Friday 29 November 2013



You can decide now if the biggest day in your lifetime has arrived. The day which is the finalization of a whole series of life experiences or incarnations that very shortly will give you the opportunity to leave duality and the cycles of birth and death. It will lead to the time you have been waiting for. The time that will open up the Unifying Age for you which offers a broader light body spectrum of experiences of health, happiness and joy. The problems and worries that haunted you in past lives, until today, will be soon be set aside, and you will be quickly involved in the various projects connected with uplifting Mother Earth and re-connection with the rest of the Universe and it’s Light Beings. If you shift NOW, the next few days you will be mirroring other people's life experiences as your own, and accept that you are ONE and connected with everybody and everything around you. Those who have been building a Light Body in the past weeks, months, years will inevitably find that upon the decision to start NOW will received an energetic input, which will established a unifying consciousness within. Both the good and bad sides of your ego personality cannot prevent the unifying energies having a unifying effect upon them, and sooner or later act AS ONE again. As you change, the civilization around you will change automatically with you and will never be the same again as it was with duality. An inner-self created blessing and your biggest wish in this life on earth. You will now find that there is a more unifying meaning and intent to all the actions you take. They will fulfill the inner unifying essential desire to move on and create a unifying society from within that is based upon love. Love meaning the essence inside that is eternal, unchangeable and the same in everyone and everything compared to the temporary ego and senses illusion you created to play with on earth and/or somewhere else in the universe. This shift will happen because the power of the essence inside was and still is much stronger than any temporary ego role your created in this and past lives. The only thing different now is that your personal focus, attention, desire and action to become ONE again has activated the essence or sleeper inside. The sleeper who has been steadily growing and blossoming inside your body, transforming it into a light body until the day it is ready to reconnect with the rest of all enlightened beings transforming into ONE again. The momentum is now if you want it to be NOW. There is no time, space, person or movement that will decide it for you. You can only awaken yourself from your own illusion creations into the Unifying Light again.

So decide NOW!

Are you ready to show your inner essential light to the world?

So let the past go as it will have little or no bearing on your future. You are starting anew and even your karma will have been forgiven and cleared, so place your focus on what is coming from inside. There is so much that will be of great benefit to you, taking away the need to spend much of your time on polarized so wasteful and unproductive tasks. In your new state of unified consciousness you will have all the freedom you need to explore and experience your talents. However, you may want to explore and experience new interests that will pop up from the re-awakened source inside you now. The essential source that is making everything possible again because you are ONE with all potentials again. So when you awaken, everybody and everything around you will re-awaken. You have always been able to ASCEND. But you and you All-ONE will decide if it is NOW, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, next decade or a next life.


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