Sunday 17 November 2013

The tantra is the one of the greatest world never been understand by the people. Because of the miss understanding, world, it is not teaches any things like that sexuality, its teaches the entire understanding of the human body nature. It’s given lot of insight about the entire organs and entire senses. The all five senses how can work without any delay or distinguished, if you learn every practice of the tantra you will be surprised this things because the entire tantra world teaches how can stimulates your whole senses, in their entire usage. Because we here taken the touching senses also given one another dimension for entire humanity. Because if you practice this all methods you will be mastering over your touching senses. Because first given the six touching senses practice and here given the six touching senses practices will given you whole touching ability increases. You never heard these things with this much of the simplest ways. Because the all the mastering keys are does not given this much expandable practices, I am here given the entire touching senses practices will give you one another dimensional view, and expand your touching senses in its totality. Because I am here explaining very simple ways to increase these touching senses stimuli.
The tantra the mystical world never been understand by the common people. Because this is not a very critical practices or critical things but human mind become critical for century by century because of these religions and religious creators and god and godly dogmas created. Because the tantra is the master key for all searching of inner and outer world. Tanta does not divided anything like this inner and outer, because it’s the acceptance total acceptance. If you are living inner or outer but if you are accept yourself then that is the way to reach the point of your ultimate ecstasy. Because ordinarily every religions and religious dogmas and god’s and holly scriptures always divided the humanity in the inner and outer. If you accept the inner then you will deny the outer, if you accept the outer then you will deny the inner that is the division of the whole religions and god’s theory. But the tantra never divided, because there is no such division exist. Because tantra is the understanding not a theory. If you understand anything then you never divided anything, because the acceptance is the way to understand the ultimate ecstasy. In this tantra world there is not division exist, because if you are accept any things then where can this denies comes. It’s impossible, because divided mind is created the things is denial. Human never separate from this existence if he/she accept or not accept that is not a thing, if you are not accept then that your ignorant, if you accept then it’s your wisdom nothing more. Because the consciousness is the only key, if you are in consciousness then there is no division or anything exist. Tantra never says you are separate from this existence or you are included this existence, tantra only given the understanding what you are and why you are and why you are here. Because the consciousness there is no division or anything’s exists. Tantra give the consciousness, for everything if you do any small things or big things that is not a matter, if you do with anything conscious then that is the matter. You cannot follow any thing just follow yourself that is enough. Because with consciousness you can do anything is holly or virtue, without consciousness you do anything that is sin. Tantra never says you are the sinner or holier or anything just its give you the totality, you may understand your whole being or does not understand that is not the thing. Just do with anything with consciousness. Because this consciousness is make whole things holly there is no unholy or anything exist.
Human mind normally think that we are separate from this universe or existence. But really we are not separate from this universe or existence. Mind make the things is very crucial, therefore its always separated everything. Real human being is not higher then this universal being. Because this universal being is all is uniqueness. We are unique, the animals birds trees mountains sea, river or anything. Mostly this tantra always integrated everything with consciousness. If you may forget your wholeness some time, not always. Because this separateness never stands, if you forget some time we are separated. The tantra always given ideas of the wholeness. If you understand that then you never separated. Tantra first given the understand of the biological formation, then given the understanding of the psychological formation, then it’s given the understanding of the cosmos formation. Therefore its always start with this biological, these biological consist on the five senses. What are the senses is this, first touching senses, smelling senses, hearing senses, tasting senses, visual senses. These five things we ever used its totality. Never because we living this universal we are all uses some limitation for this senses. Because there is no purpose for this thing because of our living styles. If you change your living styles then we can use this things with totality. Because we are accepted the masters theories without knowing them, that is moralities, really this moralities is the main barrio of the losses our senses. If you remove this barrier then we use this things. Therefore tantra never accepted by whole society. Because the society never wanted to leave you alone, if leave alone from this society then you will be branded as a rebellious, this rebellious means not against the society but the society never allow any rebellious, because danger for this rebellious. If you go against society then you never accept any rules and regulation, because every human really does not need any rules and regulation, because this existence there is no rules and regulation ever exist. If there is no rules and regulation then how can anyone stand, this is the biggest challenge. If you not follow any rules and regulation then you are in your own way, it may be dangerous you will go you own accord. But the society never allow to go and find the truth. Because any one go against this rules and regulation and find the ultimate then slowly this society will disappear. If this society will disappear, then there is no such thing like family or anything exist. If the family is not exist then how can the society exist and how can the country exist or nation exist. Therefore the cunning human mind created this rules and regulation to control the humanity with limitation, really human does not have any limitation. Because the limitation does not exist. Then there is no religion exist, if the religions are not exist then there is no god’s exist. If god’s does not exist that the followers of the god’s how can stand. Therefore the crucial religious mind persons or religious creator and god’s does not wanted allow any individual.
Tantra basically rebellious ways. Because the rebellious never accept any rules and regulation. He/she makes their own rules and regulations him/herself. It may be right or wrong, he/she follows their own accord.
thanking you


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