Sunday 24 November 2013

Tantra the Logic or Mystics


When Love becomes a duty; then real love will never happen.
People go on teaching love. How can you love? Because of this teaching, love has become impossible. The mother goes on saying to the child,”Love me! I am your mother.” How is the child supposed to love? What is he supposed to do, in fact? The child cannot believe what to do, how to do it. And the mother goes on insisting. And the father goes on insisting,”when I come home, love is expected!” by and by the child become a politician; he start the politics of love – which is not love at all. He start playing tricks. He become deceptive. He smiles when the mother comes close and the mother feels “he love me”
He has to do these things because he depends on them; his survival depends on them. He is helpless. He becomes a diplomat. He does not feel any love but he has to pretend. By and by the pretension becomes so deep-rooted he goes on pretending his whole life. Then he loves a woman because she is his wife; then she loves a man because he is her husband. One has to love. Love becomes a duty. Can you think of any more absurd possibility? Love becomes a duty; one has to do it. It is a commandment; one has to fulfill it. It is a responsibility.

Language is needed to relate to people with whom you have no love relationship. non language is needed for people with whom you have a love relationship. One has to become innocent again like a child, and silent. Gestures will be there; sometimes you will smile and hold hands, or sometimes you will just remain silent, looking into each other’s eyes- not doing anything, just being the presences meet and merge, and something happens which only you will know—only you to whom it has happened. No one else will become aware; it happens in such depth. So feel happy next time , feel thankful that you are growing enjoy that silence; feel thankful that you are growing. Enjoy that silence; feel and taste and savor it. Soon you will see that it has its own communication; that it is greater and higher and deeper and more profound and that communication is sacred, it has a purity about it

Go to the sea and see the waves rising. Are the waves separate from the ocean? Is the ocean separate from the waves? Has anybody ever seen a wave separate from the ocean? Has anybody ever seen the ocean without waves? They are together. In fact to say “together” is not right, because they are one. What is a wave? – an ocean waving, an ocean in movement. And what is an ocean?-all the waves together, all the waving together. Waving is an aspect of the reality of the ocean. But words create separation. When you say “the wave,” “the ocean,” there is a difference. If you look in the dictionary, the dictionary cannot say, “the wave is the ocean” or “the ocean is the wave.” The dictionary will go into the etymology of the words “wave,” “ocean” – they are separate. The dictionary has to keep them separate, otherwise words will enter into each other and there will be great confusion. They have to be kept separate, compartmentalized. But only words are separate; in reality. Nothing is separate. The tree is separate, the earth is separate, but in realty the tree is never separate from the earth and the earth is never separate from the tree. In words the sky is separate from the earth, but in reality they are together. The reality is a togetherness. All things are hanging together, intertwined, members of each other. If you start working from one thing you will end up with the whole….

Some one says says that it is the nature of the master to change others; it is not an effort. Nothing is being done by the master, simply his presence….And if he appears to do something that appearance is just a trick because you cannot understand the language of nondoing. You can only understand the language of effort. So he creates a language for you. Even if you cannot understand his language, he can understand your language very well. Even if you cannot understand him, he can understand you very well. So he gives whatsoever you can understand and by and by your understanding grows. And one day when you really come to the point when you can understand a master, you will start laughing – because he has not done anything! But you will feel grateful in that moment, because without doing anything he has totally transformed you….

Before desire and before knowing. How can I say I am? A desire arises: with the desire, the feeling that “I am” arises. A thought arises: with the thought, the feeling that “I am” arises. Look for it in your own experience. Before desire and before knowing, there is no ego.
Sit silently, look within. A thought arises: you get identified with the thought. A desire arises: you get identified with the desire. In the identification you become the ego. Then think: there is no desire and there is no knowing and no thought---you cannot get identified with anything. The ego cannot arises.
Buddha used this technique. And he said to his disciple not to do anything else but just one thing: when a thought arises, note it. Buddha used to say that when a thought arises, note that a thought is arising. Just inside, note it: now a thought is arising, now thought has arisen, now thought is disappearing. Just remember that now the thought is arising, now the thought has arisen, now the thought is disappearing, so that you don’t get identified with it.

Whatsoever you practice, remember, practice cannot lead you to the natural, the loose and the natural, because practice means practicing something which is not there. Practicing means always practicing something artificial. Nature has not to be practiced: there is no need, it is already there. You learn something which is not there. How can you learn something which is already there? How can you learn nature, too? It is already there! You are born in it. There is no need to find any teacher so that you can be taught—and that is the difference between a teacher and a master.
A master is one who teaches you something, a master is one who help you unlearn all that you have already learned. A master is to help you unlearn. A master is to give you the taste of the nonpracticed. It is already there; through your learning you have lost it through your unlearning you will regain it.
Truth is not a discovery, it is a rediscovery. It was already there in the first place. When you came into this world it was with you, when you were born into this life it was with you, because you are it. It cannot be otherwise. It is not something external. It is intrinsic in you, it is your very being. So if you practice, says tilopa, you will not know that which is beyond practice.

Energy has been going downward through the sex center continuously for many births, so when any energy is created it will first try to move downward. That is why meditation sometimes will create more sexuality in you than you have ever felt before. You will feel more sexual because you have generated more energy than you previously had. When you have conserved something, the old, habitual passage is ready to release it. The mechanism is ready, the old passage is ready. Your mind only knows one passage – the lower one, the sexual passage – so when you are meditating the first movement of your life energy will be downward. Just be aware of it. Do not struggle with it; just be aware of it. Be aware of the habitual passage, be aware of sexual images; let them come. Be aware of them, but do not do anything about the situation; just be aware of it. The sexual pass...

Love is the ultimate in suicide. All other suicides are small suicides. Somebody commits suicide; that is only physical. Love is psychological suicide and meditation is spiritual suicide. In love you die psychologically, you drop the psychological ego, and in meditation you drop the very idea of the self, even of the supreme self. You become a nothingness…and in that nothingness blooms the white lotus of a Buddha
There is a deep desire in everyone to commit suicide for the simple reason, that life seems to be meaningless. People go on living, not because they love life, they go on living just because they are afraid to commit suicide. There is a desire to; and in many ways they do commit suicide. Monks and nuns have committed psychological suicide, they have renounced life. And these suicidal people have dominated humanity for centuries. They have condemned everything that is beautiful. They have praised something imaginary

A free man belongs to himself and nobody else. A free man is simply an energy with no name, no form, no race, no nation. The days of nations and races are past, the days of the individual are coming. In a better world - there will be pure individuals, perfectly free, living their life in their own way, not disturbing anybody's life and not allowing anybody to disturb their lives.

"Don't listen to anybody, you remain yourself. Just bypass them, be indifferent. If you go on listening to everybody, everybody will be prodding you to this way or that. You will never be able to reach your innermost center.
Everybody has become eccentric. This English word is very beautiful: it means off the center, and we use it for the mad people. But everybody is eccentric, off the center, and the whole world is helping you to be eccentric because everybody is prodding you. Your mother prodding you towards north, your father towards south, your uncle is doing something else, your brother something else, your wife, of course, something else — everybody is trying to force you somewhere. By and by, a moment comes when you are nowhere. You remain just on the crossroads being pushed from north to south, from south to east, from east to west, moving nowhere. By and by, this becomes your total situation — you become eccentric



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