Wednesday 20 November 2013

Love is food: food for the soul. When a child sucks at his mother's breast for the first time, he is sucking two things, not only milk - milk is going into his body and love is going into his soul. Love is invisible, just as soul is invisible; milk is visible just as body is visible. If you have eyes to see, you can see two things together dripping into the child's being from the mother's breast. Milk is just the visible part of love; love is the invisible part of milk - the warmth, the love, the compassion, the blessing.

If the child has missed at his breakfast, then when he is young he will be too needy for love - and that creates trouble. Then he will be too impatient for love - that creates trouble. Then he will be in such a hurry for love - that creates trouble. Because love grows very slowly, it needs patience. And the more you are in a hurry, the more is the possibility that you will miss.

Have you watched it in yourself and in others? The people who are too much in need of love always suffer, because they always feel that nobody is going to fulfill them. In fact, nobody is going to be their mother again. In a mother-child relationship, nothing was expected from the child. What can a child do? - helpless. He cannot return anything. At the most he can smile - that's all - or follow with his eyes where the mother is going - that s all. Small, beautiful gestures - but nothing else can he do. The mother has to give, the child has to receive.

If at breakfast-time you have missed this, then you will be looking for a woman who can be your mother. Now, a woman is looking for a lover, not for a son - trouble is bound to be there. Unless by chance, by accident, you can find some woman who is looking for a son - then things will settle; then two illnesses will fit together.

It always happens: a pessimist always finds an optimist to fit; a sadist always finds a masochist to fit; a dominating person always finds one who is in need of being dominated, then they fit. You cannot find two masochists living together, never. I have watched thousands of couples: up to now I have not been able to come to a single couple in which both the partners are sadists or both the partners are masochists. It is impossible to live together - they have to fit. Only opposites fit, and people always fall in love with the opposite.

If you can meet a woman who is in search of a son... that too is ugly, that too is ill, because a woman naturally should be seeking a lover, not a child. And this is the problem, and the problem becomes more complicated: even if she is looking for a son, she is unaware of it; and even if you are looking for a mother, you are unaware of it. In fact, if a woman tries to mother you, you will feel hurt. You will say, "What are you doing? Am I a child?" And you are looking for a mother. Thousands, millions of people are looking for a mother.

That's why man seems so much interested in women's breasts - otherwise there is no need to be so much interested in women's breasts. The interest simply shows that in your childhood, at your breakfast-time, you have missed something. It continues, it hovers on your mind, it haunts you. Breasts are for breakfast time. Now why do you go on thinking and painting - mm?...

Watch deep down, because it is nothing of your responsibility, it is nothing to do with you - you cannot change your mother now. It happened as it happened -- but you can become conscious. You can become conscious of all these things inside. And by becoming conscious a miracle happens. If you become conscious of these things, they start dropping. They can cling to you only in deep unconsciousness. A profound consciousness begins to be a transforming force.

So just become conscious! If you have some childish attitudes towards love, become conscious, find out, search deep. And just by becoming conscious, they drop. So nothing else is needed. Not that first you have to become conscious and then you have to ask "What to do now?" The moment you become conscious they disappear - because by becoming conscious you are becoming adult.

I say it to you from experience:
I have been giving love to millions of people,
and the more you give the more you have it.

Remember this too:
that love need not always mean sexual,
love need not always mean sensuous.

Love has many dimensions to it.
It is a multi-faceted phenomenon.

You can love music, you can love poetry.

But have you seen it happening that if your wife finds that you are too much in love with music, she even becomes jealous of music?
She may destroy your guitar, she may throw it out; the guitar seems to be a competitor.

When you take your guitar, you touch your guitar as if the guitar is your beloved. And naturally when you love music and you love your guitar, the guitar is not just an instrument. It is not mechanical, it has a personality, it has a being. You look, you touch, with eyes full of love, with hands full of love. You hold your guitar close to your heart. It is alive!

Love makes everything alive;
whatsoever it touches it makes alive.

Non-love makes everything dead;
whatsoever it touches it makes it dead.

If you live in non-love you live in a dead world.
If you live in love you live in an alive world.

But the wife will feel jealous.
You never caress your wife - she will think - so lovingly as you caress your guitar. You never play on the body of your wife so lovingly as you play on your guitar; she is also carrying a music in her.

Now she becomes jealous. She thinks,
"This guitar is a competitor.This guitar has to go."

If you are reading a beautiful book and you are engrossed in it and the wife is clamoring for attention around you, she will throw your book. She will say,
"This is too much!
I am here, and you are reading?"
Even love for a book can create jealousy.

If the wife is a painter the husband feels jealous;
he comes home and he sees the wife is painting.

But the whole phenomenon depends on one idea - very wrong-rooted, deep-rooted though it is, but absolutely wrong -
that love is scarce.
Save it,
save it only for those you love,
because you have only so much of it.

You don't have only so much of it.
You have only as much of it as you give.
By giving it you have it.

SHORT AUTHOR BIO:  K.Jagadeesh is perusing the PhD Psychology,(M.Phil) psychology, M.A.Psychology ,M.A. Hindi, B.A.Tamil literature, ( maths,and FCT in NIFT Chennai, and also finished praveenuttrath(Hindi). Trainer of yoga and meditation, tantra more than 25 years. He is also successfully running his own psychological counseling center past several years, name: Knight Dragon Tantra Galaxy. He is already published 10 psychological books Internationally, through Lap Academic Publishing Germany.

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