Monday 4 November 2013

Tantra the final transformation of the human race

Tantra the final transformation of the human race  tantra is the final transformation of the human race why because the tantra ways or paths are not simply indicating only worldly things its go beyond and indicating lot of the things, which is gives you lot of the insight about our nature and biological and psychological and cosmos. The human race does not arrive here for stop here, its move towards their own ultimate, if they need the ways then some day they come to this path of the tantra otherwise they never move towards their own highereness, or ultimate. Because the tantra does not belonging to this earth plane only its goes beyond this earth plane and move in-depth of the existences ways. The existence so far no one clearly understand, why because they move towards this existence they remain feel that he never move one step also. Why because this existence does not comes any limitation therefore we make move towards that we will find this existence move forwards further. This things happen every one, when they move towards their ultimate path, because when you go and search you own ultimate, then also you feel that there is something miss that some things is the unknowable, this unknowable is one another kind of the things we lives in this things we know in this things we understanding in this things we could not explains therefore this unknowable always beyond every human therefore they always feel some type of the emptiness, this emptiness means there is no things or something, it’s the all things and  nothings. Therefore non is not clearly explain this so far, but this is when will know, when we go or move with this tantra methods we will find this unknowable otherwise this is not possible, may be you choose yoga methods or something’s but that things does not gives you any ultimate, because there is some subtle unconsciousness present , with this subtle unconsciousness you never  move towards this unknowable. Because this  unknowable when cut this unconsciousness then available otherwise you never touch this unknowable. Therefore the only way of this tantra you can reach this unknowable, therefore this tantra does not understanding to all, why because when your mind calculating something, or estimating something, or percept something or imagine something, or illustrated something, or hallucinated something you never come to understanding this tantra methods or practices or techniques. because really tantra does not have any techniques, its technique less techniques. or pathless path, or ways less way, methods less methods or practice less practice. Really tantra never teaches any techniques or practices or methods, its indicating all the practices or methods or techniques that is these all techniques or methods or practices are useless. Therefore tantra not a way its way less way. Therefore no one cannot that much easily understanding this tantra methods so far. Every human only know the two things that is positive or negative, but really there is no positive things exist without this negative. Also there is no negative things exist without this positives. Therefore tantra never teaches any positive ways or negative ways, its indicating this is positive or negative, if you go and choose any way you finally touch the ultimate, without this ultimate nothings is exist. That is the biggest secrete of this tantra. Therefore no one cannot exactly understanding what is the teaching of the tantra, why this is not teaching in some chosen ways, that is the secrete of this tantra methods or techniques or practices. If you go through this tantra methods there is no such peak and valleys available, if you go some direction you think that this is the valley then you feel at the moment you are in peak, if you go and you think that this is the peak at the same moment you will feel that at the same moment you will feel that is valley. This is the mystical thing of this tantra practices. 

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