Monday 25 November 2013

The Knot:

The Knot:

On a fine morning buddha came with a cloth and sat infont of his disciples.

He silently started to put the knot in the cloth.

The disciples keenly noticed what he was doing and after he finished putting those knots he started his teaching

"I have put 5 knots in this cloth and i am going to remove it one by one. Now the question is

Is this cloth going to be the same one before it was knotted?

Is the nature of the cloth going to be changed after the knot?"

Ananda got up and replied "The cloth is same only the knot is going to be the difference. The cloth without knot has its freedom but the cloth with knot has lost its freedom"

Buddha replied "Yes ananda you are right. In the same way each and every individual is buddha ever since their birth but they get identified with this world and they create their own world like this knot"

Buddha again asked them "What should i do to remove this knots?"

Sariputta got up and answered "If you want to remove those knots you should go close to that knots and discover how those knots were put or else it is impossible to remove.

If these knots were put consciously it is easy to remove or else it becomes very difficult and sometimes it might be impossible to remove"

Buddha replied "Exactly you are right sariputta. Life is similar to this knot. The difficulties in our life is due to the knots that we tie ourselves in an unconscious manner. Unless an individual witnessess the way the problems are knotted it is impossible to relieve from the problems"

The reason for the problems that we face in this world is none other than ourselves and no one else.

We constantly emit energy. What comes from us has a direct impact and influence on our reality. We have to become more conscious of our words, thoughts, behaviors and the way we communicate with others and be willing to self-correct when we slip.

There can be offense, that creates defense, authority over others that creates opposition or rebellion and self-promotion through putting other people down or shaming them.

If we hold a truth that we are solid in, we should never feel the need to make someone wrong or disgrace them, to make a point or to make ourselves right.

Sometimes our deep sensitivities and wounds of the past can project that others are attempting to do this to us. This is when working it out and finding clarity, can come in handy. We all have filters.

In the middle of right and wrong, there is essence and the energy that we share can be unifying or it can create hostility, drama and separation. IT is not right or wrong, it just is. One damages, the other heals.

If we don't take the time to clear this or learn from the stuff that gets in the way of our Unity, Balance and Harmony, we are not really unifying at all and we allow these other things to be more important to the point of alienating others and disconnecting ourselves from what the true priority is.

Our goal is to create harmony and unified resonance with each other and this is what we are being called to Master, more than who is right and who is wrong, what information is correct or incorrect or any spiritual competition that pits us against each other.

We have the free-will to take in what resonates and walk away from what doesn't, without throwing mud at anyone. We are in a dance together and we each bring a unique piece to the table, so lets not battle, lets dance!
+91-9841121780, 9543187772

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