Monday 11 November 2013

 Tantra Temples in Khajuraho -  1000 years ago Tantra was a tremendously alive phenomenon. Thousands of Tantrika's came from all over India and even from faraway countries. Khajuraho was the "Mecca" of the Tantra adepts. In the Temples of Khajuraho the secret intiations and rituals took place under the guidance of the Tantric Masters. Nowadays Khajuraho is just a touristic attraction with thousands of visitors. The ancient secrets seem to have faded and only the temples and statues, all of them severely damaged and robbed, bear witness of a different time, a time full of worship, devotion, dance, sacredness, meditation. A time where the adepts came together to deepen their experience of love and consciousness. It all seems far away. But still, if you go early in the morning, when the tourists are still sleeping in their 5star hotels, and you visit the temples and absorb their fragrance with an open heart, full of wonder and awe, it is possible that you get transferred to that ancient time, and you feel the mystery of ancient days is still alive and vibrant in the stone, in the beautiful forms... We show you some impressions, so that maybe one day you feel like going there and sitting in silent meditation, so the stones, the statues can start to speak to you too.... The ancient art was not only art; it was, deep down, mysticism. Deep down, it was out of meditation. It was objective, in Gurdjieff's terminology. It was made so that if somebody meditates over it, he starts falling into those depths where God lives. Khajuraho or Konarak -- if you meditate there, you will know what the Tantra masters were doing. They were creating in stone something that is felt in the ultimate orgasmic joy. It was the most difficult thing to do, to bring ecstasy into the stone. And if the stone can show the ecstasy, then everybody can move into that ecstasy easily. But people who go to Khajuraho are foolish people. They look either at Khajuraho sculpture as obscene -- then they miss the whole point, then they are seeing something which is within their own unconscious; or they are too moralistic -- then they don't meditate on any statues, they are in a hurry to get out of the temple somehow, they just throw glances. Khajuraho sculpture is not just to see, it is for meditation. Sit silently and meditate for hours. If one goes to Khajuraho, one should live at least for three months there, so he can meditate on each possible inner posture of orgasmic joy. And then, slowly slowly, the at-onement, slowly slowly, the harmony; then suddenly you are transported into another world -- the world of those mystics who created this temple.
A Story of Isis Isis owned her own cruising boat. Only her most trusted advisors, her most valued serving people would be given the privilege of traveling with her, for the sole purpose of this boat was that she was fully pleasured while on board. Isis was very beautiful. She would be disrobed under a shade sail and all those around her would gasp "Look how beautiful!" As she lay down upon an aromatic raised bed, one of her bands of musicians would begin to play gently in the background. The sounds of shawms, drums and temple bells floated through the air as she looked up into the deep blue heavens, gazing only upon starlight. Tiny honey beeswax candles flickered all around. Palm leaves fanned her cheeks. Isis would begin to breathe deeply and let her cares slip away...... As the boat launched upon the waves, Isis did not know where her journey would take her yet trusted that all was perfect. At her destination, all would be well. Meanwhile, she closed her eyes in deep gratitude and a smile formed upon her graceful face as she anticipated the pleasures ahead....... First her naked body was covered with warm moist towels. When her skin was cleansed and refreshed, her masseuses would arrive. Anointing oils of sweet almond, spicy orange, cinnamon and minty aloe were rubbed slowly into each part of her skin. Particular attention was paid to her head and neck, her spine and shoulders, her arms and hands, her legs and feet. Each time she was turned over, she would hear the faint murmurs of "Look, she's so beautiful!" Then her specialist Feminine Intimacy Coaches would arrive and commence massaging deeply into each breast simultaneously. These coaches were highly trained and specially selected to guide Isis in developing and heightening her feminine power throughout her life and into her lives to come. Each time they worked with her was an immense pleasure for she received greater depth of intimate knowledge and enjoyment of her own unique and increasingly beautiful body and her sense of self grew secure, powerful and fortress-like. A loving, nurturing relationship had developed between Isis and her trusted Intimacy Coaches. They wanted to ensure she felt her most heightened pleasure for the longest period of time under their tutelage. Their goal was always to promote her ecstasy for longer periods each occasion. The steps leading up to these transporting periods of time were considered highly sacred, as Isis would access insights of other space-time realms during them, if prepared well enough. After her nipples and areolas had been fully aroused, drawn out, and lines drawn from her armpit over her nipple and down to her vulva enough times, the attention would turn fully to her vulva. It was very important she felt a satisfactory time had been spent on her upper body before this next more intimate level of pleasuring commenced, so Isis was always consulted at this point. When she consented to the next level of intimacy, it was consenting to being entered by one of her trusted coaches' hands and fingers, a matter of high worth and prestige. While this First Coach now had the coveted position of bringing Isis to fully formed deep arousal and orgasm, over and over, in as many creative ways as possible, the Second Coach maintained well-oiled massaging of Isis' breasts and nipples. The Intimacy Coaches would swap roles during the hours spent in this sacred ritual. The Second Coach would also have the role of observing Isis' level of response and stimulation, and of directing when a change was required for her benefit, as the leading goal was always to keep Isis at peak levels of climax for as long as possible, so she could access this higher knowledge along with receiving maximum pleasure. The Second Coach was also responsible for maintaining Isis' level of fluids, her temperature and her body's need for more oil. On receiving Isis' consent to bodily penetration, a moment accorded great honor and achievement, the First Intimacy Coach proceeded to spread Isis' legs very wide apart, rub them into comfort and lightness, and then take time to massage thick juicy oils into her whole vulva. These outer lips protecting her vaginal zone were worked on with great reverence until her walls became swollen red with anticipation. The First Intimacy Coach would touch her clitoris gently, brushing by it nonchalantly on the way to massaging her pubic bone. All of Isis' chakra centres were by this stage thoroughly awakened and aroused, though her Sacral Chakra was revisited many times to access her highest sexual self. This was located low on her abdomen just above her pubic bone, and was rubbed in a circular motion or pulsated in and out. Beneath this place within the female body there are considered to be a range of arousal spots such as the G-spot, and it can give much pleasure to be pulsated here regularly, such as in between orgasms and to check on water level within the body. With hand firmly pressing on this chakra and her pubic bone, the First Intimacy Coach would reach inside Isis' quivering vagina with firm fingers, and gently explore all the special soft places on her inside walls, from just inside her entrance to deeper inside, around bone structures, up front and back walls, and side to side before pulling his hand out to massage her clitoris and bring her to further delight. The First Intimacy Coach would alternate between these two actions according Isis' deepening level of arousal, her vocal sounds, her need for a quiet break. During breaks, Isis' outer body would continue being massaged gently throughout, as it was known that this time plateau was a meditative space for her. Isis's breathing and heartbeat would slow right down while she received knowledge in pictures and scenes and even conversations from her Higher Guides about other worlds and possibilities. This period would be an opportunity for the Intimacy Coaches to discreetly swap roles, often without Isis noticing since the two coaches were very skilled in keeping up her breast massage and contact with her skin without a break while they moved around changing positions. The new First Intimacy Coach now had the enviable role of deepening Isis' orgasmic experience even further, building and capitalizing on every sensual and sexual achievement so far. By this stage, Isis would experience the sensation of splitting wide open, her body bared for all to see, and the First Coach would be enabled to reach in deeper still and stroke and stimulate her in previously hidden and unexplored intimate places. Her vocalizing and bringing of Amrita fountains to the surface was encouraged and highly prized by all upon whom her droplets fell. This was considered high good luck as an extraordinary level of health would be experienced thereafter. In fact, it was an ecstatic feeling to be bathed in Isis' waters, so often her followers leaned in at the height of her orgasmic flow! The Intimacy Coaches would alternate roles to prolong and extend Isis' own experience for as long as she wished it. Often she would need to stop after a number of hours and refuel her body with grapes, wine as well as water, and protein-rich food which had been beautifully prepared for her, before a new regime would begin all over again. Or Isis would request some time out just to lie still in the warmth of the Egyptian evening air, gazing at the stars.......

NO:90, Mouna SwamyMadam Street,
Venkatapuram, Ambattur,
Chennai – 600053.
Tamil Nadu, India.
Mobile: +91-009841121780. 009543187772, 009171617660.
Land line:+91-044-33460196.

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