Thursday 21 November 2013

Tantra the Mystic Path of Clairvoyance Volume-10 By Ancient Tantra Techniques

Tantra the Mystic Path of Clairvoyance
By Ancient Tantra Techniques

When the human get their own natural powers, this is very simple thing, but now it’s all become very critical, why because human mind has been Pre-programmed by  these all religions and moralities and god and godly dogmas and religious creators and others. Therefore they never understand what is their own capacity or potentialities, if they know them self then they move towards the highness, but unfortunately the human does not move towards the highereness therefore they forget their own capacity and potentialities, if they recognize their own capacity or potentialities then they human never stuck anywhere and they never fight with each other and goes down wards. But this things why happen when this all moral codes given by this religions and religious creator and god and godly dogmas. If they clearly understanding this things and throw these all moralities and god and godly dogmas and religions and religious creator then they move towards their own highereness automatically. When  they know them self without any delay then they never wanted any things like this type of the practices or anything, they already having this all things them self. Therefore this all practices does not want them, but now this situation will be reverse, each and every things they forgets, therefore these all practices and techniques they need now. These all practices which is given here all the things are mere simple techniques, but this techniques and practices will lead the humanity their own highereness, if  you carefully do this things then you will automatically find out your own self , when you find out your own self then this practices does not use. Therefore I am always try to says each and every one here these all practices are mere practices only but this is the way therefore don’t forget any rules and regulation, just simply do this things when you find out the real things yourself then throw this all practices and rules and regulation and other things. Because this all things indicating here are mere understanding your own self, if  you understanding your own self then this practices does not use for any purpose. Just throw it and go your own self guided ways that is the secrete of this all techniques. but before you must follow each and every steps clearly and do all the practices that is the main things. When you find your own ways or your own self then this things may be use may not be use that is your own things, but this all practices are simple and easy, just do with carefully and find out your own inner that is the important for these all practices.   

Tantra the Master Code for all Psychic Power or Intuitive Power. 

Tantra the Master Code for all Psychic Power or Intuitive Power. 
Really what is human capacity, why human does not explore this things so far, why human does not recognized its own power, why not any one give this techniques really or explain this things really, why human so far does not uses its own   power , they really know this things are  not, this is the biggest question. Human really does not have this all things or they does not know how to use this things. What are this blockages, control this things, if you then how can they throw this blockages and overcome this things . many more things are be there. But really its seems to be many more things, but  really why do not uses this things, then we clearly see the root then you will find, only one things is there that is the religions or gods or religious dogmas or moralities or religious creator or religious leaders or some of the moralities creators hand beyond this things. Because human when cut out this nature, or does not understanding their own nature that is the barrio of  all the things. Why they cut the nature, if  they really cut the nature, or its seems to be. Because the existence never beyond them, then how can they cut   this things or miss the real things. That is only reason for all the religions and religious dogmas or creator or god or godly dogmas. Because any religions or god never allow them alone, because all  gods and   godly dogmas never leave human alone, the all religion and religious creator and god and godly dogmas and moralities creator  programmed each and every humans basically, with their doctrine theories, therefore the all human does not go beyond this things and does not really understanding their own capacity or potentiality. If they understanding their own capacity or potentiality then this all things are very easy, or they cut the root of the all religious dogmas or doctrine theories then they easily find out their own capacity and potentialities.  Why human need this all religions and religious dogmas, really they need this things or its programmed by this societies or other religious leaders. Human really need the society but without the individualities how can this society move in right direction. So far any religions or gods does not allow them to move highereness. Why because if they move higher   then this all worldly religions and the god and godly dogmas and all the moralities codes and other things seems to be waste. Therefore every religions and god and godly dogmas wanted every human does not understanding their own, therefore they always does not allow the human move towards their own individualities. Because this individualities never controlled by this societies or gods and religions, therefore they basically cut the root of this individualities. Because they wanted to survey, if they wanted to survey then no one cannot move towards their own highereness. Therefore all the religions are come to any forms and cut the root of the individuals. It’s may be  societies or moralities or love or Pride or prejudice or shame or grid or something like they come and control over each and every human. Therefore every human does not find their own individualities. If they recognized their own individuals then they wanted to know their own biological needs and psychological needs and cosmos needs. If they clearly understand what is the biological needs or what is the psychological needs and what is the cosmos needs then this all religions never exist in this planet of the earth. Then there is no societies or religions or moralities or anything exist. But the pure individualism exist. If this individualism exist then no war no pride no prejudice no desire nothing exist. Every individual separately and united with this existence  without any interfere of  others. But its seems to be very long process, but it’s very easy process.     But this religions and god and godly dogmas does not allow this things basically therefore they all separated. If any individuals can understand this then they will never separate from each others also does not disturb other without their limitation. If any one of the individuals think this then they never disturb others as well as they never allow to disturb , but they mingle with each other without any differences. If they understanding what is their own individualities then they clearly understanding their capacity and  power, if they easily find out this all intuitive powers and psychic powers and other things easily. But they need to cut the roots of the religious dogmas gods and other moralities, but when they understanding their capacity then they never harm to others in any forms. If then how can this world become worst, that is not possible, this world seems to be very glorious and calm and peace full, otherwise it’s never come to an end with this all wars and other things. Mostly the understanding of the individualities is the main reason for all the peace and end of the wars. Every human understanding or accepting their own nature without any duality then this world become one another dimension  


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