Monday 4 November 2013

Saravana Devi Meditation Methods or Techniques, or Innerself Awakening Method of Meditation.

"Saravana Devi Meditation Methods or Techniques, or Innerself Awakening Method of Meditation."

this is just i put the name there is no reason or something, because every thing we identify with the name therefore i also given the one name, if you want to call this methods to any name as your wish, because the name is not permanent one, or indicating anything i like this name therefore i given this name, if you want to call this any name as your wish.

Rules and regulation

First you will choose one place which is comfortable for
you that is like lot of green trees is there or play ground
or garden or hills place or seashore, or falls or river shore
or house upstairs, or your living room or prayer room are
choose anything which is comfortable to you. Because if
you start this practice anyone does not disrupt you that
place you choose because if you started this practice
nobody do not disturb you that is the main thing.
Second : you practice this with sitting position or
standing position or leaning position or used any chair or
bed that is not main thing if you practice this your body
could not get any disturb that is the main thing.
Third: Time morning time, or evening time or afternoon
time or night time any time you can do this practice.
Fourth: Season any season like summer, winder, rainy,
autumn, any season is suitable for this practice.
Fifth: Direction North, South, East, West any direction
you can practice this.
Sixth : If do this practice after food then you can doing
this practice in vajrasans(that kneel down position) or
standing position, or sitting in chair, if you practice in
empty stomach you can do this is padmaasana (that is
lotus position) vajrasana or sitting in chair or standing
position or leaning down position you can do this
Seventh: Men or Women anybody can do this practice,
age and sex is not considerable anyone who can
interested do this practice.
Eighth : Somebody ask the question if I do this after sex
action, yes you can do this before you can clean up your
body then practice this,
Somebody ask the question if I do this practice after
words I involved in sex action. Yes up course you can do
this practice but when will do this practice after half on
hour you can do this.
And some females ask if I do this in menstrual period yes
up course you can do this practice,
And some females ask if I am in pregnant than I can do
this practice yeas up course but within three month you
do not practice this after three month you can do this
And some females ask if I am delivered I am doing this
practice, yes up course you can doing this practice after
delivering some days after.
If some male ask if I do the masturbation, yes you can do
this practice.
If some male ask if I do this practice after I will
masturbation, yes up course you can do this practice after
half an hour you can do that.
Ninth: Somebody ask if I am in fever I can do this
practice, yes up course you can do this practice.
Tenth: Somebody as after cesarean I can do this practice,
yes up course you can do this practice after some days
your wounds are healed then you can practice this.
Eleventh; somebody ask if I got wound or fracture I can
do this practice, yes up course you can do this practice.
Twelve: If I can take some tabulate I can practice, yes up
course you can practice, if I can practice this then I can
take the tabulate, yes up course you can take the tabulate
after half an hour.
Thirteenth : If I can drink or take alcohol I can practice,
yes up course you can practice this after one hour you
can practice this, and somebody ask if I practice this I
can take the alcohol yes up course you take alcohol after
one hours.
Fourteenth; If I can smoke I can practice, yes up course
you can practice after half on hour, if I practice I can
smoke, yes up course you can smoke after half on hour.
Fifteen : Somebody as how many time I can practice,
daily one time is enough if you need you can practice
three or four time daily .
Sixteenth: Somebody ask If I am this religion this sect
this and that is I can practice this, any religion any sect
any one of this human race can practice this because this
is not on religious ritual or religious thing its purely
human needs don’t gave any name and anything for this,
every human in this world can practice this.
Seventeenth: Somebody as if I do the physical exercise I
can do this practice, yes up course you can do this
practice but half on hour after do this practice, if I do the
physical practice after this yes up course you do this but
half on hour after this.
Eighteenth: some body ask if I am doing another

meditation or yoga methods I can do this, yes up course
you can do this after half on hours, and if I do another
meditation or yoga after this, yes up course you can do
any practice like another yoga methods and meditation
methods but you should do after half on hour time.
Nineteenth: And one thing I here tell to you that if you
practice this somebody doubt that if I am doing these
practices then I can eat veg or non veg food, this doubt
rose because all the meditater’s says only veg food is
good for these all meditation methods, but I am here
different because any food you can take while your
practicing these all meditation methods but only thing
you follow that is don’t take heavy food. Because if you
take heavy food, you take any type of food 1/4 of your
stomach and 1/2 stomach you drink and remain empty for
1/4 this is important. You can take veg or non veg that
is not a matter but don’t fill your stomach just need some
empty space.
Twenty: you forget all the rules if you need to practice
really than this is the last rule.

 just wait for the movement and read the instruction and continue the next.

dear friend, this practice mainly in four steps each step is different practice, first practice is 10 minutes practice, that is one type of the deep breathing techniques, second is 10 minutes this is one type of the past breathing techniques, third practice,is also ten minutes, that is one type of the humming sound practice, and fourth practice is 20 to 30 minutes defense upon you, it is not a practice just the moment of watching the inner silent. these all practices are continue practices, with closed eyes, and the same posture, like Padmsans(lotus posture) or Vajarasana( neeldown posture). but you select any one posture which is comfortable to you, because this all practices take totally one hours, therefore choose your posture, but don't change the postures in between, because this is the continues practices, if you change the posture or open your eyes then you will missed the continuation, therefore used the same position or posture, or you choose any posture as your wish but do not change in between, that is the important, i am prepare this two posture, if you want to any posture you will choose, and but don't change any posture in between and dont open your eyes, do this all four practices, without changing anything, the you will get the one type of the rhythmical, if you change this in between then you will missed the rhythm. ok we will go to the practice.
First practice or Techniques: Just sat down your choosed position with closed eyes, if you want to use any mate or anything you can use, first sit down and closed your eyes and wait for few seconds and when will you get the normal breath, then you start this first practice, when will your body get the normal breath then you just inhale the breath slowly and gently, and fill your belly then exhale the breath slowly and gently and rhythmically, this practice do in ten minuteness,or continue this practice when will you find or your feel one type of the silent surrounding in you then, continue this practice another few more minutes, and you will get the inner silent then go to the next practice, this may be take 10 minutes or some more time, therefore don't bother about the time, just do this practice, slowly and gently and rhythmically, after 10 minutes stop this practice, then wait for the few second, and when will your breath get normal then continue to the next practice, with same posture and closed eyes, don't open eyes and don't changing your posture while doing this, when will you get the one type of the silent and go to the next one.
Second practice or Techniques, its also take 10 minutes or more, when you completed the first practice, you just wait for the few second and when your body get the normal breath then continue this practice with same posture and closed eyes. this is deep breath techniques, first you inhale deeply and fastly fill your belly then exhale deeply and fastly, continue this practice very fastly and deeply and rhythmically, when will you do this practice, some time you will get slow your breath don't bother about anything just do it fastly deeply and continuasly and rhythmically in the fast manner, continue this practice 10 minutes or more, if you do this practice then automatically you find the one type of the silent surrounding in you, if you find the silent then continue this practice remain few more minutes and stop immediately, and wait for some few second and when will you find your body get normal breath, then continue the next practice. if you do not get the normal breath then wait for another few more seconds or wait for your body get the normal breath then continue the next one with same posture and closed eyes.
Third Practice or Techniques; this practice also take 10 minutes or more, when you completed your second practice, just wait for few second and when will your find your body get the normal breath then continue this practice with same posture and closed eyes, this is one type of the humming sound practice, when will you find your body get the normal breath after completed the second practice, then continue this practice, with one humming sound that is " ikreeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" continue this humming sound without open your mouth, do this practice for 10 minutes or more but do this humming sound deeply and fastly and rhythmically, continue this practice, without any cap continuesly if you find some time some cap but don't bother about this try to continue this humming sound rhythmically and fastly and deeply some days after this cap will slowly vanished therefore don't bother about this continue this practice, while you are practicing this humming sound you will find, your body automatically get vibrant some people feel this some not, therefore don't bother about this and continue this practice. after 10 minutes or some more time after you will find one type of the silent surrounding in you then continue this humming sound few more minutes deeply fastly and continusly and rhythmically, and suddenly stop this humming sound, and you will get your body normal breath then continue to the next practice, in same posture and closed eyes, these all continues practices don't change any posture or open your eyes while you doing this all practices.
Fourth methods or Techniques: This practice is twenty to 30,minutes
minutes but its not a practice but its very carefully
watching techniques because sometime you do this
practice your body vibrating or shaking you feel this
thing don’t bother about and don’t do any reaction,
because this is not at all practice because this is just
watching techniques this is main thing you don’t do
anything just you watch your whole body without any
concentration just watch. Then you get one type of the
silent that is not worldly thing that is one type of the
unknowable factor. Just watch your inner silent slowly
and deeply without any concentration just watch it with
closed eyes. Feel your body and mind and thoughts
disappear, in silent
ust this is the right moment you find out your innate
nothing is more then that
Just watch it your silent innate for get all the things
which ever comes your body forget it
Just watch it your silent innate to get innate forget your
mind which ever come in your mind forget it
Just watch it your silent innate to get innate forget your
though which ever comes in your thoughts forget it.
Be still and watch the silent
Be still and watch the innate
Deeper and deeper and deeper………………………
Watch and watch and watch……………………..
Watch and watch and watch……………………..
Be still and watch and watch………..
Relax an relax and watch your innate
Relax and relax and watch your silent which is ascending
in you Come to your innate come to your deeper innate
Slowly and slowly deep and deeply come to your innate
Your mind will dissolve in this universe
Your thoughts will dissolve in this universe
Your body will dissolve in this universe
You feel lightning ascending in your body
You feel lightning ascending in your mind
You feel lightning ascending in your thoughts
You feel lightning ascending in your innate
Just watch it and watch it deeper and deeper
Be stilland deeper and deeper still
Your mind and body and thoughts get melting in this

You are not the body
You are not the mind
You are not the thoughts
You are not having any name and other things
You are the whole universal
You are the witness you are the whole of blessing
This is the main practice because every practice is the
preferring ground of this practice. You whole practice is
nothing but preferring ground of this practice. Because
life is the one thing which is consist of logic and illogic.
But we don’t accepting illogical things but unfortunately
logic is the small thing illogical is the biggest thing in
whole universal. This universal energy is consisting some
unknowable dimension but we knows only some
dimension butour ego does not accepted which isunknowable, this is purely our ego system. But what we
think or what we feel that is not a matter, mater is we
find our innermost core through this practice that is the
main thing if you find your innermost silent that is the
thing other things is not a real things. Therefore don’t
bother about what is your mind says mind always need
proof and measurement or something else but the truth is
one which is not come under any word or logic.
If you continued this with twenty minutes  or more then exhale
deeply and fast four are five times then end with this
practice. Because this deep exhale prefers your body
come to on normality if you do not get your normality
then remain you exhale few more time and when will
come your body normal then finished this practice. Other
wise continue your exhale few more times that is good.
just do this all practice few more day you will find out the some thing,that is not come to your logic or illogic don't bother about this things and do this practice, this practice do the some thing that is not come to the any world or logic, mostly you do this practice three months you will find your are in one another dimension, not same when will you started at the day, you will find the some other planet for this earth.
thanks dear friend just do this practice and enjoy the momentum which is now and here then you will feel lot of the things if you want to know more about or other practices just read my two books, that is help you, lot of the things which is you never images in your life, because these all things i find out and practice nearly 25 years, this all not a practices these all human searches of the truth, not a one man or one enlightened persons gift its lot of the enlightened persons gifts. .

if you want anything about this just call me or mail to me i will send the answer,
my mail is :,
Mobile:+91-9841121780 ,9543187772

NO:90, Mouna SwamyMadam Street,
Venkatapuram, Ambattur,
Chennai – 600053.
Tamil Nadu, India.
Mobile: +91-009841121780. 009543187772, 009171617660.
Land line:+91-044-33460196.

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