you, “Open this window behind you and then you will come in contact with the whole universe,” you will say, “It is absurd. Just by opening this window which is so near, how can I be in contact with what is so far?” But it is so. Open a window in your mind, make a meditative window, and you will be in contact with so many far-off lights, with so many happenings which are always around.

Just around the corner, just around you, everything is happening. But you are blind or asleep or just unaware. I am here; you cannot conceive of what is happening here. You cannot conceive of it!

+91-9841121780, 9543187772
Email: jagadeeshkri@gmail.com

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