Wednesday 4 December 2013

What is beauty and what is ugliness

What is beauty and what is ugliness?

Just a mind concept. Nobody has yet been able up to now to define what beauty is, and nobody is ever going to be able to define what beauty is -- because beauty is nothing but your idea of it. You create beauty and you can believe in it; then it is beautiful. You can believe in ugliness, and it is ugly.

Just watch, and you will see that your mind conditions you towards certain things. And then you start looking for those things. And then you will project in your dreams, and by and by while you are awake you will project.

This is now a scientific finding: that if you are left alone, in isolation, for three weeks, you start conjuring up all sorts of dreams. If you are just left in a cave, everything supplied to you, but you are not allowed to talk to anybody -- food comes from a hole, water comes from a hole, and you are comfortable in the cave, you see no human being for three weeks -- just after the fourth day you start talking a little loudly. Ordinarily you talk inside, you go on chattering. But after four days of isolation your lips start moving. After the first week you start talking very loudly. What is happening?

And by the second week you are not only talking, you start answering too. You also talk for the other person who is not present. By the third week you are almost insane. What is happening? What happens in just three weeks' time? Left alone, the mind is starved of all outside things. It cannot remain without occupation, it creates its own occupation. It finds an image; it starts thinking a woman is sitting by your side. First you will laugh: "This is just a play!" First you will say: "I know that it is just to find occupation." But by and by you will forget completely, and the woman will become real You may start making love to the woman; you may start fighting, talking, quarreling. Now you are fully awake, with your eyes open, and the dream has become real.

Modern research about isolation and what happens in isolation is tremendously revealing.

Bring more awareness to your mind, otherwise you are always on the verge of going mad, of becoming mad.

There is not much difference between mad people and sane people. Sanity and insanity are only different by degrees. If you are sane you can become insane any moment. The bank goes bankrupt, or your wife dies, or your daughter elopes with somebody: just a little push and you go mad.

Madness is boiling within you; you are just close to it. Become aware. Mind is what maya is -- and all that is created by the mind is illusory, "mayic", magical. Mind is a magician, and if you watch this magician you will be surprised. It is beautiful to watch what beautiful games and dramas it creates. Watching it, by and by, it subsides. One day mind disappears; there is body and there is soul, but mind disappears.

When there is only body and soul and the mind has disappeared, you are enlightened. Enlightenment means the disappearance of the magician.

+91-9841121780, 9543187772

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