Saturday 23 November 2013

Tantra The Source Code for all Psychological Solutions By Ancient Tantra Techniques

Tantra The Source Code for all Psychological Solutions
By Ancient Tantra Techniques

Tantra What is this tantra what is the meaning of the tantra and what is the purpose of the tantra and when its created and why this is created where its created and whom its created these all answer no one knows because these is the thing always be in mystic if you find some time  logic some time its illogic some time its open some time its mystic because this is not created by one person or one sect or one nation or in one time, its created by lot of the persons lot of the sects lot of the nations and several times, because its not accredit to any one sect or any one nation it’s the assets of lot of sects lot of nations lot of persons and several times.  What is the meaning of tantra is the root of “tan” means body tra is the utility or usage, what is the purpose,  this is talking about  how to link with this physiological body and psychic body and spiritual body interconnection. When its created this is not say some time it’s not possible because this is not created by one particular time period because this is created by several nation and several sects according to their knowledge in several persons but we all are believed that this is created by one person who is name Siva that is the not really this is not created by any single person mainly this not created by males its real creator is females, its created by in ancient south India that is called the now days Tamil nadu, Andra Pradesh Pandicherry Karnataka and Kerala, these all the south Indian nation is basic creater of this things and others are African nation and China and Greek, Tibet and some other nation’s.   in this tantra first available book is Kapalikar Tantra but its not available in the written forms nowadays because this is long time before destroyed by some other sects or some other kings who is against this kapaliargal because these kapalikarkal is not mingle with ordinary people therefore they never understand this is the reason they all are seems to be against the ordinary people therefore the protector of the nation that is means the kings almost destroyed these type of the people some time after they go away from south India and settled with some other parts of the Himalaya and somebody escape to Arabian desert and china in this before the land way of India and Africa also divided by some tsunamis therefore African also divided or separated to this sects they also carrying this rituals and other things and this is also spread to Greek and other some nations. And lot of masters are available in thousands and thousand years before but nowadays very few real masters available but they also not carried same time of the tantra methods but they carrying some main practices but one thing is same for all that is the Tantra God that is not a god that is Goddess that is the females form we called that is the Maa, Kali, Tara but same goddess for all nation in their accent or in their nation language but remain same structure they all are carrying that is the one thing which is linked with this tantra but ritual and spiritual dimension and other different is there therefore we never understand that this is same thing but its same root or same thing and all the practices also the same for all but their all main practices is the same but some different types therefore we never understand this things.  And another thing is this is not practice of males it’s the practice of the females, in this means no man cannot enter the world of the tantra that means don’t take raw meaning of men and women physical forms it’s the mental or spiritual forms that is every male carrying female forms and every female carrying male forms that is not much different  I am here indicating this practices only suit for female mind not for male mind it may be in the form of women or men that is not consider here, only consider the thing is male mind or female mind that’s all nothing more, just like the way of yoga is not suit for female mind if you want to go to the yoga you should have the mind of male mind otherwise this is not suit for your if you have a female mind than you are not suit for yoga. Now we only having the some tantra books they indicated that the Siva is created this tantra but not it created not a male mind its only created by female mind therefore siva is not creator for  this may be sakthi is the created this but unfortunately we do not accepted this things because every spiritual scripture only created by male minded therefore they never accepted this things. But reality is its not created by male its only possible to created by females not a single female because we also know that here is available sakthi also in the lot for forms therefore sakthi is not a one single female it’s the lot of females forms. And when will it created it’s not created by only one time its created by lot of time because this not written by thousands and thousands years only transferred person to person after several thousands of the years it’s taken in the written from, therefore its always misunderstanding because its available in the written form at the time its take several misinterpretation or misleading things also included therefore its always misunderstand. Before you go to the tantra you must understand that what is the body and mind and soul or spiritual body then you will understanding this tantra otherwise you never understanding this mystic things of the tantra.
Tantra is not only the sexual guidance or guide it’s the purest form of the spiritual guide but unfortunately lot of the inclusion is add this therefore this is very misunderstand by century by century, first it’s not guided to how to make the sexual its guided to how ride out the sexual fantasy or sexual illness or it’s the guide of biological body using techniques and how to biological body become the spiritual one unfortunately nobody could not understand what is this really teaching because it’s always examples of the body and body nature therefore all are think that this is guided to the sex but it’s never guided the how to make the sex or intercourse its guided to sex transformation how to body does not oriented to the sexual factors because this is not created by ordinary mind persons or simple people its created by enlightened peoples therefore this is  not consider about the biological sex its talking about psychological sex and or another form of the sexual factors but we are always misunderstanding this things because we never practices anything like this we always consider one this that is biological body and its factor we never go deeper in the psychological factor if you go deeper in psychological factor then you will find out what is this but we stuck with our body and body nature therefore we never understand this therefore this is mainly talked  with the biological to psychological factor  when will we find out the psychological factor then we slowly understand the another forms of the mind factor we ordinarily think that  psychological factor and the mind is the same thing but it’s really not because we think that our thought process is the mind factor that is also not the mind factor mind is the thing which is not consisting anything like this but we always calculated that brain function is the mind function mind is also not the brain function brain is the instrument of the mind, mind is the factor of  our spiritual or soul process the tantra mainly talking about this soul process it’s not talking about mind also therefore we never understand this what its indicating. Really what is the meaning of the tantra and what is tantra indicating its clearly understand than we will go to the root causes of  this thing but unfortunately this things is really understanding the persons are very few but lot of the people guiding to this thing, first we choose this guru’s very carefully otherwise we never understanding this thing and another one thing this is  not a spiritual thing or unspiritual things its sometime says that some things which is seems to be the spiritual thing some time it says something is unspiritual things therefore before we practice anything first we leave your all philosophy and spiritual ideas and spiritual books and moral ideas then we understanding this if you carry this guru’s ideas or  any religious dogmas, or any moral ideas or any free planed philosophical theory or something then you never understand or you are not eligible for this tantra, only if you are like a neo born babe then you are the eligible for this without any judgments without any ideas about this then you are the eligible persons otherwise you are not suite for this tantra. Because tantra never give any nutrition to your any ideas or any dogmas or any spiritual things or any morality or philosophy or something its only given the ideas of knowledge to ignorant it’s not give you any knowledge its destructed your whole knowledge it’s never consider or its not consist any logical forms or something it’s never believe anything but its need your cooperation if you given your total cooperation then you will understand what is this tantra what its teaching or what its indicating if otherwise you are became delusion or illusion  yourself therefore I always warn everyone before you go to this practice you must throw your all moral briars or you neglect your all information knowledge or wisdom if you do this then it’s not danger for you if you not throw  your knowledge then it’s the en dangerous thing  ever.    

The tantra not even any one can un derstanding because of the practices does not exist because all the practices exist that is not given the or indication to the tantra, because every practices given by some unknown they all are not very famous because they never come and conduct any ordinary life or ordinary society they him/herself hid from the society and they never come and directly give any practices to ordinary people they given the practices to few choose people, therefore they also does not come and teach this thing for any society that is the main thing the tantra is never understand for the common people, because if they reach in the higher society then its easily spread to the society but unfortunately this is not happening very long time when will the one type of Buddha hood exist in this planet then there must be some hand behind that is tantra. All are think that the tantra is  not having any practices but its having lot of practices but its exist in the way of yoga, in deep root you will travel then you will find what is the different yoga and tantra if otherwise no one cannot understand this things, mainly this is not a practice this is the way just you awaken your body mind and consciousness, mainly the tantra is consider as three part which is one is biological factor of the body nature and Psychological factor of the body nature and soul factor or spiritual factor of the body nature, all are only consider lot of the things in this biological factor only that is the main thing they all are fail to attain this tantra what it’s really indicated someone some time reached psychological factor this is also some rare phenomenon but this level reached the people very rare therefore lot of the unknown methods are slowly disappear and after this psychological factor then we will reached the soul factor or spiritual factor if we fail in the biological factor then also you never reached the psychological factor if you understand this then you will come nearest tantra if otherwise you do not come to understand the tantra. Ok we will go to the root of the tantra that is the biological body and its function how to control this biological factor of the body
and how can developed this body nature because how can extended this biological body log time like three to five  thousand years or more because this is the very nature of the body extend without this practice also this biological body lives nearly 500years but unfortunately they people psychologically feel or see that every one of the planet of the human almost live 100 years therefore they think that we are also live in between this 100 this psychological factor slowly dominated human kind and slowly human kind leave their body with in this period that is the factor of human kind , here I am assure that if we understanding the tantra then you will reach the your biological level also very higher comparing this time factor of ordinary man living time.  Because I know the secret of the tantra very basically it is consider about the biological factor is very high. Mostly this practices make human kind will live in this planet very higher time period because tantra conceder the biological body when will complete their needs then they reach the higher level if otherwise this is not happen, therefore they need human kind live long time and understanding biological factor full then they reach the higher level of the psychological factor if otherwise they never known about this all things therefore the tantra consisted the methods is very positive manner of life extend factor for each and every practices. Mainly these practices consider first body factor or biological factor how can synchronize there for they consist these practices very carefully and build it. First we consist this biological body practices which is we called Yoga Asanas then its move to the next which is breathing  then its move to the Danas then its move to the next level which is we called spiritual level it’s not a methods but its sudden awakening state of the biological and psychological body nature.
We first consider this body nature and its consisting 22 chakras which is start from human Legs to Human head, at 11 chakras and another eleven chakras is consisting about the head and reverse with the body in out circle. I will explain how can we practice this all chakras can be activated I mostly use the methods is some mixing methods which is awaken your biological psychological and soul nature. Therefore I am here consisting biological practice in 22 and afterwards I will consist the psychological then I will consist soul factor or spiritual factor. In between I will consist the methods which are also given one super natural power.  I will slowly explain this all things basic to basic less.
Because I never given any explanation which is not understand by the common people because I am always knows only one thing which is the common people can understanding then that is the successful way if otherwise that is not successful thing in this universe, because every common people is the basic in this planet of the earth but unfortunately every philosopher and every scientist always given the examples that is not reached ordinary people then how can they come and understand because they always know only thing which is basic if  you given the basic ideas or basic understanding then that thing is reached very easily, therefore I am always consider this factor and given the all solution to ordinary people easily understanding ways therefore I always speak in ordinary simple language, and one another thing I am  not a very good lit rater I am just the ordinary person like every one therefore I am understanding all the people how to know the things and their conceptual therefore I am always consider to given anything’s which is easily understanding to the common people. In this book also I am used simple language that is easily understanding every common people may be my words are little bit error but my meanings never been given any error to any one if you open your heart and you will eared my voice if you close your logic mind then you will automatically find what I am here indicating if otherwise you hardly get this what am really talking. Because I am not a man of genius I am a man of lunatic I never consider any generousness in myself I am find me that is only thing I am here always moment to momentum.

These all practices easily understanding thing if you aware and you are really need yourself  improve and your nature get upwards and your life real being is awaken then you continue this reading otherwise you go and search for the genius who is given by quote by quote by others lit rater, because I never given any quote for any lit rater because I am not a genius that is real thing, I only need who is carage to develop their real being and who is not hanging over any moralities or godly dogumas or blindly following any spiritual books or blindly follow any religious rotten things they never come here because I am not for those people, because I need pure heart people not a pure brainy people, I am not supporting any logical things I am supporting illogical some time my things given you very big emptiness sometime my things given very big nonsense that is defend on your mind and mind factor therefore don’t bother these things and just do what I am here indicating which is am I here indicating because my practices are very difficult to understand but easily practicable because my practice is basic thing therefore everyone in this planet of the earth will easily practice if you want to any theoretical then you go any fake guru’s or any paramashadeve any sankaracharya any messiah any last massenger of the god or avathar or any bhagavan or any sri sri, or bojia sri or Prophit or last massenger of of or something, because I never wanted to follow any one I wanted one thing which every oridnary human being understanding nothing more therefore before enter my practices you always things twise are thries or lot then you will enter, because these practices not a simple practices its very endangerous thing who is living in mind it’s not endangrous who is living in heart therefore always aware one things if you enter this practice you must decide yourself if it’s necessary for you or not if you could not decides then don’t do this practices just wait and watch out what is your real being its need or not then you will do this practice. If otherwise any one can do this practice very easily but one thing this practices not for male mind its female mind oriented if you aware this thing then you will enter this practice.

There is some mystical thing in our biological body which is say our ancestor Chakras its located inside and outside of the biological body its lot of chakras is located here we taken some important chakras mainly we will take Eleven body inner Chakras and Eleven Body outer chakras which is used by Tantric practicenear its kept very secretly this is never known to other easily but the kapalikas or Agories practice or we called the
Siva yogis, because they only known throught this sivayogis but they never ritual  to the god of Siva they ritual goddess of Sakthi or Kali or Tara or some goddess in female forms. They all are very well to know this is not a practice of the male mind or male forms therefore they himself change their ideality or their character if they did not change their morla value or identity then they never reach the highere level therefore they never come and mingle with the ordinary people some time their ritual is very different form others who is living in the ordinary world some time their practices does not kown ordinary people or ordinary world. They never femiler to common public that is the main reason for they all are mistakly identify by the public with fear or respect. Some time they get respect sometimethey get fear, this is the main reason for this practices does not exist in public. Ok we will come to the practrice I am here indicating some secret chakaras which is commony used by this yogis long time before because this practices now does not known any one because they all are migrated to another religion or another kind of the world because lot of the truble they faced mainly in the Muslim or Islamic dynasty they all are forcefully converted by the Muslim or killed by the Muslims but their ideal are now also worshiped with another kind but unfortunatly this is hide by the some historian because they never known about this or they fear about the islamic rulers or mass of the islamic , they all are some time before in south part of the india to Migrate Turkey or Arabian desert or Maxican or Austrolia or Russia or some part of the China and Himalas or Tibeth or some part fo the Africas, America.etc., What we called the tantra simble that one of the gretest thing human ever made because the simble is linga which is come from the root of the female  gential organs and male  genital organs in reverse direction. Because when will the raw power of sexual energyraised in reverse or not fall in down word  direction its raise in upword dirction its indicated this linga, but unfortunatly the all religious people think that, that is simply sexual identy  the  male and female organs, but it’s not represent the this only it’s the secret of energy flow of sexual energy its that is the secret of this because naturally the sexual energy fall down that is in natural phenomena but in this simple indicating with reverse direction why because they know secret how can it raises in upward direction that is the great secret of this simple. Because natural is given the thing of human sexuality always falls down if you able to raise your sexual energy then it will make the thing is amazing that is the indication of this simple. But all the literature and all the scripture which is indicating the tantra does not know this secret therefore they could not clearly explain this thing, because human mind always thinking that the sexual energy is the contaminated thing therefore they never spoken this thing because they feel guilty, but real thing is not given any guilty, if you used your raw energy that is your sexual energy with consciousness then this things happening, without the consciousness you never get this thing, therefore all the people of the world always contaminated the sexual energy, that is only the energy, the energy never be a positive or negative that is natural, if you use in positive way it makes positive thing if you used in negative way it makes negative thing. But unfortunately we never known this secret we always condo mined this sexual energy, if you used this energy with consciousness then it’s make another things, but if you not aware about this then you never used this in right direction. What is the right direction, I can explain you if you having the sexual energy when we born at the same time it’s the energy gives  human growth, without this any human never raise their growth because this is the creator of all thing like our mental ability and physical ability likewise.  If you don’t have this basic energy then your biological and psychological thing will automatically vanished, but all the scripture and all the morality and all the religion and all the god and baghavans and avatar and thirthankars, and messenger of god and messiah and other always condo mined this why because they don’t know how to use this that is the main reason for this, if they know this then how can come this condemnation, it’s never condemned atoll , but they blindly condemned this thing because they know the secret that they don’t need human can grow naturally then they fall down, because their dogmas fall down, if their dogmas fall down or their morality can fall down then who can worshiped them. Therefore they never accepted this thing, because all human is the weakest animal if their weakness know himself then they grow up, and fall all the isolation and ideology and fall down their morality then who can follow them, therefore they always condemned and control over the human race for their things, so fair in every religion is created by only human being not a higher power or something, but they does not accepted this because they hide their inferiority shown their superiority, really they have superiority then how can they need control over the humanity, real superior person never wanted anyone who is inferior they come their under its not possible because real superior person never wanted this, but they all are inferior persons therefore they hide their inferiority and show their false superhot and control over the human race so fair. Therefore they always contaminated this raw source of the energy that is sexual energy, because if any human can identify their sexual energy is the original or there is no sin then they never accepted this all people like god avatar, thirthankars,  bahagavans, messiah, or messenger of god or the last messenger or god they throw him in dustpin.if they identify their sexual energy is the virtue or not a sin then used this and they always disobedience in nature, if they disobey then who can control them that is not possible thing, because whenever the sexual energy is in peak then no one can bother about anything that is the quite nature, if they do not bother about anything then where these all god, avatar, thirthankars, messiah, messenger of god, the last messenger of god, or bahagavans goes, they never consider these all peoples. Therefore they don’t want to know this thing therefore they blindly condemned this sexual energy. And they wanted to show they are all superior then them, because they always hide their sexual things and show their highereness, if ordinary person does not control over this sexual energy therefore they feel inferior, therefore the ordinary human respect this peoples. And respected this unnatural phenomenon of Bramacharya, what is the meaning of this bramacharya, that is not a natural thing at all, but they all are imposed this in their morality and created if anyone who cannot rid  about this they all are sinner. Naturally no human being is follow this because if they follow the bramacharya then he need to control over the natural thing of sexuality, the sexuality is the raw source of all human being then how can its control over its not possible, when its possible if anyone who is impotent then it’s possible otherwise this is not possible for anyone, but these all god, baghavans, thirthankars, messiah, messenger of god, lastmessanger of god and avatar all are rapidly condemned this then they feel that they all are right we are wrong, therefore the ordinary people feel inferior then them. This feeling makes them they follower of this people. Therefore this people always imposed this bramacharya, and make them all ordinary people become slave. This people never given the understanding of the real thing they always hide their nature and always created the rules and regulation or moralities, this moralities make the thing is only one thing that is the religion, what is the religion, religion is nothing but the hanging over the moralities that is not doing anything for this human kind its make human being inferior nothing more then that. If the human feel inferior then they always be a superior, this is the curicial idea, but this idea is works very well for century by century, but some people real people who knows this thing they all are aginst this all so called superior people, and destroy their all moralities.  

Basically first Biological Chakaras which is known to the Seven Chakars but tantric used the Eleven chakaras which is follow:
1.     The Artha Padma Chakrar which is situvated by Mid of the Two legs Palms  in half on one foot and another half on one foot.
2.     The Artha Ramya Chakaras which is situvated by Mid of the two leges  or nees half in one leg and another half in one leg.
3.     The next one is Moolathar Chakara which is situavated in Starting Point of the Spinal Card or situvated inside of the Anus.
4.     The next one is Swatistana Chakaras which is situvated by Third Spinal Card bone or the inside the testes or Sexual Glonds.
5.     The Next One is Manipuraka Chakaras which is located the Fifth spinal Card borne or inside of the navel or mid point
6.     The Next is Artha Chandra Chakaras which is located in your two hand palms and this point is located in side of the seventh spinal card or above 2inches in the Navel point to below the two inches of the Heart point.
7.     The next is Anakatha Chakaras its is Ninth spinal card bone or inside of the heart.
8.     The next is Visuithi Chakaras its located by eleventh Spinal card or below the neck and spinal card mid point its located inside of the vocal card.
9.     The next is Artha Krishna Chakras which is located by Two Eye bolls midpoint.
10.          The Next is Anna Chakras which is located by pineal glands or mid of the eye brow inside one and half inch inside.
11.          The Last or End of the Biological chakras which is located by the mid of the head inside one and half inches.
These all the eleven chakras is located in the Biological  Body inside and another Eleven chakras is located out of the Biological body and mingle with each chakras which is called negative chakras I will explain this chakras later. Because I am here first given the practices how can induce the biological chakras first then I will explain how can induce the outer chakras or negative chakras.  

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